A Twin's Fruition...

Monday, at school first period, with Airi...

With it now being the start of a fresh new week, mostly every student around me was in panic, cause'... The next two weeks were getting close to our exams.

I didn't mind at all, but I guess I can't say the same for my friends, and everyone else...

Between, class transfers, with Airi & Aya...

Airi contently said, ''So Aya... It's that time of the year, already, eh? Isn't it amazing how our time goes by so fast?''

Aya uneasily replied, ''Unfortunately, you're right on that account... (Awkward smile) Luckily, exams hasn't ever caused me that much plight before, so I shouldn't have to concern myself much...''

Airi replied, ''Whoaaa... They haven't? Are you that great at school subjects?''

Aya hesitantly replied, ''I wouldn't brag my scores, but I've managed to more than scrape by, so far. (Walking away) And Airi? I hope you have good fortune on your studies. (Chuckles) Now let's hurry to next period.''

Airi dazzled, thought, ''I have... gifted friends..... Yet, what about sis...?''

Evening, at home, with Airi...

I was done with my part-time job for the night, and I was curious about how my sister's day was. It's how I was lately, and I couldn't help it.

When I walked in, Ami was on the sofa, reading something on her cellphone, with some books on the table. I desired to ask her, but I was intent on fixing my severe habits, so I didn't ask.

Right after I walked past her, to go to my room upstairs, she stood up, and told me to halt.

Ami very hesitant, said, ''My sister... I feel that I should let you know something pressing..... (Blushes)''

Airi asked, ''Ami...? What's wrong?''

Ami resolutely said, turning around, ''It's come to my a-attention that as of late, that I never seem to have enough funds, so I decided... (Groans) since you already know of my future motivations...

I decided... that I'm am going to start tutoring for hire!''

Airi replied, ''...Uh?...''

Ami flustered, stated, ''You heard me correctly..... Lately, the allowance from our mother isn't enough to support myself, and this is the first step I realized that I require to major as a teacher one day...

Airi brightly said, ''Sis! -I'm proud of you! (Double slaps herself) Al-right! If that's how you feel, than I promise to root for my clever sister, and her noble dream!

In the words of captain Y*mi, from Dark Clover; '(Thumbs up) Go and push past your limits!'

Ami dejected, thought, ''Oh my god... (Sighs)''

[Author's Note]: If you don't understand that reference, search up the anime, 'Black Clover.'

My sister alerted me that cause' of her new job, there would be certain days when she wouldn't be home for a few hours.

It sounds like a lonely time, but luckily... I have a part-time job too, so it shouldn't be so bad. She told me that she got Aya to ask people in our class, if they needed a tutor, and some classmates did!

The next day, she already found her first person to tutor. Good luck, Ami!

Six days later, on the way to school, with Airi...

Airi intensely thought, while running ''Oh, Drats! I got too sucked into my morning anime, and I'm going to be late! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry up! . . . .''

Right as I was heading towards a intersection, in a fast flash, I heard the sweet meow of a cat from somewhere, then before I knew it, -somebody crashed into me!

Airi shouted, ''Oww! (Rubs her head, and looks ahead) . .Ah? Aya?!''

Aya worried, said, ''Airi! Ah-ah-ahh-Ah! -Sorry! It appears that I wasn't heeding my surroundings!''

Airi asked, ''No. Don't worry, I'll be fine.''

Aya frantically said, ''I'm really sorry! Please, forgive this chaos I caused! Ah?''

[Sudden meow]

Airi sweetly said, ''Aww! There's a kitten behind you!''

Aya calmly said, while petting it's back, ''I suppose I wasn't paying attention, and I swear, that this untimely fur ball jumped in my path out of nowhere.''

[Satisfied meow!]

Aya realized, and said, ''Uhh! We don't have time for this! The bell's going to ring any minute! We both need to move, quickly!''

Later, lunch period, on the school roof...

Me and Aya agreed to have lunch on the roof today. I felt curious and I desired to ask her if something was wrong. It was a feeling my gut was telling me...

Aya timidly asked, ''Oh...! You mean our incident this morning? Urm... (Looks down in regret) That was because...''

Airi asked, ''Aya...?''

Aya desolate, explained, ''The last few days... I realized that I was more delayed in my studies than I thought... I couldn't make heads or tails how I got behind like that.....

Usually, I can grasp everything easily enough, resulting in above A+ grades... Still.....

Earlier this morning, I was riding my bike with my mind trailing of into my own world, and that was when I almost ran into that kitten.....''

Airi stunned, said, ''Ohh! That was why?! (Speechless)''

Aya asked herself out loud, ''Why? What could have changed in the last year...?''

Airi said, ''In the last year.....? (Pieces it together) Ahhhhhh...! That's it! Aya? Wasn't not only months ago, that you started working part-time?!''

Aya asked, ''Wait. What...?''

Airi rephrased, ''Didn't you start focusing on helping your father, a lot more?''

Aya in shock, said, ''(Gasps) I can't believe that I didn't see it...! Wait, even if it is... what should I do to fix this crisis?''

A idea struck Airi, and she said, ''I think I have the perfect remedy! (Giggles)''

After school, at home, with Airi...

When I came home, and went inside. I saw that Ami was home before I was, in our living room. There was something I had to ask her, so I just got to the point. I asked-

Ami asked, ''You are wondering if... I can tutor your friend, Aya?''

Airi asked, excitedly, ''Please! Can you help her?! She is behind in her subjects, and I can't stand to see her like this!''

Ami wearily replied, ''Technically, it's not that big of a problem for me, however...''

Airi asked, ''Huh...?''

Ami hesitantly replied, ''I myself apparently face a problem... (Braves up) The other classmates of ours that I am currently tutoring... They said to me, that they don't appreciate my methods.''

Airi bewildered, asked, ''Uh... Oh, no! You don't mean?''

To be continued?