A Meeting Of Twin Fates?!

Early Monday morning, with Ami...

It was time to wake up, and prepare myself for another day of class. Despite that, I didn't manage to get my full rest, because... I still couldn't stop thinking of what my sister's friend said to me, about my 'disposition.'

Ami glumly thought, ''Aya..... She spelled out for me... that all of my adversities were caused...by my own 'bitter attitude.' . . . .The way that she stated her words... Why did it feel so painful?

If her assertions were true... How do I correct myself? I need a solid way to solve all of my problems. But, how do I find the solution...?

(Thinks deeply) I wonder if the answer.....has to do with.....our parents? After all, we don't know why they spilt up...to began with.....?''

After prepping for school...

Before we left for school, I warned my sister to give my privacy, and closed my door. I wanted to speak to our mom on my cellphone, about a pressing matter.

Ami nervously asked, ''Mom? Are you there?''

Rei replied back, ''Uh-? Ami?! O-Oh, Hi! How are you, my daughter?!''

Ami asked, ''Is this a good time?''

Rei tensely said, ''Yeah. I don't mind. I haven't been called for any modeling jobs, yet, so you're fine, darling! Now, tell me. Why are you calling? Is there a real reason, or what?''

Ami anxiously explained, ''Um, where to start? . . . .''

I had to leave for school, very soon, so I had to figure out how to summarize my recent events to mom, very quickly.

I told her about my new tutoring job, and then I enlightened her of the facts of my sister's friend, and what she stated to me.

Off course, my mom found it hard to fully comprehend me, due to the way that I speak...💧

Ami timidly asked, ''Mom? Can you tell me..... I was curious in...who I inherited my traits from? Mostly you, or maybe from our dad? Do you know?''

Rei thought hard and answered, ''Darn! Uh, sweetie? It's hard to fully answer your question. I thought I knew your father well, but I can't say.

I don't grasp all of that 'DNA trait' business, the best, but... I do recall... When you two girls were still babies.....

Your father said a bunch of times, that you had my face, and sometimes... you got upset at certain stuff just like I did. Though, what was really h^ll of' confusing was that also as a baby...

You kept trying to open up books by yourself, like your father, so -I don't know!''

Ami glum, said, ''Oh..... Alright. Hrm... Thanks...for trying your best, to explain it... (Looks at clock, and shouts) Excuse me, mom! I have to leave now, or I'm going to be late for class!

Talk to you another day! Urm, bye! (Hangs up)''

Rei irritated, thought, ''D*mn it! I rarely get to talk with her...! Tch-! . .So, that's her life lately, heh?''

Meanwhile, the twin's father, on the public bus...

Kosuke eagerly thought, ''Perfect! Now that I caught my bus in time, I hope to not be late for today's, pivotal group debate. (Phone rings suddenly) Uh!-UH!-Uh!

Kosuke shouted loudly, ''(Inspects) Rei?! Eh! Why would she call me?! . .! (Notice's people's looks) How..... unimaginable.....''

[Answerers cell]

Kosuke uneasily said, ''Uh, hi there.''

Rei irritably said, ''Good, I caught you. Shut your mouth, and listen up!''

A bit of explanation/arguing later...

Kosuke fidgetily asked, ''So, That is what our girls are grappling with, as of late? Um... o-kay, fine. And, why was it so necessary to call me, on the spot, like this?''

Rei angrily replied, ''I don't know, myself. Let's just say, I felt like it was best to let you know! . .Now that I feel content, I'll hang up now, so, good-bye! (Ends call)''

Kosuke bewildered, thought, ''Ohh, boy..... What was all of that strangeness, about? (Calms down) Ami... She's becoming more and more inquisitive, about her parents, is she?''

[Starting to recall the past]

Kosuke's past, from his point of view...

After our unfortunate severance, as husband and wife, came another hindrance... What to do with our twin girls.

In the end... We made up our minds, and we... separated them by... who gave baby Airi and Ami their respective names.

We both pushed through the storm, to raise our girls. Every day that I arrived home and saw Airi's bright, untainted smile as I raised her, soothed my soul.....!

Weeks passed us by, and we stopped interacting less and less.

Years later, fate brought us together, once again...

After work one day, I set out to a convenience store, to attain some goods. Traversing through the aisles, I took sight of the magazines on display.

When I looked closer, I thought, 'W-W--Wait! On the...magazine! I-Is that her?' On that meaningful moment, a familiar hand grabbed the same magazine, right as I did!

Rei stutteringly said, ''Huh...?''

Kosuke remarked, ''Uh...? Uh? . .Wait! I-I-It can't b-be! Is t-this real?!''

We awkwardly uttered pointless chatter, and very promptly moved on...

In any case, from that point on, both of us started off, crossing paths with each-other, across the city, more and more, over the eventual course of months!

Thinking back on it... makes me break out in confused laughter...

In spite of it all, with solely a few weeks until Airi started high school, I went forward with taking a tour of the school, to feel assured of my decision.

Soon afterwards, I encountered Rei again, who happened to likewise, be at the school for the same reason as I was.

I didn't get why, but that incidental meeting set her off, and she made a unforeseen decision. She forced me to go with her to the city park, and discuss our car crash of a situation.

After 'kind-off' taking things over, we both came to some kind of a conclusion, somehow...

We agreed on the fact that, our teen daughters couldn't grow up, not as long as we held them back, with our troubles...

Now in the present, outside at night, with Rei...

Rei contently thought, ''Al-right. With the payout that I just got from that out-of-nowhere modeling job... I think that I will buy a gift for Ami, after all she told me before...

Hm... What would a kid like her, like? What would be right? Ah, d*mn it! C'mon, mind! -Think! What does she like? (Punches a wall) . . . .Argh! . .Huh? What's this place?''

(Reads business sign above) 'Ben...to...lunches?' ''Ahh! (Smiles) H^ll yeah!! That might work! I hope that Ami likes this, cause that's what I'm getting.''

Dorky male clerk said, ''Welcome, miss.''

Rei intrigued, thought, ''Oh, wow. Let's see, what kind-off lunches does this joint have? . . . .Salmon... Turkey..... Teriyaki... Cod..... Mushroom-Eww! . . . .

(Realizes) Mm... Actually, maybe it wouldn't hurt to buy a lunch for Airi too... What kind of bento, do I get?''

[Another customer came in]

The male clerk greeted, ''Welcome, sir...''

Rei said, ''You. Can you ring me up for two Tonkatsu lunches?''

Familiar male voice asked behind her, ''Ahh! You're here too?!''

Rei in shock, turned around, and asked, ''Kosuke?! . . . .''

Kosuke said as he facepalmed himself, ''It feels like... somewhere, fate is silently mocking us...''

The male clerk said, ''Here you go, miss. You're all rung up.''

Rei irate, said with her bentos in hand, ''I was here to buy some kind of boxed lunch, as a gift, for our daughters. (Angry groan) I don't want to make a scene, so I'll leave now.''

Kosuke in shock, thought, ''I'm honestly surprised..... that she departed... before I told her what my full reason for coming here was..... My ex-wife..... You've always been that X-factor for me...''

Later, at the Ayami house, with Ami...

[Knock, knock]

Ami in surprise, asked with a gasp, ''M-M-Mom?!? I- You- (Clears throat) Why...are you here?''

Rei said with a fierce smile, ''It's because, -I brought both of you a simple gift, for my daughters! Here, take it! Where's Airi?''

Ami took it, and frantically asked, ''A-A boxed lunch? Uh? Mom! What's this for?''

[Stepped outside and closed the door]

Rei replied, ''Urm... How do I say this...? It's because I got some money from job today, and I thought that I should use the money to get you a gift.

This morning, you sounded like you were going through a lot of things, so I did this! Just F*ckin take it, okay?!''

Ami confused, said, ''Um, fine..... I will accept your..... surprisingly thoughtful gift...''

Rei inquired, ''Also. Where's Airi? Is she not home?''

Ami uneasily voiced, ''My sister? Hm... She's at her part-time convenience store job, as of right now. You didn't know by now?''

Rei asked, while fazed, ''She got herself a part-time job?! At the convenience store?''

Ami stated, ''If you want her, it'll be a while yet. She usually works there till sometime after 9:00.''

[Sudden footsteps behind them]

Ami asked in disbelief, ''Uh-Dad?!? Is that you over there?!''

Mom veered around to find that dad came too, and he was holding a bag of boxed lunches, like she appeared with.

Until, next time...