Chapter 3: Persevere and Interfere

As the sun began its graceful ascent in the sky, its gentle rays cast a warm, golden hue across the room. The harmonious symphony of birdsong outside Jophiel's window greeted her as she awoke from a peaceful slumber. Her hand instinctively reached out to silence the insistent ringing of the alarm clock.

"Hmm?" Jophiel's drowsy voice murmured in response to the morning's call. She yawned and stretched, shaking off the remnants of sleep that clung to her.

"Another day, another life," Jophiel mused, her thoughts drifting toward the path her human existence had taken. She gazed out of the window, her eyes fixed on the tree outside, where the birds celebrated the start of a new day with their melodious chirping.

"It's been two days since I've drawn here on Earth," she pondered. "Well, I haven't taken care of my house ever since."

With a decision solidifying in her mind, Jophiel reached for the telephone on her bedside table. The rotary dial clicked softly as she spun it, a sense of anticipation accompanying each number dialed. The phone rang, and then a familiar voice answered.

"Good morning, granpabi," Jophiel greeted with warmth, a smile gracing her lips.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Ennemond replied, his voice filled with affection for his granddaughter.

Jophiel took a moment before broaching the reason for her call. "Um, can I take a day off at the shop?"

A brief pause ensued before Ennemond's response came. "The shop is closed this day, my dear," he said, his tone carrying a sense of understanding.

"Oh, why?" Jophiel inquired, curiosity piqued.

"I have to take my son for a visit in Milirem," Ennemond explained, his voice tinged with the weight of his responsibilities.

"I see," Jophiel nodded, even though Ennemond couldn't see her gesture. "Okay... then take care, granpabi."

"Thank you, sweetheart," Ennemond replied, his gratitude evident in his voice. "You too! Also, enjoy your day!"

With their conversation drawing to a close, Jophiel bid farewell. "Okay! Bye!"

"Okay, bye-bye!" Ennemond echoed warmly. 

Jophiel's breath quickened with excitement, her heart pounding in anticipation. "Alright!"

She rushed down the stairs, her footsteps echoing through the quiet house. Her eyes scanned her surroundings as she reached the ground floor, and then she paused to tie her hair back, determination etched on her face.

"Let's go!" she declared with a burst of energy.

With a joyful melody on her lips, Jophiel began to sing, her voice carrying through the house like a soothing morning breeze.

"Seven A.M., the usual morning lineup," she sang, her words punctuated by the rhythm of her steps. "Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean. Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up. Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15."

As she continued her chores, she sang with a sense of purpose and contentment.

"And so I read a book," she sang, her voice filled with the joy of discovery. "Or maybe two or three. I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery. I'll play guitar and knit. And cook and basically, just wonder if my life as a human really begins."

Hours passed like moments as Jophiel immersed herself in a whirlwind of activities, her voice and actions a testament to her enthusiasm.

"Then after lunch, its puzzles and darts and baking," she sang, her voice animated. "Paper mache, a bit of ballet, and chess. Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making. Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, fly upstairs, sew a dress!"

As the day unfolded, Jophiel's rhythm and song echoed through her home.

"And I'll reread the books," she sang, her voice softening with reflection. "If I have time to spare. I'll put some flowers more. I'm sure there's place somewhere. And then I'll dig and sing, and dig and sing the flowers until they always glow."

As evening descended, Jophiel's thoughts turned to the world beyond her home, and she sang with a sense of curiosity and longing.

"And I'll keep wondering and wondering," she sang, her voice trailing off. "Is my life as a human really beginning?"

As the night drew near, Jophiel's heart swelled with dreams of adventure and possibility. She looked out the window at the starry sky, her eyes filled with wonder.

"On this night," she whispered, "the scenery lights will appear, just like I dreamt they would be here. What is it like out there when the Bethlehem blooms? Now that I'm here, I'll make that dream come true."

The next day, Jophiel opened her fridge, her thoughts turning to practical matters.

"Oh, I guess I should buy groceries," she mused, surveying the contents. "Seems the only thing left is a tray of eggs. Hmm, omelet for breakfast!"

After a hearty breakfast, Jophiel made her way to the bustling market, where stalls of colorful vegetables and fruits adorned the street. As she wandered among the stalls, her attention was drawn to a man who was purchasing potatoes. He seemed like any other shopper, until a moment of distraction turned the scene into chaos.

The cashier was about to hand back the man's change when he suddenly diverted the young girl's attention, leaving the cash register drawer open. In a swift, opportunistic move, the man seized the opportunity, snatching all the money and bolting away with startling speed.

Jophiel's heart raced as she implored the woman holding her groceries to watch over them and call the police. Without hesitation, she gave chase to the fleeing thief. The man, realizing he was being pursued, weaved through narrow alleys and darted around corners, doing everything in his power to shake off Jophiel's determined pursuit.

Just as it seemed the man was about to be cornered, he spotted a ladder, scaled it in a flash, and hurled it away to create distance. He then leaped over a high fence and continued his mad dash, leaving Jophiel to contemplate a difficult choice.

She hesitated, torn between her promise to herself to live as a human and the urgency of the situation. Ultimately, her determination to catch the thief prevailed, and she continued to chase him along the correct path.

The man reached an alley and concealed himself in a dumpster. Minutes later, he emerged and dashed back into the alley, colliding with someone unexpected—Lucifer. The man clutched a substantial amount of stolen money, unaware that he had encountered a supernatural being.

Lucifer, amused by the situation, burst into laughter. "I didn't expect that the holy-land also had a snake roaming invisible," he remarked, shaking his head. "Humans, after all. I and Beelzebub always have the same thought. Wherever you put them, they always give filth to the planet."

The man, feeling threatened, drew a knife from his pocket. Lucifer's laughter persisted, his demeanor unshaken.

"Oh!" he chuckled. "Charming, aren't we?"

Just as the tension escalated, Jophiel arrived at the scene, accompanied by the police.

"Jophiel!" Lucifer greeted her with a nonchalant smile.

"Fancy meeting you here!" Lucifer's presence surprised Jophiel, but she quickly noticed the man's dangerous weapon.

"Okay, Lucifer, get back," Jophiel warned him urgently, her concern for his safety evident.

Lucifer chuckled and replied confidently, "And I knew you knew that even my powers were gone. I'm still immortal."

But before the situation could be further addressed, the man launched an unexpected attack on Lucifer. In a swift response, the police opened fire, aiming for the man's hands and knees until he dropped the knife. Handcuffs were swiftly applied, and the man was secured in a police car.

Jophiel rushed to Lucifer's side, her heart heavy with concern. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of his badly wounded left arm, a gasp escaping her lips.

"Oh my God!" Jophiel exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and worry.

Lucifer, despite his injury, managed a wry smile. "Now's not the time to call Father," he quipped.

"Dummy!" Jophiel retorted, her worry evident. "I'm worried about you."

As they stood there, the police officer approached them, his duty-bound demeanor unwavering.

"You need to be treated, sir," the cop stated, concern etched into his features.

Jophiel stepped in, her determination clear. "I will take care of him, officer."

The cop nodded in understanding, satisfied with her response. "Let's go, shall we?" Jophiel suggested.

"Where?" Lucifer inquired, curious about their destination.

"At my house," Jophiel replied.

They hailed a taxi and soon found themselves at Jophiel's residence. The door opened, and Jophiel welcomed Lucifer inside.

"Come in," she offered graciously.

"Thanks," Lucifer replied, his gaze sweeping over the surroundings. He couldn't help but be amazed by the beauty of Jophiel's home. His eyes settled on a portrait of her and Mr. Ennemond, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"This portrait of yours and that old hag is quite adorable," Lucifer remarked, his tone teasing.

"Is that a compliment?" Jophiel asked, her lips curving into a gentle smile.

"I suppose," Lucifer replied, his usual air of mischief present.

Jophiel guided him to a seat, placing the first aid kit on the table. With practiced care, she began to prepare the necessary supplies. As she worked, she couldn't help but inquire about their unexpected encounter.

"How did you meet the thief back there?" Jophiel asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Lucifer leaned back in his chair, reflecting on the encounter. "When I was on my way home from the town hall, I met the thief in the alley, which is the direction to the house I'm renting."

"I see," Jophiel mused, her expression sympathetic. "Unlucky for your day," she added, her tone filled with understanding.

Jophiel carefully applied Povidone-iodine to a cotton ball and began to tend to Lucifer's wound, gently rubbing it on the injured area.

"Ow!" Lucifer winced in pain, his usual composed demeanor momentarily slipping.

"Bloody hell!" he exclaimed, feeling the sting of the antiseptic.

Jophiel couldn't help but laugh at Lucifer's reaction. "Oh, my heavens!" she exclaimed, amusement dancing in her eyes. "I thought the demon lord was as brave as the Archangel who is like God," she teased.

"Don't compare me to that all-high angel of yours," Lucifer retorted.

"But you are twin brothers," Jophiel pointed out.

"Yes, but not anymore since my rebellion," Lucifer replied, his tone tinged with bitterness.

As Jophiel continued to treat Lucifer's wound, he found himself momentarily captivated by her hair, her eyes, and her lips. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

"Does it still hurt?" Jophiel asked, her concern genuine.

"No," Lucifer replied, his gaze fixed on her. "It's heavenly, like you."

Jophiel blushed at his words and looked away, feeling her cheeks warm. "You twit," she muttered playfully.

Suddenly, Jophiel stood up, and as she moved, she accidentally slipped on a vial. Lucifer's reflexes kicked in, and he tried to save her, but the impact of his wound prevented him from doing so. They both tumbled to the ground, their faces coming dangerously close as they found themselves locked in an intimate gaze.

Both of their hearts pounded in their chests, and the tension in the room intensified.

Just then, the door opened, and they both turned their heads in surprise.

"Oh!" Jophiel exclaimed.

A familiar voice broke the moment, "My deeply apologize for the intrusion of your elegantly crafted honeymoon."

Lucifer and Jophiel quickly separated, flustered by the unexpected interruption.

"It's not what you think!" they both exclaimed simultaneously.

"Get off me," Jophiel urged, pushing Lucifer aside.

Jophiel approached Mr. Ennemond, her voice filled with urgency. "Granpabi! It's not what you were thinking. All that you've seen right now is just a minor accident." She desperately tried to explain the situation, hoping to clear any misunderstandings. 

Jophiel earnestly explained the situation to Ennemond, her voice filled with a mix of embarrassment and honesty. "You see, when I was about to walk, I got slipped on the vial, and Lucifer came to save me, but he couldn't make it, so both of us got close to each other."

Ennemond raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, you know..." he chuckled.

Jophiel couldn't help but smile in response. "If that's the case, then I believe you," Ennemond conceded.

"Aw, thank you, granpabi!" Jophiel exclaimed, embracing him warmly.

Ennemond, ever the mischievous soul, couldn't resist a teasing remark. He leaned in and whispered, "But I was expecting a climax."

"Jeez, stop it, granpabi!" Jophiel playfully scolded him, and they both shared a laugh.

"Come in, granpabi," Jophiel invited, stepping aside to allow him entry.

"Excuse me," Ennemond replied, entering the house with a smile.

Meanwhile, Lucifer tended to his shoulder, carefully applying a bandage. Ennemond acknowledged him warmly, expressing his pleasure at seeing the unexpected guest.

"It's good to see you here, Lucifer!" Ennemond greeted him.

"Mr. Ennemond," Lucifer replied, extending a hand for a handshake.

Their hands met in a cordial grasp, a sign of mutual respect.

Just as they settled into the conversation, the doorbell rang, interrupting the moment. Jophiel hurried to answer it, revealing a woman who had visited earlier.

"Archangel, you forgot to take it from me earlier," the woman kindly reminded Jophiel.

"Thank you so much, ma'am!" Jophiel expressed her gratitude.

Jophiel extended an invitation, "You can join us for breakfast."

The woman declined with regret. "Thanks for your offer, Archangel, but I have some appointments to do."

"Hopefully next time," Jophiel responded warmly.

"I'm looking forward to that, ma'am," she added.

With their exchange of pleasantries complete, the woman bid her farewell and left the house.

"I will cook for your breakfast," Jophiel offered as she closed the door.

Ennemond and Lucifer exchanged smiles, appreciating the warm atmosphere.

"So, what brought you here?" Ennemond inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Lucifer replied, "Jophiel brought me here to treat my wound."

"Hmm, that's quite a big wound you got there," Ennemond observed, his concern evident.

"Yeah," Lucifer agreed, his demeanor a mix of gratitude and reassurance. 

"Dealing with some doolally human beings is like babysitting Father's failed creation," Lucifer remarked with a hint of exasperation.

"Metaphorically... yes," Ennemond agreed, understanding the sentiment.

"That's why I despise all of them," Lucifer added, his tone filled with disdain.

Ennemond sighed, contemplating Lucifer's words. "You know, fella," he began, "some humans are not as 'doolally' as you define it. Some are good, some are bad, just like angels and devils. Both celestials, but different on traits. And so are us humans. You will find out one day."

Lucifer fell into contemplative silence, his thoughts a swirl of complex emotions.

"What did you cook, sweetheart?" Ennemond asked, shifting the conversation.

Jophiel's voice carried from the kitchen as she proudly announced, "Beef Curry Stew!"

"Hmm! Seems our meal is appetizing, Lucifer," Ennemond commented.

Lucifer couldn't resist a sly remark, "If it comes from the Archangel herself, you can really say that."

Ennemond's gaze fixed on Lucifer, a knowing look in his eyes. "What?" Lucifer questioned, feeling a bit uncomfortable under the scrutiny.

"Do you like Jophiel?" Ennemond inquired, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.

Lucifer's reaction was swift, and he retorted with a hint of defensiveness, "Even if the rapture comes, never in an eternity!"

Ennemond didn't seem convinced and pressed further, "Why are you blushing?"

Lucifer hesitated for a moment, his expression caught off guard. "You old—"

But he couldn't deny the truth any longer. "I don't like her, alright?" he admitted, his tone conceding to the undeniable.

"Hmm," Ennemond responded with a knowing smile.

"Why?" Lucifer asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Ennemond chuckled, "You know... she's kind, beautiful, thoughtful, helpful, brave, independent, etc. While you, well, you're handsome, masculine, and far more... grumpy." 

Ennemond's laughter filled the room, a hearty sound that echoed with amusement. "Breakfast ready!" Jophiel announced, trying to divert the conversation.

"Daddy jokes on you, Mr. Ennemond," Lucifer quipped, a playful smirk on his face.

The three of them gathered around the table, ready to enjoy their meal. Ennemond suggested, "Okay, let's pray first for the blessings here in front of us."

Jophiel and Ennemond closed their eyes in reverence, but Lucifer remained steadfast and kept his eyes open.

"Heavenly God," Ennemond began with a heartfelt tone, "we share our gratitude for your goodness, as well as for this bounty here in front of us. May your love prevail in our hearts and minds so that we may continue our devotion and venerate your name, O' God."

Jophiel and Ennemond responded in unison, "Amen!"

Lucifer couldn't help but offer a remark, "That's quite poetic."

With the prayer completed, Jophiel encouraged them to start eating. "Dig in!" she said cheerfully.

Ennemond took a bite and couldn't resist gloating, "Hmm! I told you, Lucifer, our meal is appetizing!"

Lucifer, while enjoying the meal, responded with a hint of sarcasm, "Yeah, I hear you out loud."

Jophiel, curious about Ennemond's early return, asked, "Um, why did you get home so fast, granpabi?"

Ennemond explained, "I have an appointment today with Mr. Lyam Babin about the flower seeds that we're going to give to each house in Bethlehem. I've told my son about what you've said, that you will make my wife's dream come true."

Jophiel clapped her hands cheerily. "Such a coincidence, granpabi!"

Lucifer added, "I also called Mr. Lyam Babin the night before my dinner date with Louis—"

Jophiel sighed, her expression revealing her exasperation. She absentmindedly touched her head, prompting Ennemond to ask, "What's the matter, sweetheart?"

Lucifer chimed in, "Oh, if I'm not mistaken..."

"It's Mr. Decent-but-Embarrassment," Lucifer answered with a hint of frustration.

Ennemond inquired, concerned about the turn of events. "What happened?"

Jophiel explained, "Well... I thought—"

"We thought that Louis was a fine man, but not," she continued.

"He almost sold me to Netherus, but heaven's blessing, Lucifer went, and..." Jophiel's voice trailed off as she recalled the incident.

"Saved me," she finished.

"I prefer the word 'coincidence,' Jophiel," Lucifer added, trying to downplay his heroics.

Jophiel's gaze turned toward Lucifer, her eyes revealing a mixture of gratitude and something else she couldn't quite put into words. 

"Whatever the reason why Louis sold you to Netherus, next time, he's not welcome at your house, nor in my shop, for what he's done to you," Ennemond declared firmly, his protective instincts kicking in.

Jophiel chimed in, her annoyance evident, "You can punch him, Lucifer."

Lucifer contemplated the idea of vengeance for a moment. "Avenging your princess," Ennemond suggested with a knowing smile.

Jophiel's irritation flared. "Granpabi!" she chided.

Lucifer responded, "Well, I could do that... In fact, that guy has a debt to me for shoo—" Jophiel swiftly kicked Lucifer's foot, silencing him instantly.

Ennemond fixed his gaze on Lucifer and wisely redirected the conversation. "Well, anyway, let's forget about that guy and have a delightful breakfast," he suggested, attempting to ease the tension.

Both Jophiel and Lucifer chuckled, appreciating Ennemond's effort to lighten the mood. "Yeah, you're right," Lucifer agreed.

Just as they began to relax, there was a knock at the door. Jophiel rose to her feet and opened it, revealing a familiar face.

"Oh, Mr. Lyam Babin!" Jophiel greeted him with a bow. "Bonjour!"

"Bonjour, mademoiselle!" Lyam responded with a warm smile. "You're as beautiful as ever since you've arrived here on Earth," he complimented her.

"Thank you!" Jophiel giggled in response.

Ennemond's voice carried from the dining table. "Come join us, Lyam!"

Lyam entered the house, his jovial demeanor evident. "Seems like we're having a fest here, old friend," he remarked with a laugh.

Jophiel and Lyam took their seats, and Lyam couldn't help but glance at Lucifer curiously. "Ah, is this Jophiel's boyfriend?" he inquired.

Ennemond leaned in and whispered with a mischievous grin, "Not yet."

Both Ennemond and Lyam shared a chuckle, while Lucifer stood up, a hint of discomfort in his demeanor.

"Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me," Lucifer stated, his gaze lingering briefly on Jophiel before he made his exit. Jophiel's eyes followed him, her curiosity piqued by his sudden departure. 

"Dig in, my friend," Ennemond encouraged Lyam as they all began to enjoy their meal.

Lyam expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thanks for the food! Hmm... This is the first time I've tasted Jophiel's cooking, and it's so good! It seems like I can eat a lot more of this."

Jophiel smiled warmly. "It's okay, Mr. Lyam. There's plenty more," she assured him.

Ennemond shifted the conversation to business. "So, about the flower seeds, Lyam, are those ready?" he inquired.

Lyam nodded. "Yeah, but the problem is my delivery truck broke down. The repair will take a few days, the mechanic said."

Ennemond sighed with a touch of frustration. "Well, I guess... let's just go there and pick it up."

Jophiel was concerned and asked, "Are you certain, granpabi?"

Ennemond reassured her with a smile. "Yes, sweetheart. And we will also wander there—"

Lyam interjected with excitement, "In my field of flowers!"

Jophiel's eyes lit up with anticipation. "Hmm! That's exciting!"

"You're gonna love it!" Lyam promised.

Jophiel considered her next words. "Maybe I'll invite Luci—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Jophiel stood up. "I'll go find him."

"Okay, sweetheart," Ennemond agreed.

Jophiel began her search both inside and outside the house until she spotted Lucifer on the rooftop, gazing at the picturesque scenery of Bethlehem.

"Oh, you're here," Jophiel remarked as she approached him. "I thought you went—"

"Home," Lucifer finished her sentence with a hint of melancholy. "I don't have any home here on Earth. Except Hell," he admitted.

Jophiel nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I see. But why are you here?" she asked.

Lucifer offered a simple explanation, "It would be awkward if I'm there."

Jophiel chuckled softly, appreciating his honesty. 

"You know," Lucifer began, his gaze still fixed on the breathtaking sight of Bethlehem, "I never thought I could see this eye-catching sight. If my 'Domination' plan had really happened, perhaps I couldn't see this art, supposedly."

Jophiel approached Lucifer, drawn to his contemplative mood. "Then... I'm not going to be able to build a house here. Thanks to your 'dumbness-cover' on me."

Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle at her playful teasing. "Can we rewind the 'dumbness-cover' thing you've said?"

He grinned at her. "Because if I didn't do that, then I wouldn't be talking to you now."

Jophiel's curiosity got the better of her. "I'm still wondering, why did you do it?"

And her response was simple and sincere, "But if you don't have the answer, then, I'll wait."

As the wind gently breezed around them, Jophiel took in the scenic beauty of Bethlehem, while Lucifer watched her, his thoughts hidden behind his enigmatic demeanor.

"If these feelings of mine for you are certain," Lucifer thought to himself, "then I'll be able to answer your annoying query."

They both stood there, silently enjoying the view of Bethlehem for a while. Then, Jophiel was suddenly reminded of their plans. "Yeah, right. I almost forgot..."

She turned to Lucifer and asked, "Can you come along with us?"

Lucifer, somewhat surprised by the invitation, inquired, "Where?"

"To Anadem," Jophiel replied with enthusiasm. "A place full of flowers everywhere."

Lucifer, recalling the stories he had heard, nodded. "Yeah, I've heard that before."

Jophiel's smile was infectious. "So are you coming?"

Lucifer confirmed his decision with a nod. "Then it's settled."

Jophiel descended from the rooftop, leaving Lucifer behind to continue savoring the view of Bethlehem. However, his peaceful moment was interrupted when he spotted three individuals in black coats. He recognized their faces immediately and wasted no time. In a swift motion, Lucifer jumped from the rooftop and headed toward them.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Ennemond addressed their guest. "I have some appointments with the chief, you know, business stuff," Lyam explained.

Ennemond appreciated the courtesy and replied, "I'm glad you came here to inform us, Lyam."