A Family's Clash!

Airi's - Point of view...

A few more days have passed us by, and me and my sister have gotten less awkward, at last. At dinner and after our part-time jobs, we started to talk about ourselves more and more!

So Ami did keep our deal that we made, 'to be better sisters.' Some things, I think looked tough for her to bring up, and yet... I'm purely happy to talk with her about anything!

She doesn't know it, but she's granting the wish I made on my first day living here, to know more about my sister!


After a few dinner chats, over a few days, something hit us both. Slowly and surely, we were on the subject of our parents, and why they wouldn't tell us the full truth of their split-up.

It was a harsh dinner topic, yet we got over it in the end.

My sister was tired of it all, and she came up with a idea that may work, so we could get our parents to tell us everything.

I was so restless and sooo excited for it!

Next Sunday, after full sundown, at the house...

[Knock, knock!]

Like me and Ami planned, there was a knock at our door and when I opened it, our visitor was-

''Hey, Airi! I'm here.'' Rei contently announced. ''You told me over the phone to come inside your house, right?''

''Hello, mom.'' Ami greeted, nervously.

Rei curiously asked, ''Spit it out, girls. Why did you need to talk to me, in person? What's so urgent?''

''Sorry, mom. There's something that we're waiting for.'' Airi merrily said. ''In the meantime, feel like a tasty stick of Hocky?''

Rei asked irritated, ''Waiting? For what? What is it?!''

[Knock, knock!]

Rei, ''Huh...? What's going on...?''

I happily ran over, and answered the door. When I opened it-

''It's good to see you, my daughter!'' Kosuke eagerly said. ''May I come in?''

Rei thought, ''D*mn it! That voice! At the door!''

''Urngh! Rei?! You're here too?!'' Kosuke asked, in pure shock.

When our parents locked eyes, they just stood there, for what felt like a eternity.....

''Dad! Mom! Please, listen to us.'' Airi voiced, in a determined tone. ''Both of you are here, cause me and Ami planned this.''

Ami agreed, ''Um, yeah. She is correct.''

''Arhh! You mean to say, that our situation is no mistake?!'' Kosuke outlined, in shock.

''You girls meant to do this?'' Rei asked, irked.

Ami nervously confirmed, ''That is right. We did this, so all of us can resolve the problems that you two seem to still possess. Me and my sister are going to solve this tonight!''

Kosuke worriedly asked, ''Our problems?!''

Rei shouted, ''Rrgh! What does that mean?! What's the point?!''

''Airi? You remembered the doors, right?'' Ami asked to make sure.

''Yep! I locked our front door, the back door, and I locked all the windows too!'' Airi joyfully remarked.

''Argh! My daughters! You would resort to all that?!'' Kosuke asked, while concerned. ''What you just said, is a fire hazard to most countries!''

Rei exclaimed, ''Cr*p! You know, this is too far! Are you girls asking for punishment?''

Ami bravely stated, ''We won't let you leave, until you clear up everything, so suck it up, and spill it out!''

Airi bowed and begged, ''Please, mom and dad! Can you tell us, why you divorced? For your daughters?''

Our parents looked so shocked, and yet... Their eyes turned to each-other, and they both gave a look, that I think meant that they agreed to explain at last...

Rei vexed, said, ''AL-Right! Let's get it over with, already...!''

Kosuke glumly agreed, ''You're right, my daughters. Enough..... is enough...''

[They both clears their throats, and think deeply].

Kosuke drearily explained, ''My daughters... Where do I start...? . . . .Years ago, in the past. Me and you mom, spent every day in pure affection and delight.

It's hard to believe... seeing us now... Yet, we were...''

Rei reacted blushing, ''Urh-! Urrmmm...''

Kosuke continued, ''Our standing was fine... until we became parents...''

''Urm!'' ''You don't mean?'' Airi and Ami asked.

Rei bleakly stepped in, ''Things could have been alright, if he didn't argue with all of my GREAT parenting ideas...''

Kosuke dismally said, ''See that? That was why, we didn't last two years...''

Ami timidly asked, ''Do you mean to say? . .Your opinions as parents, conflicted?''

Airi simply said, ''I don't think I fully get it...''

Kosuke solemnly said, ''Our status as a happy couple went down the drain, as we tried to be g-great parents to our t-t--twin children...''

[Takes off glasses and rubs eyes]

Kosuke continued, ''All I recall is m-moments of infinite arguing, and q-questionable choices... Some made by your mother over there-!''

Rei angrily remarked, ''Rrh! Shut your mouth! As a mother, I tried my best! How many 'bad choices' did I really make?!''

Ami voiced, irritated, ''Both of you! Focus, and save that debate for later.''

[They forcibly calmed down].

Kosuke wistfully said, ''To get to our point..... Some months b-before your 3rd birthday... We- . .I reached a c--c-onclusion, *that your mother VERY vocally objected to*, and we divorced.....''

''A-A-And... that's when! We s-split our little girls apart!'' Rei shouted, as she started to angrily cry. ''And w-we wouldn't be here- -if you d-d-dad didn't go through with his Cr*ppy choice!!''

''I think we've..... e-expressed enough!'' Kosuke illustrated, taking off his glasses to cry.

Me and Ami, sat there... With no clue, what to say or how to respond...

Airi shooken up thought, ''Drats... That was... what happened? . .What do I say to that?''

Ami dismally thought, ''Mom... Dad... They were hiding that?''

When we were deeply thinking about, what they shared with us... Me and Ami had a few tears at the same time... It was magical.....

A couple minutes later...

''Kosuke! Why?! Tell me, why?! Snrrgh!'' Rei pressed, as she violently grabbed him. ''Why did we have to divorce?! Why did we need it?! We could've pushed over it, if you listened to me!''

Kosuke ruefully replied, ''Urgh! Believe me! The decision, pained me deeply too, even so- I w-weighed our options, and saw no other way!!''

''Snrrhhh! All these years... All this time, and I..... I still hate it!!'' Rei furiously cried out. ''After all this time, -even with that F*cked up divorce... -I still love you!!!!''

''Huhhh-uh?'' ''Did mom say-?'' ''Did I hear that correctly?'' Kosuke, Airi, and Ami listlessly asked.

In her angry tears, our mom let go of dad... and he fell backwards cause he was so shocked.....

''R-R-Rei...?!'' Kosuke uttered, as he was speechless. ''Y-You still..... r-r-r-retain love for me?!''

Rei, ''. . . . .Snrhhh!''

Kosuke stuttered, ''With all that I did. -You still possess feelings, towards me?''

''You're D*mn right, I do!'' Rei brazenly pointed out. ''I-It's... -why I always detested our divorce...''

''Urngh! I never knew...'' Kosuke said, in pure shock. ''Rei! I'm... I'm... I am sorry! I didn't entirely get the picture of how you truly felt...''

''He... He...said sorry? He's sorry...?'' Rei wistfully thought, as she replied out loud. ''Umm... Tchhhhh..... I guess..... I can... For our daughters, I will try my best to forgive you... Kosuke.''

'Mom? You purely mean it?'' Airi asked, raising her smile.

''Mom? You want to forgive him?'' Ami asked, turning happy.

''You... At long last, you want to forgive me? Angh!'' Kosuke sincerely asked, still in disbelief.

''Yes! I will make my best attempt to let it go.'' Rei intensely verified, as she slightly fist bumped his gut. ''Hrm... Hey, you girls. Can we leave this locked house now? Do you hear me?''

Ami, ''Uh~''

''Ohh! That was terrific, mom and dad.'' Airi brightly expressed, taking the key out of her pocket. ''I think we are good, so I'll unlock the door now. Are you pleased, Ami?''

[Clearing cough].

''My sister. Yes, I conclude that we saw enough for one night.'' Ami restlessly said.

With our parents issues, now fixed. They left, and went back to their homes. Me and my sister, had a small and stellar dinner after they left us, to celebrate! What I made us, was SOoo tasty!!

There will be more soon!