A Twin's Resolve!

Tuesday, somewhere cold, with Ami...

At this moment, I found myself in a peculiar situation. I somehow ended up in a freezing winter forest, chasing after a stuffed dog so cute, that I had to hug and cuddle it's soft-looking body.

That was the only drive I processed. Then again, as I was on it's tail, looking closer at it, raised some curious questions.

Ami skeptically thought while running, ''Is it my imperfect vision, or does that dog have human hair, on it's head? . . . .Hold on..... What kind of dog has a right-sided pigtail?

Why does that dog's hair seem, so familiar?''

[The plush dog starts to run faster, into a deeper forest!]

Ami shouted, ''Slow down! Please! Where are you going?! I must feel your fur!''

The dog halted in it's tracks, blocked by fallen trees. At long last, I caught up to it, all out of breath.

When it realized the position that it was in, it turned to face me, and in that moment was when I learnt a awful reality...

Ami yelled in dismay, ''Arrgh!! That smiling face!! No, this can not be real!!''

The dog??? said, ''Sister. Can you stop chasing after me, now?''

Ami shocked, asked, ''Airi?! Why-?! How, are you a plush dog?! Uh! -How is this feasible?!''

Dog Airi merrily repiled, ''The real thing you should actually ask is, 'How is a toy dog talking?' ''Anyway, sorry, but I can't stay with you any longer. Cause' you don't deserve a sister like me.''

Ami paused, and asked, ''Hold on... What did you...say?''

Dog Airi brightly said, ''I'm leaving to search for a more better sister, so this is goodbye forever.''

Ami asked in disbelief, ''Airi! You don't mean that, do you?! You can't replace me!''

After her words, she put up her paw fist, and it started on fire. She than jumped up and punched my heart with her burning fist, and she said-

''Ami! -I can't love you as my sister, anymore!!'', Dog Airi yelled, as the burning punch cracked Ami like common ice.

Ami quickly woke up screaming, and thought, ''Ahh-ha-ha-haa-ha-ha-haaaa.....! . . . . . . . .Nrngh...! It was... a dream..... No... A simple nightmare..... (Tries to hear Airi) Ohhh, good. I didn't wake her, with my screaming.....''

Though it frightened me, I couldn't help but analyze what transpired in my nightmare... Thinking deeply on it, made me recall painful memories on what others have said to me lately...

Aya's earlier statement, '-Your own bitter attitude and tactless speech-!'

The Personality test's earlier words, '-You avoid others because you dislike company.'

The fortune teller earlier words, '-You desire connections, but divergently fear them.'

Ami unbearably thought, ''All of this intense misery..... I wonder if... what happened...last night, triggered that dreadful nightmare...''

R.W.> Last night's visit at the door...

Rei asked in quiet anger, ''You! . . . .Kosuke, you..... You had the same idea, like I did?''

Ami asked, ''Mom...?''

''I'm so sick of this!!'' Rei shouted, as she ran to Kosuke, grabbing his collar with seething anger. ''D*nm it!! Why do we keep doing the same actions, -when it's related to our daughters, huh?!?''

Kosuke asked, while confused, ''W-what??? I don't know! -Don't yell to me about it!''

Rei asked in frustration, ''I can't stand this!! Why was our parenting ideas always at odds, but, we still appear at the same d*mned places?!? Tell me, why?!''

''Nrgh! Please, don't raise that subject, never again...!'' Kosuke cried out. ''The reason we face such extremities, everyday, is because you have to go against all, that I suggest.''

Rei angrily asked, ''After all this time, you're still blaming me?! Grrrh! Well, we wouldn't have never had to spilt up if you had just agreed with my choices!''

Kosuke in surprise, asked, ''Ahh, choices?! You mean when you sought to save time, by teaching baby Ami how to microwave her own milk, and her baby food, like every great mom does?!''

Rei voiced, ''Hey! It sounded like a great idea in my head.''

Watching them argue like adult-sized kids on the playground, I couldn't take watching this... During their arguing, I tried to determine what I could do, to stop their altercation.

A few minutes later...

Rei remarked, ''Airi was still okay, after all that, so why is it-(Splash!)''

Ami irritated, stated, ''Now! That small percentage of common sink water should be enough to cool yourselves off.''

''Ugh! Now, -My suit is half soaked!'' Kosuke noted, as he coughed and hacked water.

Rei fiercely asked, ''Grrrh! What was the point of throwing that bucket water at us?!''

Ami intensely retorted, ''Hrrm. I had no choice. Since you suddenly started bickering like a pair of grade-schoolers. Now that you caused a scene, calmly make up, and than go home!''

And then, I closed the door, and went to go clean the bucket that I used, leaving them alone. Later, when my sister arrived home, I made sure to explain to her, briefly and clearly, what our parents did.

Rei irritated, said to him, ''Tch-! I guess I'll go now, but I'm not gonna apologize for anything.....''

[Walks away]

''Huh??? Just walking away with no apology, are you? Heh!'' Kosuke sarcastically asked. ''That's so like you, to enact!''

Back in the present, with Ami...

My sister was very eager to eat the Tonkatsu bento's that we got from our parents, for dinner later today.

During our classes, I had a small, but prevalent migraine. With what transpired in the last 24 hours, I began to watch closely how my classmates around me, interact and conduct themselves...

I prayed that a clue as to how to improve my demeanor, would hit me...

''Oww!!!'' Ami cried out, as Miss. Rika punched her by accident. ''What happened...?''

''Arnghh! I'm sorry...'' Miss. Rika said. ''It's so troublesome to deal with these clueless students!''

Ami unsurely replied, ''Um... It wasn't a big deal... Don't worry about it...''

Ami abruptly thought, ''Wait a second! If I am searching for a way to improve myself... maybe she can give assistance! Well, she herself is a chaotic disaster of a teacher...

Despite that, a teacher is suppose to assist students, so I will deal with it, and ask her!''

[The mid-day bell rung]

I followed Miss. Rika to the faculty office and when she went it, I made my decision to suck it up, and ask her. On another note; Our math teacher, Mr. Kanshi was in there, too.

Some awkward explanation later...

Ami forcibly asked, ''Can you honestly tell me? Is my outward demeanor like they say?''

Miss. Rika cracked a chuckle, and replied, ''That- was what eating you up!? I can't believe that it took you this long to realize something so simple like that.

Watching you every day, your abrasive outlook on life is so pervasive. You have always exuded a strong aura of disdain, and..... something else.''

''Gnrahhh-ahh...!'' Ami sounded, as she left her mouth gaping open in grief. ''So... it was true? I-I am actually like t-that?''

Miss. Rika contently replied, ''Like I said- Your true nature radiates everywhere, that you go. Hmm... Hold on, I know what to do.''

She grabbed a miniature whiteboard, from her area, and she hastily drew some kind of scene.

''Look closely! This is a illustration of what you atmosphere feels like to others.'' Miss. Rika explained with a childish marker drawing.

''Arrahhh.....! Okay! I get it. Do..... D-D-Do you...have to be so b-brutal?'' Ami painfully asked, as she started having tears.

Mr. Kanshi dully stated, ''As of observer on life, I have to agree with Miss. Rika... She is completely right.''

Ami started to break down even more.

''Oh, don't worry! I will still help you with your problems.'' Miss. Rika sincerely said, with a slight caring smile. ''I make it my absolute duty, to assist all troubled students in need, so relax...!

It's honestly interesting to help someone who dreams of being a math teacher. (Mischievous chuckle) muy interesante...!''

[Author's Note]: A Spanish way of saying, 'Very interesting.'

''Uh...? Um! Uh, -You will?!'' Ami asked, greatly surprised. ''I... I appreciate it!''

Hooray! More surprises for us next time!