The Despondent Sisters Are No More...

Summary by Airi...

It's only been one day, since we forced our parents to deal with their long line of issues. They made up okay, and yet, they left our house kind-of awkwardly... Heh-Mm!

For us, today turned out to be another bright and normal school day. I'm sure me and Ami were both wondering, what things will be like for all of us now, but I'm sure we'll see.

Meanwhile, late at night, with Rei...

[Ring, Ring!]

''Uh, Kosuke? You're calling me? What's this about?'' Rei asked, with a surprised tone.

Kosuke hesitantly replied, ''Good question... (Clears throat) Rei. I called you because... thinking aback on last night's affairs, I realized something...''

''Um, yeah okay... Ur... Spit it out, then...'' Rei said bemused.

''Right. I'll get on that...'' Kosuke anxiously said. ''. .Yesterday, we decided to leave, due to assuming that we solved most of our difficulties, wasn't that right?''

Rei said, ''Uh... I guess so...?''

''Regardless, of last night's facts. I spent all day, dwelling on the matter, and-'' Kosuke paused on his thought. ''It came to me. -We haven't put all problems to rest, yet...!''

Rei irritated, asked, ''Really? -Like what?''

''Urmp... The most pressing matter is...'' Kosuke struggled to get out. ''If our crisis is to be truly put to rest, than it's imperative that we rid ourselves of our disagreement dilemma!''

Rei listlessly said, ''Oh... That.....''

''That's right! -For our sweet daughters, we require a solution post-haste!'' Kosuke urgently shouted. ''Aren't you affronted by that constant thing of ours?! It's been a thorn in our necks for too long!''

''Kosuke...! If I were tired of it, what's your point?'' Rei irritably and curiously asked. ''Do you have a quick fix to it...?''

''On that route... I do...'' Kosuke cagily outlined. ''I think... we should..... -pursue dating, once again!!!''

Rei, ''. . . . .teh~?

Fast-Forward some time later, with Airi...

It was from that point on, that everything improved for all of us. I don't understand how we did it, but... later, our parents told us that they gave dating, another shot!

It was my father's idea, in his hopes of making things better. A few weeks later, both Ami and our father decided that all of us, should go to joint therapy...

That turned out to be a more terrific time, than I first pictured, cause... -I got to learn more about every one of us!

Meanwhile, inside a small store, with Shigure Tohru...

''What is to be next on Aya's small list? Ohm?''Shigure thought, as he noticed special stationary. ''Oh, -some varieties of charming anime pens, and stuff. Aya would love thi-wait!''

My best friend, Aya's father is striving his ultimate best to fix his bad habits, and I think it's working! He remembered her promise!

''Next up on her list, said to purchase frozen lettuce.'' Shigure said, as he focused himself. ''That's my next buy.''

F.F.W> to Dec 24th. -The twins birthday...

Airi merrily said, ''Ami! I got you a birthday, and a Christmas present in one gift! Please, open it!''

''Huh? You got me, a present? Urm... I appreciate it.'' Ami awkwardly expressed, while looking inside. ''Aaaghhh! Sister? You... You got me... -a notebook with- -cats on the design?!?''

Ami stressed, thought, ''Oh-My-God!! This is such a thoughtful present! How do I make known, my feelings in this abrupt moment?!?''

Airi nods, ''Hrrm-hrm!!''

[Ami grandly hugs her!]

Airi said, ''Uah...! Your welcome sister!''

''This adorable sketchbook is, um, appreciated.'' Ami thanks, in a satisfied tone. ''. . . .My sister. I procured a gift for you... as well... (Slightly Blushes) -Take it...''

''Uaahhh... Thank you! I'll check it out!'' Airi chipperly said, ''. . . .(Gasping) Sis? You got me... -the limited edition of Kagura-Sama: Ultra Romance Wars?! One of my most favorite manga's!''

Ami blushed, ''. . .''

[Airi festively hugged her sister].

Airi brightly said, ''Thank, -Thank you, Ami!!! I will treasure it, forever!!''

Ami smirked and said, ''Urrmm... You're... If you're that pleased about my gift, than it makes me satisfied too, sister.''

Airi keenly remarked, ''You bet it does! (Giggles)''

F.F.W> to 5 years later, at the high school...

Older Miss. Rika announced to the class, ''All of you! Listen up, carefully! Starting today, Mr. Kanshi, will have a student teacher tagging along for a little while...

Students, I introduce you all to Miss. Ami Ayami. Please, treat her the best that you can manage.''

Ami tensely, and with a smile said, ''(Timidly clears throat) It's-urm... A pleasant opportunity to be here... and can everyone call me by, Miss. Ayami. Please...''

Ami thought with a internal sigh, ''Calm, yourself now... Got to calm yourself..... This is the prime chance that I've been waiting for!''

Later, after sundown, at the convenience store...

''THAT- was a unrelenting first day...! What is the upcoming weeks got in store for me, I wonder...'' Ami wearily thought, as she gazed up. ''Can you ring me up? The only item I bought was a boxed lu-''

[Gasps in shock]

A familiar cheery face said, ''It's so stellar to see you, my sister!''

''Airi?! Y-Y--You still work here?!'' Ami stuttered to ask. ''A-At the convenience s-store?!''

Airi merrily nods, ''Hrm-Hrm!''

Ami swallowed and asked, ''Y-You didn't want to work, at any position different than this place?''

''You're correct!'' Airi exclaimed, as she pointed out. ''I may have talents for lots of things, and still... (Smirks) I think this job fits me perfectly, doesn't it''

''You're..... right...'' Ami dimly said.

Hunched old man calmly asked, ''Pardon me, young ones. But, can you move this along?''

Airi happily said, ''Yes we can.''

Ami, ''Uhh-uh...!''

That marks the end of our story. A story of two sister broken up, by two parents who could've avoided all of this, if they only listened to each-other...

I should let you know... A few years after our parents started to date. -They got re-married, while me and Ami went our separate ways to become adults...

They were never a perfect couple, but at last- They've became a terrific pair, and it shows!

And my best friend, Aya? She's been so busy deciding on a career path, that we haven't talked or eaten lunch as friends, in a while... Though, I'm sure. She's doing alright!

Airi cheerfully shouts, ''Goodbye to you all!!!! I'll miss you!!!! (Giggles)''

Ami joyfully shouts, ''This is goodbye, to all of you!! It's sad, but we have to end this now.''

Airi & Ami, ''Bye!!!''