The Twin's Inner Storm...

Ami's P.O.V...

For the last week... I slowly came to notice how my sister's demeanor was peculiar... I hoped that how she acted at school would have been a one-off day, but it wasn't...

On that weekend that followed, she wasn't any better. In the morning, she still made us breakfast, yet it tasted off, in a way, which I could not have described...

She depressingly spent most of her day off, almost lifelessly watching some of her favorite anime, and the rest of her day, in her room...

The next day, at her checkout job...

Aya thought, ''Has she bounced back? I can't tell... I hope that working today, helps her feel better.''

[Old lady walks up]

''Pardon me? I would like this vegetable juice, rung up please.'' The old lady nicely requested. ''Oh, and I'll be paying with my card. Here...''

Airi contently said, ''This juice? I'll get on that. Hmm... Oh. Miss? Paper or plastic, today?''

The old lady replied, ''Mm... I want plastic.''

''Oh, great for her. I think she is feeling better today.'' Aya happily thought. ''She seems to be, more like herself.''


The old lady said, ''Thank you, young miss. Byeee~''

[A father and his small boy walked up]

The child excitedly said, ''Look daddy! Doesn't she look nice?''

''You're right. Now, give daddy a second to ring up our groceries.'' The dad kindly said. ''I just have some strawberry milk, a large can of peas, and rice for you.''

''A father...and his child.....?'' Airi thought, as her eyes started to tear up.

Aya yelled, rattled, ''Airi! What's with those sudden tears? Is something wrong?!''

The child asked, ''Miss? Are you okay? Are you hurt, somewhere?''

Ami explained; In the next few days, Airi's friend called me, and she reported to me about my sister's worrisome state at her part-time job...

What she expressed to me was concerning... It seemed like my sister was mostly her normal self, until she had specific kinds of customers.

She kept either tearing up, or turning unfocused on customers with family of some certain types... I couldn't do much, because I was still busy learning from Miss. Rika at the same time.

ultimately, Airi was given a forced vacation from her job, by her boss, until she resolved her problems...

On a seemingly average Saturday, in class...

The male teacher said, ''Students. It it now the end of 5th period. Wait patiently, while the next teacher arrives. Good day to you all.''

[He walks away, and all the students start to chat]

Ami fidgetily thought, ''Airi..... I never estimated that she would be given a forced vacation... Especially, with the fact, that she works so skillfully at it, too...

What kind of thing, could have afflicted her so much...?''

[Turns to a chatting group of Airi's friends]

Girl-friend A asked, ''She still hasn't improved, yet? Aww... Poor Airi... I hoped to lend her this manga, but now... I'm not sure if I should, or not...''

Girl-friend B said, ''I know! I am her friend too, and I am praying for her to get better, just like you!''

Girl-friend C said, ''Argh! There has to be something-that could help... but what?''

Ami irritated, thought, ''That's it! . .I have to suck it up, and confront her, because I-am sick of her pitiful behavior!''

[Swallows and stands up, Walking around to her]

Ami boldly said, ''Airi! Please, listen to my words.''

Airi dazed, asked, ''Ami...?''

[A few classmates turn their gaze at the twins]

Ami anxiously asked, ''Lately, I can't help but see that something is precisely bothering you. Your issues are getting on everyone's last nerve, and mine.''

Airi asked, ''Wha-t...?''

Ami vexed, said, ''You have to tell me, please. What is it? It has to be something, so speak up!''

Airi, ''. . . . .''

Ami quietly shouted, ''Sister!''

Airi timidly asked, ''Rrrgh...! i'm the one, with the issues? . .Ami.....''

Ami asked, ''What...did you say?''

[Airi quickly stands up, with fury]

''Sister! You're wrong! My eyes were opened, very recently!'' Airi shouted at her sister, with a angry frown. ''It's our parents who have the real issues!! -Not me!''

Ami stuttered, and remarked, 'H-H-Huh?! What?!''

[More classmates started to watch]

Aya thought, ''Did she just... yell at her sister? . .That's not like her...''

''Days ago! I asked for the truth to their spilt-up, and they both..... hung up on me.....'' Airi expressed, still upset. ''They wouldn't explain to me... Their daughter... what I wanted to know...''

Ami inquired, ''They hung up? . .It...practically just sounds like their usual response, isn't that right?''

''Correct... -And yet, --I'm sick of it! I don't want that anymore!'' Airi exclaimed, with her voice trembling. ''I simply...wanted to know why I was separated, --when I had a great sister like you all this time!!''

Ami stunned, replied, ''W-What..... What are you saying?! I was never a great sister, in any reality, dimension, or form!! A-Are you braindead?!''

Aya decisively thought, ''Urh! I think, a teacher is required here to stop this!''

[Rushes out the door to find a teacher]

Airi replied, ''I'm not blind to anything! Don't you see it?! -You're my clever and gifted sister, and I love you, lots!''

Ami remarked, ''You're surely blind, because there's nothing 'great' about me! -Not one 1 percent!''

Airi, ''Sis...ter. . . . . Grrrhhh! -You're so soundly wrong, cause I can name tons of great things that you have!!''

Ami said, ''What...good points could I possibly process?''

Airi honestly pointed out, ''Mmph! Here I go! -You have a love for all things cute! -You love to learn, and collect knowledge!

--And I like how you are so glued to your passions! -I like that we look so much alike as twins! -And I love how responsible you always have been, since I've met you!! . . . .''

''Sis...ter... How... did you.....?'' Ami asked, in a dazzled state.

''And.....'' Airi tried to say, catching her breath. ''-And I ultimately love and support your dream to work as a teacher...!''

Multiple classmates questioned, 'Whoa! She wants to be a teacher?' 'She never seemed like the type!' 'I never knew any of that, about that twin of hers!'

'She loves cute things? What kind? -I want to know!'

Ami in shock, asked, ''. .That's how you truthfully see me? . .You were able to list.....that many good qualities... about a sister like me?''

Ami thought, ''How mortifying... She undeniably told the whole class almost... a frightening percentage of my private matters.....''

''Nrgh...! Well, in reality! You always have been a better sister than I am, and I will prove it!'' Ami furiously stated, as she adjusts her glasses. ''Let's see.....''

Airi reacted, ''Sis...?''

Ami intensely stated, ''As long as I've known you, you possessed the most powerful and the purest smile, that I've ever seen.

From simply day one of school, you've made so many friends instantly, including Aya. Additionally, you were the first one of us, to obtain a part-time job so easily, and through your new friend too!''

[At the class door]

Aya said, exhausted, ''I got Mr. Kanshi to help.''

''Hmm? Hold on a moment.'' Mr Kanshi said, while curious. ''Let's not interrupt this, just yet. As a observer of life, I think I know what is going on...''

Ami continues on, ''You're so nice that you make dinners for both of us, when you don't have to! And it feels like every day, that you keep trying to offer me a stick of Hocky, and those puzzling snacks of yours!

Besides that, seeing my inviting adorable sister each and every day makes me both... --refreshed and guilty, for how you treat me!

On top of all that, ...y-you are.....'' Ami pauses, as her intensity rises. ''You are so cute and gentle that it's too much for me to handle!!!!''

Airi, ''. . . . .''

''What-the?! Ami! This whole time.....'' Airi listlessly thought, in complete shock. ''All that... -That she felt...about me? She never told me.....any of that... not once...

My sister..... was, all of those feelings...every day.....?''

Ami disheveled, thought, ''Wait a precise moment, here..... Did I, here and now, say out loud... my honest feelings..... To the entire class?!?!''

[Internally panicking]

''Am-i?'' Airi resolutely said. ''I got a idea... -Do me a favor, and put out your hand, open.''

Ami asked, ''O-kay...? What's the point, of this pointless ta-(Sudden hand grab)''

''Why don't we... Since we spoke our honest hearts...'' Airi asked, with a most friendly smile. ''Why don't we sisters, shake our hands... and we agree to try to be better, from now on. Hm-Mm-Mmm!''

Ami in amazement and shame, replied, ''Ai-ri..... Um, I suppose I will agree.....''

''Good job, you two. You settled this chaos, yourselves.'' Mr. Kanshi congratulates, as he proudly walks to them. ''Now... I hate to say this...

However, for interrupting the class's schedule, you will both need to face punishment.''

Aya asked, ''Punishment???''

Airi and Ami reacted, ''Eh???'' ''You mean...?''

See you all soon!