Chapter 5.2: Gloom and Bloom

Amenadiel reciprocated the gesture respectfully. "As well as on me, your majesties."

Jophiel graciously invited her sisters to take a seat, and they did so with humble gratitude.

"Pardon us," they both said as they settled into the chairs.

Ennemond, clearly delighted by the presence of the archangels, exclaimed, "If it isn't Archangels Uriel and Camael!"

Uriel responded with a warm smile, "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ennemond."

"The pleasure is mine!" Ennemond laughed heartily.

Camael appreciated the lively atmosphere and commented, "What a lively life you have here, Mr. Ennemond."

Ennemond chuckled, humbled by their presence. "I'm just continuing my late wife's business, as well as her dream."

Uriel, always curious, inquired about the dream. "What dream?"

Ennemond explained, "Bloom Bethlehem."   

Camael and Uriel exchanged knowing glances, realizing that their visit was not just coincidental but tied to a greater purpose. Uriel spoke with confidence, "It looks like our visit is not just ordinary but to witness a big phenomenon, Camael."

Camael's joy was palpable as she agreed, "God's perfect timing is truly amazing!"

Uriel made a promise, "We will help make your wife's dream come true, Mr. Ennemond."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Ennemond sighed, "I can't express how glad I am right now."

The genuine smiles on Uriel and Camael's faces conveyed their willingness to assist in fulfilling this heartfelt dream.

As the conversation flowed, a voice interrupted, announcing the readiness of the food. Lucifer, the unexpected guest, appeared at the entrance, clearly taken aback by the presence of Uriel and Camael.

"Greetings, Light of God, and Fortitude of God!" he greeted them, a touch of surprise in his tone.

Uriel recognized him immediately and clarified to Ennemond, "Wait... that's Lucifer, Mr. Ennemond."

Uriel, in her naivety, asked a question that surprised Ennemond, "Aren't you scared knowing he's the devil?"

Ennemond's response was filled with confusion, "Devil? Does that kind of devil's name exist?"

Lucifer, clearing his throat and sensing the tension in the air, interjected, "Pardon for the intrusion of your conversation, Light of God... But there's a lot to explain about that."

Amenadiel, ever vigilant, watched the unfolding situation with alarm but remained silent.

Uriel, with a touch of concern, addressed Lucifer, "Lucifer..."

Lucifer replied, "Yes?"

Uriel, her eyes reflecting her deep emotions, continued, "How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Jophiel? Your good intentions are really suspicious and not as clear as the crystal water of the celestial kingdom."

Lucifer sighed, sensing Uriel's frustration. "Uriel... I know you're mad at me. But let me prove that I don't have any kind of manipulation or bloody intention toward Jophiel. It's just that..."

Lucifer hesitated, unable to find the right words to express himself.

The tense atmosphere was shattered by a sudden and violent explosion that rocked the surroundings. Panic spread among the crowd as people screamed and ran for safety. The explosions continued to reverberate, causing chaos and fear.

Amenadiel, recognizing the source of the turmoil, declared, "High-rank devils."

Uriel, Camael, and Lucifer turned their attention to Amenadiel, their expressions filled with concern.

"How many of them?" Uriel asked, her voice steady despite the chaos.

Amenadiel, peering out the window, assessed the situation. "Just two of them."

Lucifer found himself at the center of Uriel's anger, and as she accused him of being a part of the unfolding chaos, he raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Not now, Uriel," he implored, his voice calm despite the turmoil surrounding them. "I have nothing to do with the situation right now."

Amenadiel and Camael, always ready to face danger, wasted no time and hurried outside to assess the situation. Jophiel, showing her caring nature, assisted Ennemond, guiding the frightened people to safety, away from the chaos and danger.

Uriel, her eyes burning with anger and suspicion, pointed at Lucifer, her words filled with determination. "We're not done talking." With that, she rushed outside to join Camael and Amenadiel, leaving Lucifer behind to contemplate the unfolding events. 

The chaotic scene continued to unfold around them, and Lucifer could only shake his head in frustration. "Bloody hell," he muttered to himself, his concern growing for the safety of everyone involved.

Meanwhile, Bael continued to wreak havoc, shooting at various places causing cars to explode and houses to sustain damage. Astaroth, on the other hand, had taken the children who had braided the archangels' hair as hostages. Uriel, Camael, and Jophiel were visibly shaken at the sight of the terrified children in the clutches of the devils.

"We will save you, little fellas," Uriel assured the frightened children, her voice filled with determination.

"Hang on there," Camael added gently, trying to offer comfort amidst the chaos.

A wicked laughter echoed from Bael and Astaroth as they reveled in the turmoil they had caused.

"How cute to hear that, children, right?" Astaroth mocked.

Uriel, her patience wearing thin, couldn't hold back any longer. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" she retorted.

Bael responded with a sinister grin, "We're afraid not, archangel."

Astaroth, always the manipulator, proposed a sinister deal. "In fact, why don't we make a deal?"

The tense standoff continued, with the children caught in the middle of this dangerous confrontation. Astaroth and Bael made their demands clear, their malicious intentions evident in their words and actions.

"Since that archangel," Astaroth pointed at Jophiel, "is here, we're going to spare the children and take her with us," he declared with a sinister grin.

Bael chimed in, asking, "You're not including our king in this plan, are you?"

Astaroth considered for a moment before responding, "Our king is the last target. It may be difficult."

Fear gripped the children, and their cries grew louder as Astaroth pressed his spear closer to one of them. Jophiel couldn't bear to see the innocent children suffer.

Desperation filled Jophiel's voice as she spoke, "Don't hurt them. I'll come to you; just don't hurt them."

Bael couldn't help but mock the situation, saying, "That's an archangel for you."

Jophiel, determined to protect the children at all costs, slowly began to approach Astaroth and Bael. She linked her mind to Amenadiel, who was silently watching from the shadows.

"Amenadiel, I know you're in there," Jophiel communicated through their telekinesis connection. "When I'm about to reach the children and successfully make the trade, you know what to do."

Amenadiel responded with determination, "Yes, your highness."

As the tense standoff reached its climax, Jophiel issued clear instructions to her fellow archangels. She knew the situation could turn chaotic at any moment, and she had a plan in place to ensure the children's safety.

"Camael, when the children are in your hands, seal them in your projectile chamber to ensure their safety because this will be chaotic," Jophiel commanded.

Uriel, despite her hesitation, nodded in agreement as she understood the gravity of the situation. "Burn them up," Jophiel instructed Uriel, preparing for the next steps of their risky plan.

With bated breath, Jophiel continued to approach Astaroth and Bael, inching closer to the terrified children. Astaroth seemed to relent, signaling that the deal would be honored. He released the children, and they scampered away to safety.

But just as Bael moved to handcuff Jophiel, she halted in her tracks. Astaroth, surprised by her sudden pause, asked, "What's the matter?"

With a devious smile on her face, Jophiel turned to them and uttered, "I'm genuinely eager to meet the Queen of Demons."

As Jophiel's plan unfolded, Amenadiel sprang into action. With a resounding shout, he invoked his divine power, casting a spell "Will of God: Single Time Pause." Time itself seemed to slow as a radiant force field enveloped Astaroth and Bael, immobilizing them temporarily.

Amenadiel wasted no time, soaring towards Jophiel with incredible speed. He reached her just in time, pulling her out of harm's way and away from the devils. Meanwhile, Camael acted swiftly to protect the frightened children. She conjured a specialized projectile chamber, sealing the youngsters within it to ensure their safety.

As the countdown to the end of the spell approached, Uriel took her position. She raised her hands, invoking her elemental power, and summoned a colossal, molten boulder forged from the depths of the earth. With tremendous force, she hurled the blazing mass at Astaroth and Bael.

The high-ranking devils, still trapped in the slowing field, had no chance to evade the impending cataclysm. The lava boulder struck them with brutal force, causing a massive explosion of searing flames and molten rock. As they were engulfed in the fiery maelstrom, their agonized cries echoed through the air, and they desperately attempted to escape the inferno by ascending rapidly.

A tense standoff unfolded in the skies as Astaroth made a surprising declaration. The archangels, still reeling from their previous attack, were taken aback by his apparent recovery.

"You're not going to get away," Amenadiel declared firmly, his resolve unwavering, and his celestial spear gleaming with divine energy.

Uriel's skepticism echoed through the air. "What?!"

Astaroth revealed the source of his swift healing, attributing it to Lilith's shared healing power. The revelation left the archangels stunned, realizing the extent of their opponents' resources and connections.

Meanwhile, Bael seized the opportunity to open fire on the archangels in the air, his shots ringing out like thunderclaps. Uriel, Jophiel, and Amenadiel skillfully dodged the projectiles, moving with grace and precision.

Amenadiel took center stage, his celestial spear aimed directly at Astaroth, who had returned to the fray. The two formidable adversaries locked eyes, ready to engage in a high-stakes duel amidst the tumultuous heavens.

As the celestial battle raged on in the skies, Jophiel brought forth her celestial bow, ready to take on Bael, who was locked in combat with Uriel. With unwavering determination, she drew her bowstring, channeling her divine charm into an arrow that glowed with ethereal radiance.

"Beauty of God: Powershot of Charm," Jophiel declared, her arrow of charm flying swiftly towards Bael. He tried to evade, but the arrow's enchanting aura was wide enough to ensnare him. The arrow struck its mark, hitting Bael with considerable force, though not fatally, thanks to Lilith's healing power.

Undeterred, Bael retaliated with his fiery onslaught, casting his "Sin of Sloth: Rain of Needles." Nails rained down upon Jophiel and Bael, but the archangel nimbly danced through the deadly downpour, deftly dodging each nail. Uriel, by her side, brought forth her own elemental might.

"Light of God: Phoenix Slave" Uriel chanted, summoning the blazing breath of a phoenix. A searing wave of fire surged forth, incinerating the onslaught of nails in its path. Jophiel soared higher into the heavens, assuming a graceful and commanding stance as she prepared to strike Bael.

"Beauty of God: Golden Smite!" Jophiel's arrow of charm, now wrapped in the majestic flames of Uriel's phoenix-inspired fire, streaked toward Bael. Desperate to halt the approaching onslaught, Bael tried to resist, but the merged power of the two archangels was too overwhelming. The arrow struck him with immense force, engulfing him in searing flames.

Bael's form writhed and twisted within the conflagration, enduring severe injuries from the combined might of Uriel and Jophiel's devastating attacks. 

Amidst the aerial chaos, Uriel and Jophiel continued to press their assault on Bael, who was still smoldering from the combined force of their attacks. The demonic prince, despite his injuries, remained defiant.

"That healing ability is really annoying," Uriel remarked, her fiery determination unyielding. Her flames still burned brightly, ready for another wave of celestial fury.

Jophiel, her celestial bow in hand, couldn't help but acknowledge the formidable strength of their adversary. "No wonder Lilith is the Queen of Demons," she added, as she prepared to unleash another divine arrow.

Meanwhile, on the earthly battleground, Amenadiel and Astaroth engaged in a fierce melee. Each strike of Astaroth's spear came with incredible speed, slashing through the air with malevolent intent. Amenadiel, on the defensive, evaded each strike with agile grace, though not without effort.

"Sin of Sloth: Corrupted Slash," Astaroth declared, his spear dancing through the air in a blur of malevolence. The strikes rained down upon Amenadiel with relentless speed, causing the trees around them to splinter and fall. The ground quaked as their battle raged on, creating small faults in the land due to the sheer impact of their clashes.

Amenadiel gritted his teeth, his spear deflecting the final, powerful slash from Astaroth. Both celestial and devil locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them as their grueling battle continued to unfold in the earthly realm.

"Amenadiel, good to see an old friend," Astaroth remarked with an unsettling grin, his eyes gleaming with a mix of familiarity and malice.

Amenadiel met his former friend's gaze, his expression tinged with both sadness and determination. "As well as me. And you've chosen an awful path for your very existence," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of their shared history.

Astaroth's laughter cut through the chaos of their battle. "Who cares about obedience if we have freedom?" he retorted, his tone defiant, as if challenging the very foundations of their celestial existence.

Amenadiel's response was unwavering, a testament to his unshakable faith. "The thing we chose will always have consequences," he declared, his words echoing with the wisdom of countless ages.

Their clash continued, a relentless dance of spears and power, as Amenadiel emphasized the gravity of their choices. "And that consequence is God's judgment," he reminded Astaroth, his voice carrying the weight of divine authority.

Yet, despite the impending judgment they faced, Astaroth's defiance remained unbroken. "Then, until that day!" he proclaimed, his determination matching that of his angelic opponent.

In the heart of the lush forest, a tense silence hung in the air. Astaroth, perched atop his skeletal wolf steed, scanned the verdant surroundings with a menacing smile. He knew that his adversary, Amenadiel, was somewhere close, concealed within the natural tapestry of the woods.

The skeletal wolf's long tail swayed restlessly, its sharp fangs and claws ready for action. Astaroth's piercing eyes, like twin orbs of malevolence, remained fixed on the dense foliage where his opponent lurked.

With a sinister grin, Astaroth goaded his adversary, his voice ringing out through the forest. "Come out, Will of God," he taunted, his words echoing through the trees. He was unyielding, confident in his ability to track down his celestial foe.

"You can't hide from me!" Astaroth's laughter filled the forest, a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked within its depths. The trees seemed to sway and shiver in response to his dark presence, and the birds, once singing merrily, fell silent in trepidation.

The skeletal wolf, an instrument of Astaroth's malevolence, had unwittingly triggered its own demise by stepping on the concealed silver rope. In a blinding burst of silver light, the once-menacing creature disintegrated into countless shards, vanquished in an instant.

Astaroth, thrown into the air by the force of the explosion, found himself hurtling toward the forest's edge. His dark laughter turned to a yelp of pain as he was ejected from the woodlands and into the open. There, the waiting figure of Amenadiel emerged like a vengeful angel of justice.

With unwavering determination, Amenadiel closed the gap between them in an instant, striking Astaroth with rapid, precise blows. Each slash inflicted fatal wounds upon the fallen devil, rendering him severely weakened. Astaroth, realizing the dire situation, unfurled his ebony wings and plummeted from the sky.

Amenadiel gave chase, his eyes locked on the retreating figure of Astaroth. In their state of retreat, Astaroth and Bael were left battered and defeated, forced to regroup as the archangels converged, their collective strength a testament to their unity.

"Archangels!" Amenadiel called out, regaining his composure as he them. Uriel expressed her relief, echoing the sentiments of Amenadiel's back with all-well. 

As Astaroth and Bael stood their ground, their smirks wavered under the archangels' watchful gaze. Jophiel's comment, acknowledging their tenacity despite their predicament, earned a begrudging nod from the two devils.

"Indeed, Lilith was wise not to send all of her forces," Astaroth admitted, his tone laced with a mix of annoyance and respect.

Amenadiel couldn't help but press for more information. "Ten of you? What are you planning?"

Astaroth's response was cryptic. "No more queries..." He and Bael raised their arms, ready to unleash their devastating power upon the archangels.

But just as the situation seemed dire, a sudden twist unfolded. A monstrous, crimson serpent-horned dragon, hollow and fearsome, materialized and disrupted the devils' impending attack. The archangels looked on in astonishment as a figure appeared amidst the chaos.

"And I'll finish your existence at once," declared Lucifer, his presence alone sending shivers down Astaroth and Bael's spines. The return of his celestial wings marked him as the true King of Hell.

Realizing the tide had shifted dramatically, Astaroth and Bael exchanged uneasy glances. Their bravado crumbled in the face of Lucifer's undeniable power.

Perhaps discretion was the better part of valor. "I think we should go back," Astaroth muttered, a note of apprehension in his voice.

Amid the fading chaos, the archangels regrouped, their eyes scanning the area for any signs of lingering danger. Amenadiel took charge, shouting, "You're not going anywhere!" as he and the archangels prepared to confront the escaping devils.

However, Astaroth and Bael were swift in their retreat, vanishing into the distance before the archangels could intercept them. Their departure left the celestial beings on edge, their readiness dissipating as the threat receded.

Lucifer, having made his dramatic entrance, was met with a mix of emotions from his celestial companions. Uriel, her gaze intense, fixed her eyes upon him, her guard still up. Amenadiel remained cautious, holding back slightly.

Lucifer attempted to reassure them, breaking the tense silence. "Come on now, Uriel," he implored, "as I've said... I don't have any bloody intentions toward the archangel."

Uriel's request for Jophiel to stay back was met with compliance, and Jophiel obediently stepped away from the group. However, when Lucifer attempted to follow suit, Uriel quickly halted his progress, her stern gaze fixated on him.

Lucifer, ever the mischievous one, couldn't resist a playful jab. With a mischievous giggle, he remarked, "I'm just copying Jophiel."

Amidst the fiery confrontation, Uriel surprisingly rain down her flames upon Lucifer, who was desperately evading the scorching onslaught. In the midst of the chaos, Lucifer couldn't help but voice his exasperation.

"What the hell are you up to, Uriel?" he questioned, his agile maneuvers keeping him just ahead of the relentless flames.

Uriel's flames danced around Lucifer, forming a blazing curtain that he struggled to breach. Her voice held a firm and unwavering tone as she responded, "Didn't I tell you to stay away from Jophiel?"

Lucifer's attempts to escape the fiery maelstrom were met with little success. He darted and weaved, his wings propelling him through the searing waves of heat. However, no matter how he maneuvered, Uriel seemed to anticipate his every move, and the flames relentlessly pursued him.

Meanwhile, Amenadiel watched the spectacle unfold, intrigued by the dynamics at play. He couldn't help but interject, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

"Are you not going to help Uriel?" he asked, a chuckle escaping his lips. "I didn't mean it in that way. Help Uriel scold Lucifer."

Jophiel, still in the midst of her own thoughts, was momentarily taken aback by Amenadiel's comment. Her reply was tinged with a sense of understanding.

"By what, getting rid of Lucifer?" she mused. "Perhaps she's just threatening him so that Lucifer will probably stay away from me."

Amenadiel chuckled softly. "Okay, then. Are you okay with that?"

"Maybe," Jophiel replied, her thoughts lingering on the fiery encounter unfolding before her.

Her wings fluttered gently as she contemplated the situation. "I want to see if Lucifer truly and genuinely changes after his rebellion," she explained, her voice carrying a note of curiosity and a hint of hope.

Amenadiel nodded in understanding. "So, in other words, you want to know him more?" he asked, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Jophiel turned to face Amenadiel, her expression thoughtful. "Yes," she admitted, her eyes fixed on the distant figure of Lucifer, who was still engaged in his fiery dance with Uriel. "I want to know if there's more to Lucifer than meets the eye."

Lucifer dangled in the air, held captive by the relentless grasp of the fiery golems. Sweat glistened on his brow as he struggled to break free, his eyes scanning for any means of escape. Just as despair began to settle in, he noticed a peculiar light in his left eye, one that seemed to beckon him towards salvation.

With a surge of determination, Lucifer unfurled his magnificent wings, their dark leathers shimmering in stark contrast to the fiery surroundings. He ascended rapidly, attempting to outpace the pursuing Uriel. But before he could reach the safety of the mountain's peak, his flight was abruptly halted by the relentless grip of two formidable fire golems.

The situation seemed dire, with Uriel closing in, ready to unleash a devastating whirlfire upon him. However, a sudden interruption occurred as Jophiel gracefully approached, her calming presence cutting through the tension like a soothing breeze.

"Stop, Uriel," Jophiel's voice resonated with authority and wisdom, and her hand gently rested on Uriel's outstretched arm.

Uriel turned her piercing gaze towards Jophiel, her fiery determination unyielding. "Why are you restraining me?" she demanded, her voice tinged with frustration.

Jophiel, however, maintained her composure as she cast a knowing glance at Lucifer, still ensnared by the fiery golems. "Perhaps Lucifer is not the same Lucifer you knew after the fall," she suggested, her words laced with uncertainty.

Uriel's brow furrowed, her suspicions lingering. "Maybe he's manipulating you," she cautioned, her concern for her sister evident.

Jophiel shook her head slowly, her eyes never leaving Lucifer's. "No," she replied with quiet confidence. "He can't even manipulate me, Uriel. But I believe I can manipulate him in a different way."

Uriel, her determination unwavering, issued a silent command to the fiery golems that held Lucifer captive. Their fiery grip tightened around him, rendering him immobile, his wings and limbs pinned in place. Lucifer's struggles were in vain, and he could do naught but meet Uriel's unyielding gaze.

As the tension in the air reached its peak, Jophiel continued to plead her case, her voice laced with a mix of certainty and vulnerability. "Then manipulate him and ask him," Uriel urged, her voice firm, demanding answers.

Jophiel, her gaze never wavering from Lucifer's eyes, offered her explanation. "I did that before, but it didn't work," she confessed, the weight of her past efforts evident in her words. "But I can assure you, Uriel. So please, let him go."

After a moment of contemplation, Uriel relented, her exasperation apparent. She gave the command to release Lucifer from the fiery shackles that had held him captive. As the golems withdrew, their fiery presence fading into nothingness, Jophiel offered a grateful nod to her sister. "Thank you, Uriel," she said, her voice filled with a mix of relief and determination, as she prepared to face the enigma that was Lucifer once more.

The tension in the rocky mountain slowly dissipated as Uriel and Jophiel shared a brief moment of understanding and sisterly affection. Uriel wrapped her arms around Jophiel in a protective embrace, their bond as siblings and celestial beings evident in their unspoken connection.

"Why can I never say no to you?" Uriel whispered softly, her voice carrying the warmth of her love and trust for her sister.

Jophiel, humbled by her sister's unwavering trust, could only wonder at the depth of their connection. "Because you trust me a lot?" she ventured, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Uriel couldn't help but chuckle at Jophiel's response. "Exactly!" she affirmed, her heart lightened by the bond they shared.

Their moment of closeness was interrupted by Lucifer, who stood nearby with his hands raised in a gesture of compliance. Uriel, still on edge, issued a stern warning. "Stay away from her!" she declared, her tone firm and commanding.

Lucifer nodded in understanding, his own intentions clear as he acknowledged Uriel's wishes. Jophiel, her smile radiant with relief, couldn't help but be glad that Lucifer was unharmed.

Amenadiel, always the voice of reason, brought their attention back to their primary mission. "We should head back and check on the people to see if they're alright."

The return to the town was marked by the grim aftermath of the devils' attack. Houses lay in ruins, flames had scarred the landscape, and the people were left to salvage what they could from the wreckage. Uriel, who held a deep sense of responsibility for the humans, was visibly angered and disappointed by the devastation before her.

Her frustration boiled over, and she couldn't contain her emotions any longer. With swift and resolute action, Uriel strode toward Lucifer, her righteous fury evident in her every step. The slap she delivered was a thunderous reprimand, leaving Lucifer's right cheek red and stinging.

As Uriel drew in a deep breath, her voice resonated with authority and a hint of menace. "You were always the culprit in all of this!" she accused, her words carrying the weight of her disappointment and anger. Her threat hung in the air like a storm cloud, and the tension was palpable.

"I can get rid of you any minute now if I want to," she retorted, a flicker of defiance in her eyes. "But Michael would be the one to do that, as I find pleasure watching you die!" she added, her tone matching her intensity.

Lucifer's hand remained on his stinging cheek as he listened to Uriel's accusations. He was growing weary of constantly being blamed for events beyond his control. The frustration in his voice was evident as he responded, "How many times do I have to tell you that I have nothing to do with this, Uriel? In fact, I've been on Jophiel's side the whole time."

Uriel's skepticism only deepened, and she shot back with her own accusations. "Really? As I've noticed, the closer you are to Jophiel, the more chaos suddenly occurs. And why are you always clinging to her, Lucifer? Is it because you think she's weak? Or else kidnapping her again, like you did before?"

Jophiel observed the exchange with a mix of curiosity and concern, her gaze locked on Lucifer, hoping to discern the truth in his eyes. Lucifer's gaze, however, remained evasive, as if he were grappling with his own emotions and motives.

Uriel's fierce demeanor persisted, and she seized Jophiel's hand, urging her to depart. "No words from the prideful himself? Ridiculous..." Uriel muttered as she led Jophiel away, determined to seek solace and answers from Camael.

Lucifer watched them go, his expression a mixture of frustration, longing, and a touch of regret, as he grappled with his own complex feelings towards Jophiel.

Lucifer sighed deeply, his frustration with the situation palpable. He responded to Amenadiel, "What a bloody Light of God! That was a great slap, though."

Amenadiel, ever the peacemaker, attempted to lighten the mood. He lightly touched the warm spot on Lucifer's face, chuckling, "Oh! It's warm."