Chapter 5.3: Gloom and Bloom

Lucifer was having none of it, swatting Amenadiel's hand away and asking, "Are you making fun of me now?"

Amenadiel sighed, his tone turning serious as he voiced his concerns. "You know, Lucifer... Archangel Uriel was right. The closer you are to Archangel Jophiel, the more chaos suddenly occurs. Due to that, Lilith is hunting both of you, or one of you... well, it doesn't matter. My point is, I strongly agree with Archangel Uriel. You should distance yourself from Archangel Jophiel."

Lucifer's frustration resurfaced. "I was just protecting Jophiel! Since I know what kind of mistress-fiend Lilith is."

Amenadiel questioned Lucifer's motives, asking, "Then why didn't you tell Archangel Uriel back then?"

Lucifer responded, his voice tinged with a sense of understanding, "That would have been a beautiful disaster, Amenadiel, considering Uriel's initial feelings towards Lilith."

Amenadiel expressed his lack of awareness, saying, "Oh! I didn't know about that."

Lucifer continued to shed light on the past, saying, "At that time, Uriel was just an angel, not yet an archangel. And the reason Uriel came to despise Lilith was because of an incident in the Garden of Eden."

Amenadiel leaned in, intrigued. "Why did Archangel Uriel hate Lilith?"

Lucifer explained, "When an angel exiled Lilith from the Garden of Eden for disobeying the Almighty's command, Lilith's behavior towards that angel was simply awful. She belittled her and used ungracious words. It just so happened that Uriel arrived at that very moment and heard it all."

Amenadiel nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "I can't blame Archangel Uriel for feeling that way. She does have a strong aversion to such behavior."

Lucifer chimed in, "it's true, Amenadiel. Uriel's love for Jophiel is undeniable, and she sees her as a sister. She's merely looking out for her, especially given my reputation as a devil."

Lucifer paused, contemplating his feelings, before saying, "But I can protect Jophiel too, you know."

Amenadiel couldn't help but tease, "Are you hitting on Archangel Jophiel, Lucifer?"

Lucifer's response was filled with uncertainty, "I don't know. It's just... as I mentioned before, when I'm around her, I feel a sense of tranquility. It's a presence I haven't experienced in millennia, not since my rebellion."

Amenadiel probed further, "Is there guilt lingering in your heart, Lucifer?"

Lucifer shook his head, maintaining his confidence, "No, Amenadiel. It's not guilt, but rather a sense of nostalgia. I have my reasons for the path I've chosen now."

Amenadiel chuckled, "You're still as prideful as ever, Lucifer." Lucifer simply smiled in response.

Uriel and Jophiel followed Camael and the children out of the underground establishment. As they emerged into the open, the children couldn't contain their excitement and joy. They surrounded Uriel and Jophiel, their faces filled with smiles.

"Archangels!" they yelled in unison, rushing forward to embrace Uriel and Jophiel, their small arms wrapping around the celestial beings. Jophiel and Uriel, in their grandeur, knelt down to the children's level and warmly embraced them.

"We were so worried about you," Jophiel said softly, her voice filled with genuine concern.

One of the girls spoke up, expressing their gratitude, "Thanks to Archangel Camael for protecting us the whole time."

Uriel affectionately patted the girl's head and reassured them, "You can go now, little ones. It's safe outside."

The children beamed with happiness, their hearts lighter now that the danger had passed. "Thank you, Archangels!" they chimed in unison before running off to rejoin the town's recovery efforts. Camael, Uriel, and Jophiel watched them go, their hearts warmed by the innocence and resilience of the children.

"Kids are surely lively beings," Uriel mused, her eyes filled with affection for the children they had just met.

Camael chimed in with a grin, "Yeah, and mischievous too."

But then Uriel dropped a surprising bombshell, "I want to have one."

Jophiel and Camael exchanged startled glances, unable to hide their astonishment at Uriel's sudden revelation.

"Uhm... we should slow down on that part, Uriel," Jophiel cautioned.

Camael nodded in agreement, adding with a playful smirk, "I'm sure if Zadkiel heard this, that knucklehead would go lunatic."

Uriel scoffed and chuckled at their reactions. She looked at Jophiel, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and said, "I hope he can last a round on me."

Both Jophiel and Camael exclaimed, "HEY!" in unison, their cheeks flushing at Uriel's audacious remark.

Uriel's laughter filled the air, and she gently took Jophiel's hands, her tone sincere as she said, "We were so glad we came here to visit you, Jophiel. We truly miss you in heaven and always wonder how you are here on Earth."

Camael chimed in, "And we didn't think that there was another great endeavor heading your way in this nation—'Bloom the Bethlehem'—truly admirable, Jophiel. You're like Michael now."

Jophiel's eyes shone with gratitude as she basked in the warmth of her sisters' compliments and their visit.

"Aw, thank you, sisters, for your kind compliments as well as for visiting me here. I truly, deeply, madly appreciate it," she replied with a sincere smile.

Jophiel then turned the conversation to a matter close to her heart, "Also, I hope the plan 'Restoration' is on track."

Uriel responded with enthusiasm, "Oh yes! Raphael and Gabriel led the way on it. While Zadkiel stayed in heaven, and Michael went to that island."

Jophiel nodded thoughtfully, her expression reflecting the weight of the task ahead. "Yeah, I've heard our former brothers, known as fallen angels, live there."

Camael added, "You heard it right."

With a hopeful tone, Jophiel concluded, "Let's pray all of them will succeed and no one gets hurt."

Uriel agreed wholeheartedly, "Yes, let's strive for that."

As the three archangels held each other's hands in prayer, their devotion and unity resonated with the heavenly spirits. A radiant, golden spirit emerged and soared towards the other angels - Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. The trio of heavenly messengers couldn't help but smile, feeling the strength of their sisters' prayers and support.

"Okay, let's head back and help the people reconstruct their homes," Uriel suggested, breaking the moment of reflection.

Returning to the town, the archangels were met with the sight of the townsfolk diligently repairing their houses. However, their astonishment reached new heights when they spotted Lucifer actively engaged in assisting the people with their tasks, such as sawing wood. Amenadiel was also contributing his carpentry skills.

Uriel and Camael were left speechless by the unexpected scene, their eyes widening in disbelief. Jophiel, on the other hand, maintained a serene smile as she watched her sisters' reactions.

"Camael," Uriel began, her voice filled with amazement.

Camael, equally surprised, responded, "Yes?"

"Are you seeing this unbelievable phenomenon?" Uriel inquired, still taken aback.

Camael could only nod in agreement. "In these very eyes of mine, indeed."

Uriel couldn't contain her astonishment, blurting out, "What on earth is going on here? A devil helping people! Seriously?"

Jophiel cleared her throat and added, "Not just that. Lucifer is also assisting Mr. Ennemond in taking care of the flowers in the shop."

Camael, now thoroughly bewildered, raised her hands and exclaimed, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..."

"Lucifer also has an interest in flowers?" she asked incredulously.

Jophiel clarified, "It's not that he has interests; he's just helping."

As Uriel touched her head in bewilderment and whispered a prayer for guidance, her thoughts swirled with uncertainty. "Oh Father! What is going on here?" she murmured, seeking divine wisdom to comprehend the unusual turn of events.

Jophiel's modest laughter broke the contemplative silence, lightening the mood, though Uriel and Camael couldn't help but wear expressions of astonishment and suspicion.

Amidst their confusion, Lucifer noticed Jophiel and her angelic companions and waved in their direction. Jophiel responded with a friendly wave of her own, displaying a warmth that puzzled Uriel and Camael even further.

Seeing Jophiel beckoning them, Uriel and Camael reluctantly followed her lead. Together, they joined the townsfolk in their efforts to rebuild their homes, and progress was being made rapidly.

Jophiel, however, encountered a challenge as she struggled to lift some heavy, ruined curtains. Without hesitation, Lucifer moved to assist her. Just as he extended a helpful hand, Uriel appeared in front of him with a menacing glare, causing Lucifer to immediately step back, his intentions seemingly misunderstood.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the townsfolk gathered for a celebratory feast, reminiscent of the grand gatherings that followed the war in Bethlehem.

The evening unfolded with lively chatter and clinking glasses, setting the mood for a joyful occasion. At one end of a long table, Lucifer and Amenadiel found themselves seated in a relatively remote corner, while the archangels occupied the opposite end.

Lucifer couldn't help but express his dissatisfaction. "They're too far," he mumbled, his eyes scanning the distance between him and the archangels.

Amenadiel, taking a sip of water and feeling the weight of the situation, responded, "What did you expect? Uriel and Camael are both there, after all."

Lucifer leaned back, a contemplative expression on his face, and inquired, "Did you really treat Jophiel as a princess all this time?"

Amenadiel nodded affirmatively, his gaze fixed on the festivities. "Precisely. She's the one who brought joy back into our lives after your rebellion."

Lucifer sighed deeply, sensing the underlying tension. "This rebellion matter keeps coming up, doesn't it?"

Amenadiel's words carried a weight that mirrored the solemnity of their surroundings. "You know, Lucifer, after your fall from grace in heaven, most of us were both saddened and disappointed. To think that the brightest creation of all had disobeyed the Almighty due to pride, refusing to bow down to the magnificent work of our Creator."

He paused, taking a sip of water as he continued, "We had great expectations for you, just as much as we had for Archangel Michael. But you shattered those hopes with your rebellion. It's no wonder Archangel Uriel doesn't fully trust you. There are many witnesses to your actions."

Amenadiel's eyes bore into Lucifer's as he delivered his message. "Archangel Jophiel tries to understand you. She has chosen to stand by your side despite knowing that you're a devil. She's letting you into her life."

He leaned in closer to Lucifer, his voice filled with gravitas. "Don't ever repeat the same mistakes with her, Lucifer. Don't let her trust in you fade away like it did before. One day, you might come to regret it."

Lucifer listened in silence, his thoughts mingling with the echoes of his past choices and the uncertain path that lay ahead. 

As the festivities continued, Uriel's voice rang out, commanding the attention of the jubilant crowd. The clinking of a glass against a spoon resonated through the air.

"Everyone, may I have your attention for Archangel Jophiel momentarily," Uriel announced, her authoritative tone cutting through the merriment. "She's about to make a declaration for tomorrow's transformation."

The people fell silent, their faces turned toward Jophiel as they eagerly awaited her words.

Jophiel rose gracefully from her seat, radiating an aura of grace and kindness. "First of all," she began, her voice as sweet as a melodic tune, "I want to express my deepest gratitude for your support in purchasing flowers from Mr. Ennemond. I hope all of you have received a free sachet of seeds."

A chorus of joyful affirmations filled the air. Jophiel couldn't help but giggle at their enthusiastic response. "That's adorable," she remarked.

With a warm smile, she continued, "Tonight, I have a special request. I want each and every one of you to plant those seeds wherever your heart desires. And when the sun rises, you will witness a marvelous transformation. Your surroundings will be adorned with beautiful belle dames."

The people erupted in applause and cheers, their hearts filled with anticipation for the enchanting spectacle that awaited them on the morrow.

As the night turned to dawn, a sense of anticipation and excitement filled the air. The people, having rushed home after the feast, were now diligently planting the seeds that Archangel Jophiel had graciously distributed.

In the soft morning light, as the sun's first rays began to paint the sky with delicate hues of pink and orange, the world seemed to come alive. Birds were chirping their songs of welcome, and a gentle breeze rustled through the budding trees.

The three archangels, Jophiel, Uriel, and Camael, stood in a row, their wings gracefully unfolding behind them. Jophiel's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Her hands trembled as she held the power to bring forth a miraculous transformation.

"It looks like you're feeling anxious," Uriel observed, her perceptive eyes locked onto Jophiel.

Camael inquired with concern, "Why is that, Jophiel?"

Jophiel took a deep breath, her determination shining in her eyes. "This is a historic event, and I have to succeed. It means so much to these people."

Uriel and Camael, understanding the weight of the moment, joined hands with Jophiel. They offered her their unwavering support and encouragement.

"Now I'm ready," Jophiel declared, her resolve solidifying as she stood tall and prepared to bring about the enchanting transformation they had all been waiting for.

Jophiel, bathed in radiant light, ascended above the town of Bethlehem. Her wings glistened like ivory in the early morning sun, and her presence exuded an aura of divine grace and beauty. The people below watched in awe as their beloved archangel prepared to work her miracle.

With a flourish of her hands, Jophiel summoned a shimmering cascade of sparkles, like stardust falling from the heavens. As she twirled gracefully in the sky, the sparkles encircled her, forming a brilliant, luminescent ring.

Then, with a voice that seemed to carry the melody of the entire cosmos, she chanted, 

"Beauty of God: The Presence of Florescence."

As Jophiel shines around Bethlehem, and the enchanting spell took hold, the entire town of Bethlehem was bathed in a radiant glow. From the newly planted seeds, life began to burst forth. Roots delved into the fertile soil, stems grew tall and strong, leaves unfurled with vibrant green, and petals blossomed in an array of colors.

Each street, each district, and each house was adorned with a different variety of flowers, a kaleidoscope of nature's beauty. Daisies, tulips, lilies, carnations, roses, and Jophiel's favorite, the sunflower, graced the landscape.

The people of Bethlehem watched in wonder and delight as their surroundings were transformed into a breathtaking garden. Jophiel's magic had brought forth a symphony of colors and scents, a testament to the power of hope, growth, and renewal.

As the archangel hovered above, she smiled down upon the people, knowing that she had fulfilled her mission to bring beauty and joy to their lives once more.

The people of Bethlehem stood in awe, their eyes wide with wonder, as they beheld the miraculous transformation of their town. Each house was now adorned with a profusion of colorful blooms, creating a breathtaking tapestry of nature's finest creations. Children laughed and played, plucking flowers to tuck behind their ears, while adults inhaled the sweet fragrance that filled the air.

Jophiel watched, her heart brimming with joy, as the people reveled in the beauty that had bloomed before them. Tears of happiness trickled down her cheeks, each drop a testament to the profound sense of fulfillment she felt in her heart.

Uriel and Camael joined her, their expressions mirroring the astonishment of the people below. They marveled at the sight of Bethlehem, now transformed into a vibrant and enchanting paradise.

"Truly, this is a wondrous phenomenon," Uriel whispered in awe.

"It is the beauty of God's creation," Camael added.

Jophiel, overcome with emotion, wiped away her tears. "I can't help but be moved. This journey, from acquiring the seeds to defending them against the hardships, has been filled with challenges. And now, as I witness this magnificent reward, it exceeds all expectations. It's more beautiful than I could have ever imagined."

As the archangels shared this moment of profound gratitude and wonder, the people of Bethlehem continued to celebrate, their lives forever enriched by the enchanting beauty that had bloomed in their midst.

Uriel and Camael's embrace provided Jophiel with the warmth and reassurance she needed in that moment. Their words of encouragement resonated deeply with her, and she felt their unwavering support.

"You deserve it, Jophiel," Uriel reassured her, patting her back gently.

Jophiel, still overwhelmed with emotion, replied, "We deserve it all."

Camael joined the embrace, offering her own words of comfort. "What tears of joy you have there, little flower."

From below, Lucifer and Amenadiel observed the touching scene with smiles, understanding the significance of this moment for Jophiel and the people of Bethlehem.

Uriel expressed her hope that others would also witness this remarkable transformation. Jophiel nodded, wiping her tears away. "Another feast will surely occur. I'm certain."

As they continued to celebrate, Jophiel suddenly remembered Mr. Ennemond and his late wife's dream for their flower shop. She hurried to their shop, where both Ennemond and Lyam were just waking up.

Ennemond, surprised by Jophiel's haste, asked, "Oh, what's the rush, my dear?"

Jophiel couldn't contain her excitement. "You're going to have to see this..."

With Ennemond in tow, they left the shop to witness the incredible transformation of Bethlehem, where flowers now bloomed in abundance, turning the once-ordinary town into a breathtaking haven of color and beauty.

Ennemond, still adjusting to the brightness of the day, heard the excited chatter of the townsfolk all around him. He slowly lowered his hands from his face and was immediately stunned by the breathtaking sight that met his eyes.

"Is this real, my dear?" Ennemond asked in awe, hardly able to believe the transformation that had taken place.

Jophiel, her eyes shining with joy, clasped Ennemond's hands tightly and replied, "Yes, Granpabi!"

Lyam, who was standing nearby, added, "Ennemond… I think this is it."

The old florist was momentarily speechless, overwhelmed by the beauty that surrounded him. In that moment, a paper plane glided down in front of Jophiel, who deftly caught it and unfolded the message inside.

"Take him to the cliff, where he can truly see his wife's dream come true. (Lucifer)," the message read.

Jophiel beamed with delight, her gaze scanning the area to locate Lucifer. She carefully tucked the paper plane into her pocket and turned to Ennemond.

"Granpabi," Jophiel called out to him.

Ennemond, still captivated by the sight of the blooming town, replied, "What is it, my dear?"

Jophiel's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she said, "Let's go to my house, and I'll show you something."

With Ennemond following her, Jophiel led the way to her house, eager to share the incredible sight that awaited them on the cliff.

They boarded Lyam's delivery truck, and as he drove, Jophiel kept a watchful eye on Ennemond, her heart brimming with excitement. They soon arrived at Jophiel's house, where she proceeded to blindfold Ennemond, guiding him with care to the rooftop.

Once they had reached their destination, Jophiel gently removed the blindfold, allowing Ennemond to open his eyes. The elderly florist's gaze fell upon the breathtaking sight of Bethlehem, now transformed into a sea of vibrant and blooming flowers.

"So that earlier was true," Ennemond uttered in awe, his voice filled with wonder.

Tears welled up in Jophiel's eyes as she replied, "Yes, Granpabi."

Ennemond turned to Jophiel, his own eyes moist with emotion, and asked, "Do you remember that day you asked why we were here?"

Jophiel nodded, her heart touched by the memory. "Yes, I remember."

"I replied that I wanted you to witness today's beauty in Bethlehem," Jophiel continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "And now, this is it. I've made your wife's dream come true."

Overwhelmed by gratitude and the fulfillment of his late wife's dream, Ennemond began to cry. He moved closer to Jophiel and embraced her tightly, and she returned the gesture, their tears mingling in a poignant moment of shared joy.

"Thank you, my dear," Ennemond said, his words filled with sincerity.

Jophiel, still holding Ennemond in a warm embrace, sniffled and replied, "You're welcome, Granpabi." She couldn't help but smile, knowing that this was also her way of repaying the kindness he had shown her during her time in his home. 

Ennemond's laughter filled the rooftop as he shook his head in affectionate disbelief. "This payback is too much, my dear," he remarked with a hearty chuckle.

Jophiel joined in his laughter, her own giggles chiming in harmony. "Beyond too much, Granpabi."

With a fond smile, Ennemond gazed up at the sky and added, "I'm sure my wife is glad up there, seeing what you've done."

Their hearts felt light, knowing that they had shared this beautiful moment together and that, in some way, it had brought comfort and joy to those who were no longer with them.

In the serene realms of heaven, Eloise Dufort stood alongside Archangel Azrael, gazing down upon the breathtaking sight unfolding in Bethlehem. It was a momentous occasion, a dream realized, and Eloise felt a profound sense of fulfillment.

Archangel Zadkiel approached Eloise, his presence radiating warmth and grace. "Congratulations, Mrs. Eloise Dufort," he spoke, his voice filled with admiration. "You've finally claimed your longtime dream."

Eloise humbly bowed her head before the esteemed archangel. "As well as on you, Archangel Zadkiel, for joining me here. And who am I that is worthy to be joined by an Archangel?"

Zadkiel smiled kindly, reassuring Eloise, "You are all worthy, Mrs. Dufort."

Eloise's heart swelled with gratitude as she spoke of the earthly angel who had made her dream a reality. "Also, thanks to Archangel Jophiel for making it happen."

With a gentle nod, Zadkiel acknowledged her appreciation. "You can rely on her anytime. That's the beauty of God."

Eloise offered another heartfelt bow. "Thank you so much, Archangel Jophiel."

In her final words, Eloise conveyed her longing for her husband, "And please say hello to my husband. I really missed him so much."

In heaven, amidst the celestial splendor, Eloise's dreams were realized, and her heart remained forever connected to the world she had left behind.

A profound moment of connection transcended the boundaries between realms. Jophiel, standing beside Ennemond on the rooftop of their home, couldn't help but smile warmly as she relayed Eloise's message.

"Granpabi, your wife said hello," Jophiel spoke, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.

Ennemond's heart swelled with emotion, and he uttered the words with deep affection, "Oh, she's watching? Tell her I love her so much."

With a contented sigh, he felt a sense of closure and love fill his heart. Jophiel couldn't help but be moved by the heartfelt sentiment.

"Aw, how sweet. She heard it, Granpabi," Jophiel replied, her voice soft and comforting. "I miss her so much. I'm also glad she's witnessing this."

In that fleeting moment, amidst the blooming flowers and the radiant dawn, the connection between the earthly and heavenly realms remained strong, as love and memories bridged the gap between them.

As Ennemond expressed his curiosity about Lucifer's whereabouts, Jophiel couldn't help but smile, knowing that Lucifer was likely up to some mischief or unexpected kindness.

"Oh, where's Lucifer?" Ennemond inquired, his eyes scanning their surroundings.

Jophiel replied with a cheerful tone, "He's around somewhere," her smile widening as she glanced around, her gaze flickering as she searched for any sign of the devil.

"Thank you, Lucifer. You were also a big help to me," she added, her gratitude evident in her words.

Uriel then suggested taking a stroll around the town, and Lyam, always ready to assist, offered to be their driver for the day. The Archangels greeted him warmly, and Ennemond introduced him as his longtime best friend and a fellow flower enthusiast.

"The pleasure is mine, archangels," Lyam said with a gracious smile. "Holding your hands is like holding God's hands."

Ennemond, thinking of the delicious meal Lucifer had prepared the previous day, reminded everyone about visiting the shop. But there was a lingering mystery in the air as they wondered where Lucifer could be.

"But I wonder where he is," Ennemond mused, echoing the thoughts of everyone present. Lucifer's enigmatic presence had become a natural part of their lives, bringing both unpredictability and a touch of magic to Bethlehem.

As the Archangels, Uriel, Camael, and Jophiel, joined the townspeople in their joyful celebrations, their presence was met with cheers and gratitude from the residents of Bethlehem. The town had come together to prepare a grand feast to mark the extraordinary transformation that had taken place.

Amid the festivities, the town's mayor climbed up to the town hall and addressed the gathered crowd. His words carried the weight of the recent trials and tribulations that Bethlehem had endured.

"People of Bethlehem," the mayor began, his voice resonating with sincerity, "As we celebrate the remarkable transformation of our town after the challenging events we've faced, it's natural to still carry the weight of grief and loss. But with the unwavering support of the archangels and angels, we have persevered through those trying times. I ask you all to join me in a prayer of gratitude to our God for the abundant blessings we now witness before our very eyes."

A solemn hush fell over the crowd and the surrounding area as the people bowed their heads in prayer. Even the Archangels, celestial beings of immense power, joined in this moment of reverence. Lucifer, although observing from a distance, couldn't help but be captivated by Jophiel, his gaze fixed on her as she stood among the faithful, a symbol of hope and transformation in the midst of the divine spectacle.

Amid the lively festivities, the archangels found themselves surrounded by enthusiastic townspeople who couldn't help but admire their celestial presence. The ladies, in particular, were captivated by the grace and beauty of Archangel Uriel and Camael.

"Your curves, Archangel Uriel and Camael, are so flawless," one lady remarked, her admiration evident as she fanned herself.

"Also, Archangel Uriel's eye color is like a comforting sunshade, and Archangel Camael's eyes are as refreshing as mint green," added another lady, holding a glass of wine.

The ladies weren't just impressed by their appearances; they noticed the intricate details as well.