Chapter 5.4: Gloom and Bloom

"Moreover, their hair," commented another, "Archangel Uriel's hair, so long and resplendent, is akin to a vibrant marigold."

"Yes, and Archangel Camael's hair," chimed in another lady, "is like the lush green of a well-kept lawn."

Archangel Uriel couldn't help but laugh at their observations. "I'm truly impressed by your keen eye for colors, ladies."

The lady with the glass of wine responded, "We may not possess the same celestial beauty as you, archangels, but we have our own unique beauty, gifted to us by our God."

Archangel Camael nodded in agreement. "Jophiel, don't you think so?"

Jophiel joined the conversation with a smile. "There's beauty in everything and everyone. You just need to have enough patience and effort to find them. Especially in cases such as yours."

"But how do we find them?" inquired the lady with the fan, genuinely curious.

Jophiel's response carried a message of empowerment and self-acceptance. "You find them by looking within yourselves, appreciating the beauty that resides in your hearts and souls, and by embracing the unique qualities that make you who you are. That, my dear ladies, is how you discover true beauty."

Jophiel's words of wisdom resonated deeply with the ladies, leaving them in awe of her enlightened perspective.

"By loving yourself," Jophiel emphasized, "Also, the real beauty is not on the outside but on the inside of the person. The outer beauty is seen with the vision; the inner beauty is seen with the heart."

Uriel added a playful wink to the mix, and the ladies couldn't help but be taken aback by the profound sentiments shared by the archangels.

"That's the beauty of God," remarked the lady with gloves, her heart touched by Jophiel's words. "But Jophiel's beauty is beyond words... like wow..."

She used her fan to shield her flushed face. "I'm at a loss for words. Her beauty is truly extraordinary."

"I couldn't agree more!" chimed in another lady, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "In fact, her hair shines like golden sunshine, her eyes are as deep and enchanting as the ocean, and she possesses a voice that can hit every note, high or low. Archangel Jophiel is a true masterpiece."

Jophiel, humbled by their compliments, gently placed her hand over her heart. "Thank you for your kind words. In truth, all of you ladies are beautiful in your own unique ways. I can assure you of that."

The lady with the glass of wine expressed her gratitude. "We are grateful for the opportunity to converse with you, dear archangels."

Uriel smiled warmly and replied, "We are equally delighted to have had this wonderful conversation with all of you lovely ladies." 

The ladies were certainly not ones to shy away from direct questions, as evidenced when the lady with the fan boldly inquired, "Oh right! Do you have boyfriends?"

Camael and Jophiel exchanged quick glances, then cleared their throats nervously, leaving the ladies rather perplexed by their reactions. Uriel, on the other hand, remained silent.

The lady with the glass of wine noticed Uriel's silence and decided to press the issue. Her intense stare bore into Uriel, who, feeling the weight of their gaze, finally averted her eyes. The ladies couldn't help but interpret Uriel's reaction as confirmation that she was indeed in a relationship.

Their curiosity piqued, the lady with gloves asked, "Who's the lucky man, Archangel Uriel?" Uriel smiled warmly and replied, "Zadkiel."

The ladies gasped collectively, their jaws dropping in surprise. The revelation that Uriel was romantically involved with another angel was certainly unexpected, and it left them with a flurry of questions and a newfound fascination with the dynamics of angelic relationships.

The lady with the glass of wine marveled, "No wonder, no wonder. Archangel Zadkiel is handsome and brave, and he's also your knight in shining armor, the righteousness of God. Oh my... what a lovely couple you are." She couldn't help but place a hand to her head in sheer delight.

Another lady chimed in, her eyes twinkling with affection, "Archangel Raphael is a kind and sweet man for me. His calming voice makes my heart throb; the way he treats women with gentleness is so warming."

The mention of Archangel Michael prompted the lady with the glass of wine to inquire about his whereabouts. Uriel explained, "He's busy right now, dealing with some matters he's determined to resolve. He insists that we should rest and have fun while he handles it. So we decided to surprise him once he's done, and he has agreed to that plan."

The lady with the fan added, "Archangel Michael is truly a hard-working angel, much like God. I'm certain he'll be overjoyed to see the surprise you have in store for him."

One lady, adorned with gloves, praised Archangel Gabriel, describing him as someone who always wore a serious expression but was incredibly reliable and cool. She further elaborated, "He's also kind, gentle, and somehow dense when it comes to jokes."

Her companion was intrigued and asked, "How did you come to know all this?"

Clearing her throat, she began, "I had the opportunity to meet Archangel Gabriel in Gallia recently. He provided security as we embarked on an evangelical mission. After the sermon, we offered snacks to the people who attended and listened to the Word of God."

She continued, "One of my associates struck up a conversation with Archangel Gabriel. They got along well, and as their discussion reached its peak, my associate shared a joke related to their topic: 'Why are skeletons so calm?'"

Jophiel, who was listening intently, snapped her fingers and confidently replied, "Oh, I know that one!"

The lady with gloves laughed heartily and said, "That's right, Archangel Jophiel. But Archangel Gabriel's response was so hilarious that it had me in fits of laughter. I couldn't contain myself."

Curious, Jophiel inquired, "So, what was his response?"

Still chuckling, the lady with gloves shared, "He responded with, 'Skeletons are dead; they can't feel anything.' I laughed so hard at that moment that tears streamed down my face."

The laughter gradually subsided, and a solemn tone settled among the group. The ladies, now more aware of the archangels' past and the burdens they carried, couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy and sadness for Archangel Gabriel.

Camael, still processing Gabriel's response, chimed in, "I can't blame you for calling Gabriel dense when it comes to jokes."

Uriel, with a sigh, added a layer of context to their conversation, saying, "Well, I hate to spoil our joyful talk, but it's also good for you ladies to know him more."

She continued, "Gabriel has become a more serious person after the fall of the greatest angel. He holds deep reverence for him and the memories of their time together. He used to be quite cheerful in the past."

The ladies listened in silence, absorbing this newfound insight into Gabriel's character. They couldn't help but feel sympathy for him.

The lady with the fan spoke thoughtfully, "Even you Archangels have gone through so much. It's not just about risking your lives to protect us, but also the losses you've experienced among your own companions, those you once cared for."

Uriel nodded in acknowledgment, her gaze filled with a mixture of gratitude and melancholy. "Well, it is what it is. We can't control the timing of events in our lives."

The lady with a glass of wine then asked a question that caught the archangels off guard, "May we know who the greatest angel is? Because, as far as we know, Archangel Michael is considered the greatest, given his traits are often likened to those of God."

Uriel, her brows furrowing in surprise, responded bluntly, "Okay, do you know Lucifer?"

The lady with gloves, looking puzzled, asked, "Lucifer? Is that an angel?"

Camael, equally astonished, continued, "Lucifer is the king of hell, known as the fallen angel. He used to be God's favorite. Don't you know him?"

The lady with a fan replied apologetically, "We deeply apologize, Archangels, but the only king of hell we're familiar with is Satan. We also know of six archdemons. But this is the first time we've ever heard of Lucifer."

The archangels fell into a brief silence, exchanging perplexed glances. Jophiel, on the other hand, scanned the surroundings, searching for Lucifer.

The festive atmosphere took another turn when the musicians transitioned from ballad music to lively dance tunes. The people, intrigued by the change, rose to their feet and began dancing energetically.

"It seems like the party is far from over," observed the lady with a glass of wine.

"Would you like to join us, Archangel?" inquired the lady with gloves.

Uriel declined graciously, saying, "No, we're fine. Please enjoy yourselves."

With a cheerful farewell, the ladies rejoined the dancing crowd, leaving the archangels deep in thought, perplexed by the newfound information and their curiosity piqued.

Camael expressed her concern, saying, "I'm genuinely bothered by how the people here in Nazareth don't know about Lucifer."

Jophiel, scanning the area once again, considered, "Should we ask Lucifer?"

Uriel, with a note of caution, advised, "Perhaps not. He might tell you lies."

The man, clearing his throat to get their attention, stepped forward and addressed the archangels, "Archangel Uriel and Camael, we would like to extend an invitation for you to join us in a harmonious conversation with the town's chiefs. Would you be willing to come?"

Uriel accepted graciously, saying, "We would be honored to join you."

Camael, with her usual enthusiasm for food, added with a grin, "Just make sure there's plenty of food!"

The man chuckled and assured her, "Rest assured, Archangel Camael, there will be an abundance of food."

Camael cheered in response, while Uriel turned to Jophiel and asked, "Would you like to come, Jophiel?"

Jophiel, however, declined, citing fatigue, "I'm afraid I can't join you, sisters. I need to head home now; I'm quite sleepy."

Uriel embraced Jophiel warmly and reassured her, "You've done more than enough, little flower. Take some rest; you've truly earned it."

Camael leaned in and whispered to Jophiel with a mischievous smile, "Don't worry, I'll bring some food home for you, since there's going to be plenty."

Uriel caught the secretive exchange and gave them both a knowing side-eye. "What are you two whispering about?" she asked with curiosity.

Jophiel and Camael couldn't contain their laughter. "Oh, it's just about food," Jophiel explained.

Uriel raised an eyebrow. "Camael, are you still not full?"

Camael shrugged playfully. "That beef tenderloin was irresistible; what can I say?"

Uriel sighed deeply, clearly amused by her sister's appetite. "Alright, go on. Enjoy your feast."

With a final round of hugs, Jophiel prepared to depart, her sisters holding her tightly. Jophiel giggled as she teased, "You two sure do hug me a lot."

Uriel replied, "We've just missed you, Jophiel."

Camael chimed in, "And I'm looking forward to breakfast at your house tomorrow."

Jophiel playfully pouted, "So, you do care a lot about food but not about me?" The trio shared a laugh.

Camael chuckled mischievously, "Well, of course, I care about you, especially your... unique taste in home decor." She couldn't help but laugh as she teased Jophiel.

Uriel joined in, her giggles filling the air. "That pout of yours is just too adorable! I can't resist squishing those cheeks."

The three sisters shared a moment of laughter, their affection for each other evident.

As Jophiel prepared to leave, Uriel bid her goodnight. "Sleep tight, Jophiel."

Camael added her own playful remark, "And don't let the small bugs bite."

With that, Lyam escorted Jophiel back to her home, while Uriel and Camael made their way to the town hall to join the chiefs for their harmonious conversation. 

As the evening sky painted a canvas of vivid colors over Bethlehem, Jophiel found Lucifer perched on a sturdy branch, gazing out at the view before him. She couldn't resist the urge to playfully tease him. With a smooth rock in hand, she tossed it his way, causing him to jump in surprise before realizing it was her.

"What an elegant greeting you have there, archangel," Lucifer remarked with a smirk.

Jophiel chuckled, her eyes reflecting the beauty of the blooming town below. She accepted Lucifer's offered hand, allowing him to assist her in joining him on the branch. Together, they sat side by side, their eyes fixed on the mesmerizing panorama.

"Thank you," Lucifer spoke sincerely, breaking the silence that enveloped them. "Congratulations on your success."

Jophiel turned her gaze toward him, her expression filled with gratitude. "And thank you for being there, for helping me in this endeavor. I couldn't have accomplished it without you."

Lucifer's smile remained, his eyes holding a certain warmth as he listened to Jophiel's words. He couldn't help but be drawn into the earnestness of her sentiments.

"Small things, maybe," he reiterated, "but I'm glad they meant something to you."

As Jophiel inquired about his absence earlier, Lucifer explained Uriel's counsel. "Uriel was right to worry, and I didn't want to put you in danger. I know Lilith is hunting you, and although it doesn't faze you, I'd rather err on the side of caution and protect you."

Jophiel's unwavering confidence in him touched Lucifer deeply, but it also raised questions in his mind. "Why are you so confident in me?" he asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

Jophiel smiled, her eyes reflecting both kindness and understanding. "You may be known as the king of hell, the fallen angel, and the one responsible for humanity's fall," she began, "but I believe there's more to you than that. I've seen glimpses of it—your complexity, your struggle to understand humanity. That day when you told me about their flaws and darkness, I realized that you're trying to make sense of it all. And I want to understand you too, Lucifer, beyond the surface."

Lucifer's gaze lingered on the picturesque scene of Bethlehem as Jophiel entered her house. Her words had touched him, and he couldn't help but ponder them.

"'There's still good inside you…'" he muttered to himself, almost as if questioning the very idea. He had spent countless eons walking the paths of darkness, embracing his role as the ruler of Hell, and reveling in the chaos of human nature. The concept of goodness, of redemption, was foreign to him.

"Does that even exist in a devil?" he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty. It was a question that had haunted him for millennia, one he had never dared to answer.

Lucifer remained perched on the tree, lost in his thoughts, as the night deepened and the stars sparkled above him, silently challenging the boundaries of his beliefs.

"Your eyes shining like a lengthy stars

Covered by a brightly sparks."

Next Chapter: Companion and Investigation