Times Of Change...

In Ami's dream world, once again...

As a result of me and my sister's recent outburst in the classroom, I was having more nightmares or was it technically more of a good dream? The new dreams were similar to those ones that I had a couple of weeks ago, except...

They weren't AS frightening or disturbing anymore. In some of them, the frozen forests that I kept finding myself in were beginning to melt.

On top of that, the Airies in my dreams gave up entirely on their desire of leaving me. I hope that all of that is a good omen...

(Relaxed sigh)

In reality, what was our punishment for disrupting class?

Past Mr. Kanshi's words, 'However, you will both need to face punishment.'

Fortunately, he let us off easy. When class was over, we both had to clean our classroom, before going home for the day.

On the next Monday, I was honestly amazed, because when Miss. Rika heard of our massive argument, she called our parents and gave them a full report of the incident.

Miss. Rika kept letting them ask me from the phone if what she said was true, and our mom was scaary.

Meanwhile, one weekend later, with Aya...

''Aya! I'm back from work!'' Aya's father, Shigure announced ''Can you come here for a minute, because I have a surprise?''

''What...?'' Aya thought, as she came out of her room. ''Father? What's this surprise?''

''I'll hope you'll forgive me, and yet-'' Shigure giddily said, as he reached in his pocket. ''Look at these! I couldn't resist purchasing these anime idol group keychains, for both of us!

Please, take care of them, my daughter.''

''. . . . .'' Aya was speechless, as one pressing question arose. ''Excuse me, father. These are cute, but still... Please tell me. How much did these keychains cost?''

''You're asking of their price?'' Shigure wondered, as he looked scared. ''Hmm... Let me recall... These Idol girl keychains were 1700¥ each, and I bought 3 for both of us...

[Author's Note]: 1700¥ X 6 roughly equals to 10, 200¥. In America, 1700¥ translates to 12 Dollars. In all, he spent 72 dollars on simple keychains. 😏~

(Realizing) Wait! Hold on, Aya! . .Don't tell me... (Gulps) Are you angry, about my spending?''

''I'm... not angry...'' Aya clarified, as she retorted. ''Father! I'm outraged and I can't believe you!! You know that we don't have much to spend, and 10,000¥ is a lot in our house!!!

Triply so, because of you ridiculous canned coffee addition!!''

Shigure nervously pointed out, ''So... You are upset? Um... I apologize for my bad judgement. Can you forgive my actions.''

''Rrrghhh! Forgive you?!'' Aya asked, getting angrier. ''How could I, -If you knew it was a bad choice, before you bought them?! Father!! You need to handle your spending a lot finer!!

Less cans of coffee, less unnecessary merchandise, and less.....'' Aya pauses, while breaking up. ''And enough of! of your dreary sitting around, in endless misery.....''

''Aya...?!'' Shigure asked, while grasping her meaning, in thought. ''What does she mean?'' 'sitting around in endless misery?'

[Begins to think back on her words]

Past Shigure thought, ''Ugghhh... I fell asleep? Watching anime again? (Yawns) Ohh? I should get rid of all these cans before Aya wakes up.

[Entranced by the events of the show]

It's so spectacular.....'' Shigure thought, as he started to tear up. ''She's not here, t-to enjoy it with me... anymore... I j-j-ust want to... be with her, again.....''

[Another memory]

Past younger Aya said, ''Father! Father!! Wake up! You're going to be late for your job, if you don't wake up!''

''Humhn? I'm sorry...'' Shigure woozily said, while still in bed. ''I don't think that...I can work today... My wife was in my dreams... And we were conversing about our happier days.''

Young Aya whined, ''Daddy! Please, wake up and go to work! I don't wish for you to be fired!''

[Another memory]

''Huh...! Where-?! Is this...the park where she collapsed on that day?'' Shigure asked himself, while looking around. ''How did I end up here.....? Uh! Wait! The person who just walked by-

It was- Wait!! Emiko! Is that truthfully you?! Please, stop walking and talk to me! Emiko! Don't leave me!! Emiko!!!!''

''Uh!...huh? Wha-what?'' Shigure stuttered, as he woke up in the living room. ''I-it was..... a dream? That event... was just a dream? Snrrrgh! Emiko... I miss you, so much...''

[End of his memories]

''I'm tired of... your endless...despair'' Aya uttered, while dismally crying on the floor.

''Aya... She means- Have I been affecting her with... my nights of drowning in sorrow...?'' Shigure thought, while realizing her pain. ''Have I truly hurt her, this heavily?

All this time... I couldn't stop myself... from thinking about Emiko's passing, and nevertheless... Watching me like that... She despises that sight so much, that she's crying like this?!''

[He walked around her, and sat down to say]

Shigure simply said, ''Aya. Please, calm down, and listen to your dad.''

Aya, ''Snrgh! Urm? L-Listen to you?''

Shigure apologetically said, ''Um... I think I might have hurt you... more than I thought so... And I have to ask; Were you trying to say that..... you don't like... my nights of sitting around miserable, and moping?''

''Uhh...? Snrgh... Um... Correct. -I don't like it!'' Aya voiced, as she was still faintly crying. ''You always seem so distant, when you're like that.....''

Shigure glumly said, ''I admit... you're words are severe, but they are most likely true. Hrngh!''

[Suddenly stands up]

Shigure sincerely shouted, ''My daughter! I must say: I gravely apologize for how my actions affected you, and I mean it!!!! . .I can't promise it... but I will try to improve and act as a better father for you!''

Aya said, in awe, ''Dad..... Snrrrgh!''

[She tries to stop crying, and stands up]

''It... means a lot... Those words of yours.'' Aya pointed out. ''I... I... I accept your apology, dad! Can we hug, like old times?''

Shigure said, ''A-ya..... (Smirks) Yes, let's hug and relax...''

[As they hugged, she had a idea]

''Father. I think I know what to do.'' Aya merrily exclaimed. ''Take one of my good luck bracelets. If you want to fix your bad habits. Put this on, and use it as a reminder of what you shouldn't do, alright!''

Shigure remarked, ''My daughter..... (Looks deeply at it) Okay! I will try your proposal out, and see what happens.''

[They both give a enthusiastic thumbs up, at the same time]

Presently, with Ami and Airi...

With our crazy argument, from last week. Me and Ami agreed to try and become greater sisters to each other. So far, we have changed just a little bit.

We both said a lot of sensitive things out loud, so at first, we were both somewhat awkward with each other for a while... Hm-Hmm!

Now, I went back to working at the convenience store, cause I felt better.

Now, with Ami, at the school library...

''Ami. I'm think I'm amazed.'' Miss. Rika contently stated. ''It seems that your skills at tutoring are more drastically improving. Keep it up.''

''They are? Um, thank you!'' Ami replied dazzled, as she thought. ''If she says it, I will believe in what she said. For my dream, I will push myself to improve...!''

Miss. Rika thought, ''Is she improving, as a result of what I think she is...?''

There will be more, very soon!