A Twin's Flourishment?

Are you all ready?! Cause' part two starts right now!!

Airi asked, ''Ami? What are you saying?''

Ami shakily replied, ''Um... My pupils didn't like the way that I tutored them... Now, I don't know what to do...''

Airi dumbstruck, asked, ''-AAAHHH-!! But, Ami?! Didn't you only start tutoring a few days ago?!''

Ami regrettably said, ''That's correct, however...'' ('However?') ''With each session... they only ended up understanding but a small quarter of...what I originally planed to educate them on...

After their time with me was done... They spoke up and... voiced their complaints.''

Airi timidly said, ''Ohh..... Okay... So, uhh..... What where their words to you?''

Ami bitterly answered, ''Urm! I don't know why I should tell you any of it, and yet... They said...

Male classmate D said, 'Uh, Miss Ayami? I'm sorry, but... I think half of what you told me could've been a a bit easier done... by someone else... I'm sorry, I didn't grasp all of that.....'


Female classmate E said, 'Miss Ayami? Could you rephrase that? I think like, that was bit too much history, all at once. My brain is totally like, cramped to the max! Ugh!'

And then...

Past Ami irately said, 'Shut up, and pay attention! I'm trying to say, -your calculus calculations are slightly off!'

Nervous male classmate F shouted, 'Grrhhh! -I can't take this!! That's it! All of this isn't working! I'm going for a walk! Please, just leave me alone...'

End of recollections...

Airi said, ''Al-right! Al-right! I think I get it...''

 Ami sorely said, ''I don't understand, what it is... that I'm doing wrong... And I must correct this error somehow... (Moans) That's why... I'm not too sure that I can assist your friend...

I might make it worse, so... don't bother with it... and let me sort this mess out...''

I felt confused, so I took her advice and went upstairs to my room to calm down, and relax... I cooled off with a bit of, 'Creature Crossing'.

Not even a full hour later, some kind-off idea hit me, and I rushed downstairs to correct her on something!

Airi shouted, ''Wait! Sis! Where are you?!''

Ami asked, surprised, ''Sister?! What are you doing?!''

Airi calmed down and said, ''I-I-I'm sorry for that. (Takes a deep breath) Sis! I had to say a thing to you!''

Ami still shocked, asked, ''Wh-What...is it! Get to this, 'something important'.

Airi keenly said, after a brief swallow, ''All of the things you told me about earlier... all it meant was that... -you just need a way to know where your tutoring is flawed, isn't that correct?!''

Ami mystified, asked, ''Hold on... Your point is...?''

Airi intensely said, ''What I am saying, is... if you yearn to improve... you just need someone who can tell you where your flaws are.''

Ami anxiously asked, ''I...don't know...about that... Urm...''

The next weekend afternoon, somewhere public...

To help my sis, I sucked Aya into our issues again, and all three of us went somewhere quiet that Ami decided on. Off course, she choose a library. Mm-Mm-mm!

Ami agreed to tutor Aya on a deal to grade my sister's tutoring with the always lovely, points system! Luckily, Aya is only faintly behind in every subject. Now, time to get on with the fun!

Aya sincerely said to Ami, ''Wow, Ami! How dutiful of you to work as a high-school tutorer. I'm proud of you. (Chuckles) Airi. You have quite the studious sister!''

Ami nervous, asked, ''Can we get to real task, here?''

Aya readily said, with thumbs up, ''Sorry, sorry. I'm ready to start, now!''

Time for a training mon-tage!!

Ami intently said, ''Now, let's see how you are at math first. Give me a summary of what you don't comprehend.''


Aya anxiously said, ''Ami? Can you please, explain that trigonometry equation a fair bit better?''

Ami tensely said, ''That was difficult, to you? Hrm...''


Ami stressed, ''Hold it! The answer that you just wrote. It's not correct, so erase it, and solve it again.''

Aya groans...


Ami nervously said, ''Right. Now that I finished reading the history of Japan's modernization era. I need to test your history knowledge. (Clears throat) 'What age did Japan's official Meiji reforms start?'

Aya anxiously said, ''18... 12...?''

Ami said, ''No, no! Somehow, You managed to be off by a few years. Getting it wrong is a offense to our lineage! Try again!''

[People nearby, shush her.]

Ami said quieter, ''I beg of you. Recall correctly what I read to you...''


Ami asked, ''Please, answer. What is the English word for 'miscellaneous?'

Aya brightly replied, ''Mhm... -miscell-eneoust!''

Ami exhaustedly replied, ''Oh-my-lord...! Where do I start with the errors in that dreadful pronunciation?''

Aya asked, ''Aww... I didn't say it right?''

Airi said, ' 'Uh, s>s? I th m-my

Ami wearily said, ''It shouldn't be a concern, since... you never have anything important to say to begin with...''


Aya asked for clarity, ''I think I actually comprehend it... On this map, Japan's distance to Asia is 200 kilometers. Am I right on that matter?''

Ami thinks it over, and replied, ''Ah...! (Nods) You gave a perfect answer. Maybe, we're are finally moving in the right direction. (Inspects book) Next: Let's move to your next question.''

Aya merrily said, ''Ah...? (Smiles) I'm ready!''


Ami said, ''Please, answer by filling in the blanks of the story title and author: Who wrote the classic story, ''The Fiend with *blank* Faces.''

Aya hesitantly replied, ''(Thinks deeply) Hold on! I think I remember! It's, 'The Fiend with Twenty Faces,' by Edogawa Ranpo!''

Ami took a moment, and said, ''Hrm... I can't believe it! You got it right.''

[People nearby, shush them again.]

Aya quietly thought, ''I am half-way there. I think i'm catching up now...! Right now, I feel like Airi always looks!''

Montage over, and now it is after 4:00 PM.

Aya collapses her arms on the table, and said in relief, ''It's over...! I can't believe how laborious her tutoring really was...! She is something, isn't she?

My head feels so overstuffed, and after all that, I'm not complete on my understanding of every subject yet...''

Ami excitedly thought, ''Stuffed?! (Stresses out mentally) Hold on, hold on! You know it was a figure of speech! Get a grip!''

Aya rushes and said, realizing, ''Oh, I almost forgot! (Writes on paper, rapidly) Ami? Here's your collective final score on tutoring me today. (Giggles innocently)''

Ami asked in shock, ''4-4-42, out of 100?!? (Can't stand straight) Um, Aya? Are you pulling a joke, or was my tutoring seriously this f-flawed?''

Aya said with a smile, ''Nope. Your sister begged me earlier today to score you, as firmly as I could manage... That paper right there, is my fully-fledged final grade on your skills.''

After that brutal delivery by my best friend, my sister fell to her knees right there, when the pure cold-hard truth hit her!

Ami thought, ''4-4-42?!? That's all that I received??? What a severe grade! (Cover face in shame)''

Aya said to Airi, as she walked forward, ''I'm burnt out, and (Stomach rumbles) ...starving now... (Touches stomach) Maybe I'll stop by somewhere on the way home... Somewhere... cheap...

Excuse me, Airi? What did you do, while I was learning over there?''

Airi merrily said, after a giggle, ''You mean me? I spent my time getting caught up on one of my favorite Shoujo Manga series. (Closes book) Here it is!''

Aya read, '...Kagura-Sama: Love Is...A War!' ''Ahh! I think... I heard some fellow girls discuss this manga formerly! . .I assume you enjoyed it's current contents?''

Airi festively replied, ''Mm-hm! It was very interesting! In this chapter I just read, the main characters had something called, 'Romance manga brain.'

''To their eyes, they couldn't stop viewing everything as romantic, when it wasn't! What a funny riot, all of that was!''

Meanwhile, with Ami...

Ami fiercely thought, irritated, ''I never predicted that my educating would be disliked this much... If I was was a teacher as I am currently... It would be most likely that over half of them would fail, or flunk...

A grade of 4-42? 42? If my grade was this low, from her honest opinion... I... I... I..... (Honestly looks at the points) -Then it means that I will have to find some way to advance my skill, and... reach my dream!

I will reach it! One day, -I will!!''