Chapter 5.1 Gloom and Bloom

The impact was devastating, and Diane felt the searing pain in her back as she was sent reeling. Her wounds were severe, and the force of the blow propelled her backward. With great effort, Diane summoned her teleportation ability, vanishing from her current position and reappearing on the stairway above.

The high-ranking devil's strength waned as she fell to the cold, unforgiving floor below, her back throbbing with pain. The battle had taken an unexpected turn, and Diane now found herself in a perilous predicament, wounded and cornered by her relentless adversaries. 

As the intense battle raged on within the confines of the forsaken factory, Diane's high-ranking devil form bore the brunt of the relentless assault. Her muscles strained as she grunted under the pressure, and her mighty wings flapped with powerful strokes, creating gusts of air that filled the space around her.

Bael, undeterred by her high-ranking status, taunted her with a cruel grin. "You may be Lilith's clone, but you're just a high-ranking devil like us," he jeered, his voice dripping with a venomous arrogance.

Diane, however, responded with a defiant and somewhat manic laughter that reverberated through the tense atmosphere. "I guess you don't know..."

Astaroth, perplexed by her enigmatic response, couldn't help but inquire, "Don't know what?"

A cunning smirk danced upon Diane's lips as she prepared to unveil her hidden power. "You'll see," she taunted, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

With a fluid and practiced motion, Diane retrieved her formidable scythe, a weapon of pure wrath. As she wielded it, her very being became infused with a dark, crimson energy, a manifestation of her boundless rage and power. Her transformation was a sight to behold as the aura of malevolence enveloped her form.

In an instant, she teleported, closing the distance between her and the high-ranking devils with supernatural speed. Astaroth, prepared for her onslaught, unsheathed his deadly nails and unleashed a torrent of searing flames, raining fire upon Diane in a desperate bid to halt her advance.

The clash of dark energy and scorching flames illuminated the battlefield as Diane, fueled by her wrathful might, pressed forward with an unwavering determination. The high-ranking devils faced a formidable adversary, one whose true power was just beginning to reveal itself in the heart of the fiery confrontation.

In the midst of the intense battle, Astaroth seized a momentary lull to address Diane, his voice carrying a tone of accusation and determination. "Now the reason is added to get you back to Hell and return you to Lilith, as you stole Lilith's power," he declared, his words loaded with the weight of their mission.

With a swift invocation of his devilish ability, "Sin of Sloth: Rain of Needles," Astaroth summoned a deluge of countless nails that rained down upon Diane. The metallic onslaught descended like a malevolent storm, each nail aimed with deadly precision.

Diane, her high-ranking devil form a testament to her power, swung her formidable scythe with relentless determination. The weapon became a swirling vortex of defense as she deftly blocked the onslaught, her strength and agility a testament to her formidable prowess.

Astaroth, well-coordinated with Bael, continued to spar with Diane, unleashing a relentless barrage of attacks. Slowly but steadily, the nails began to find their mark, striking Diane with painful precision. One of them pierced her shoulder, eliciting a grimace of pain from the determined devil.

Realizing the dire situation, Diane made a strategic retreat, dashing backward to create distance. Bael pursued her relentlessly, and as she reached the corner of the building, Diane's swift teleportation ability came into play. In a sudden burst of motion, she reappeared right beside Astaroth and swung her scythe with precision, striking him with a resounding blow.

Bael, ever vigilant, seized the opportunity to launch a deadly attack. His hollow shots found their mark, and Diane, too close to Astaroth to evade in time, was hit by the onslaught. The impact was swift and overwhelming, causing Diane to lose consciousness in an instant.

Astaroth, quick to react, wasted no time in taking out his formidable chains. Expertly, he ensnared Diane, securing her tightly as he spoke with unwavering determination. "We will get you back home, Lilith's clone," he vowed, his gaze never wavering from their objective.

With Diane now in their custody, Bael carefully lifted her inert form, cradling her with a mix of triumph and caution. As a united front, they turned to depart, leaving behind the battleground where their clash had unfolded. Their mission was far from over, and they knew that returning Diane to Hell was but the first step in the grander scheme they had set in motion.

In the picturesque nation of Gallia, nestled amidst rolling hills and beneath the embrace of an azure sky, the archangel Gabriel stood sentinel. He watched over a dedicated missionary team, their presence radiating a divine aura, as they embarked on a sacred mission: to share the gospel of the Lord with the people of this blessed land.

As the missionaries began to speak, their voices carried the weight of faith and conviction, echoing across the landscape like a gentle hymn. A curious and diverse crowd had gathered to listen, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of the midday sun. Eager ears hung upon every word, for the promise of salvation and spiritual nourishment beckoned to them.

The people of Gallia, known for their generosity and kindness, not only lent their ears but also offered sustenance to the missionaries. Baskets of freshly harvested fruits, loaves of fragrant bread, and bowls of nourishing stew were placed before them as tokens of appreciation for their divine message.

Amidst the attentive audience, a man, his face etched with earnest curiosity, raised his hands to capture the attention of the missionaries. His question hung in the air, a genuine quest for spiritual enlightenment: "How do we know about God?"

The missionaries, guided by their unwavering faith, welcomed the inquiry with open hearts and open minds. They responded to the man's query with words of wisdom and grace, sharing the teachings and scriptures that had brought them here. Their voices resonated with a gentle authority, weaving a tapestry of divine knowledge and love.

As the discussion unfolded, a sense of unity and spiritual connection enveloped the gathering. The man's question, asked with sincerity, became a catalyst for a deeper exploration of faith and the divine. In the nation of Gallia, amidst the rolling hills and under the watchful gaze of Gabriel, the gospel of the Lord was shared not as a proclamation but as a heartfelt conversation, a journey of discovery, and a pathway to grace.

The atmosphere among the assembled crowd in Gallia grew hushed and contemplative, a palpable sense of both anticipation and trepidation coursing through the hearts of those who had gathered. The question posed had touched upon the depths of their souls, evoking an anxiety that stemmed from the unknown. Could they truly embrace this new path?

In response to the collective unease, the missionary, standing before them with unwavering faith, held aloft the sacred Bible, a beacon of divine knowledge and guidance. His words, imbued with a deep sense of understanding and compassion, resonated through the still air.

"I understand the fears associated with talking about the benefits of knowing God," he began, his voice a soothing balm to the anxious souls before him, "but I also understand the dangers of not talking about them at all."

His wisdom flowed forth like a river, carrying with it the promise of transformation and renewal. With a gentle conviction that mirrored the angels' watchful presence, he continued, "We do ourselves and the lost world a great disservice if we neglect the good news of what it means to know God."

As his sermon unfolded, the missionary's words painted a vivid picture of the boundless blessings and the profound sense of purpose that knowing God could bring. The crowd, once apprehensive, began to find solace in the message, like weary travelers who had stumbled upon an oasis in the desert of doubt.

"Knowing God," he declared, his voice resolute, "is the new start of your harmony in life."

With those words, he drew his sermon to a close, leaving a profound and transformative message in his wake. The angels, moved by the sincere hearts of the people, stepped forward to distribute Bibles, each one a symbol of the divine connection they had explored together. They offered guidance on how to meditate on the sacred text, should anyone choose to embark on the journey of knowing God.

Amidst the tranquil backdrop of Gallia, where rolling hills met the endless sky, Gabriel looked upon the congregation with a sense of satisfaction and hope. The people, once anxious, had embraced the opportunity for renewal and transformation. Their willingness to be born again was a testament to the power of faith and the eternal quest for spiritual harmony.

In the tranquil village of Namiba, bathed in the gentle rays of the sun, the archangel Raphael and his fellow missionaries embarked on a sacred mission. Their voices carried the timeless message of the gospel, and the villagers, curious and open-hearted, gathered around them, drawn by the words of hope and redemption.

As the evangelism flowed, like a clear stream meandering through the village, a child, filled with youthful exuberance, clambered up a tree with carefree abandon. However, misfortune struck, and the child tumbled from the branches, landing with a painful thud.

In an instant, Raphael, the angelic healer, sprang into action. His graceful form moved with ethereal swiftness as he rushed to the child's side. With gentle hands, he cradled the young one and, with a divine touch, healed the wound that marred the child's innocence.

The child, wide-eyed with wonder and gratitude, couldn't contain their amazement. "How did you do that?" they inquired, their voice filled with innocent curiosity.

Raphael, his countenance radiating compassion, responded, "It's the gift of God."

A glimmer of understanding flickered in the child's eyes as they pondered the angel's words. "Does God exist?" they ventured to ask, a question that carried the weight of the eternal search for faith.

With a tender smile, Raphael offered profound wisdom, "He exists in our hearts; that's why we're living in this beautiful creation by Him."

The child's gaze drifted, taking in the serene beauty of their surroundings, a world crafted by the divine hand. Their young heart swelled with a newfound understanding, and they nodded in acknowledgment.

To further soothe the child's heart and bring a radiant smile to their face, Raphael extended a small act of kindness. He offered a candy, a token of love and compassion, which the child accepted with a heartwarming "Thank you!"

In that serene moment in Gautama, beneath the embracing sky and amidst the timeless teachings of the gospel, a connection was forged—one of faith, kindness, and the enduring presence of God in the hearts of all who sought Him.

With a warm and inviting smile, Raphael extended an offer to the curious young soul before him. "Wanna hear some incredible stories about God?" he inquired, his eyes twinkling with the anticipation of sharing divine tales.

The kid, his youthful enthusiasm undiminished, nodded with eager enthusiasm. "Yes!" they exclaimed, their voice brimming with anticipation and curiosity.

Raphael, the gentle guide on this spiritual journey, took Theo under his protective wing. He lifted the child onto his broad and ethereal shoulders, creating an instant bond of trust and companionship. As they began to walk together, Raphael sought to know his young companion a little better.

"What's your name?" he inquired, his voice filled with genuine interest.

Theo responded with youthful exuberance, "Theo."

"Nice to meet you, Theo!" Raphael exclaimed warmly, his heart touched by the purity and innocence of the young soul in his care. In that moment, beneath the boundless sky, they embarked on a journey to a place of comfort and solace, where incredible stories about God would unfold—a sacred exchange between an angelic guide and a curious child, both eager to explore the mysteries of faith and divine love.

In a flurry of urgency, Amenadiel burst into Ennemond's shop, the door slamming shut behind him, as if the weight of his concern demanded an immediate audience. His voice rang out like a clarion call through the modest establishment.

"Lucifer!" he called out, his tone a mixture of worry and determination.

Ennemond, the ever-watchful observer, acknowledged Amenadiel's presence with a nod of greeting. "Greetings, Mr. Ennemond," Amenadiel acknowledged in passing, his focus unwavering in his search for Lucifer.

"Where's Lucifer?" he demanded, his sense of urgency palpable as he scanned the shop for any sign of his wayward brother.

Meanwhile, the butcher, engrossed in his craft, wielded his meat stamp with precision and vigor, punctuating the scene with rhythmic thuds. He sought Lucifer's approval, asking, "Is this enough?"

Lucifer, with an air of contemplation, considered the offering. "Hmm," he mused before decisively delivering his verdict. "More," he declared, punctuating his demand with another firm stamp of the meat.

Amenadiel, growing impatient, couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "What are you doing here?" he inquired, his tone a blend of curiosity and exasperation.

Lucifer, ever the embodiment of casual nonchalance, greeted Amenadiel with a charming smile. "Oh, hello, Will of God!" he quipped.

Amenadiel cut to the heart of the matter. "What's with this bunch of meat?" he asked, his confusion apparent.

Lucifer chuckled softly, revealing his mischievous intentions. "Well, you see… I'm preparing food for the archangels, and this is Camael's favorite," he explained, his voice laced with a hint of mischief. "It would be rude if we don't show hospitality when they descend to Earth."

Amenadiel, ever the pragmatist, considered Lucifer's plan carefully. "They will be coming to the shop, Lucifer," he pointed out.

Lucifer, undeterred and full of enthusiasm, relished the thought. "Oh, charming, aren't we?" he mused aloud, the twinkle in his eye betraying his delight at the impending encounter. "That would be great, as I'll show them… especially Uriel… my culinary skills," he declared, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of his lips.

Amenadiel couldn't help but chuckle at the prospect. "Maybe I'll just watch over you," he quipped. "Being scolded by Archangel Uriel."

The butcher, momentarily drawn into the celestial exchange, interjected hesitantly, addressing Lucifer. "Mr. Morningstar?"

Lucifer, slightly startled by the interruption, quickly regained his composure and handed over two dazzling diamonds. The butcher, rendered momentarily speechless by the unexpected windfall, could only offer a stunned nod of gratitude.

With a final pat on Amenadiel's shoulder, Lucifer made his exit. "I'll be off," he declared, his parting words punctuated by his characteristic charm.

Amenadiel, left to his own devices, sighed with a mixture of exasperation and amusement. "God, bless me for stopping time when the celestial lunch went to launch," he muttered under his breath, a wry smile touching his lips as he contemplated the adventures that always seemed to follow in Lucifer's wake.

The streets of Bethlehem, bathed in the gentle light of the sun, bore witness to a heartwarming spectacle. The three resplendent archangels, their ethereal presence and beauty a sight to behold, embarked on a leisurely stroll. The townspeople, their faces radiant with joy and reverence, greeted them with open arms and open hearts.

"It's so lovely to see them together!" exclaimed a woman, her hands deftly cutting through the grass with care and precision. Her sentiment echoed the collective sentiment of the townsfolk.

A second woman, a basket filled with freshly harvested goods swinging gently at her side, nodded in enthusiastic agreement. "I really assured that," she affirmed, her eyes filled with admiration and gratitude for the divine visitors.

The men of Bethlehem, equally elated by the archangels' presence, could not contain their excitement. They rushed forward, offering bouquets of flowers and sweet treats as tokens of their appreciation. Uriel, her grace and beauty unparalleled, graciously accepted the gifts with a radiant smile, as did Camael, whose allure was equally captivating. Jophiel, the third member of this celestial trio, couldn't help but chuckle discreetly as she recalled her own arrival on Earth, a memory that held a special place in her heart.

One man, overwhelmed by the divine presence before him, found words to express his awe. "Archangel Uriel and Camael's beauty is so stunning," he marveled, a hint of amazement in his voice. "I feel as though I could lift boulders in their honor."

Laughter erupted from the archangels, a melodious symphony that echoed through the streets of Bethlehem. Uriel, gracious as ever, responded to the compliment with humility. "Aw, thank you for your kind words," she replied, her voice imbued with warmth and appreciation. In that moment, the bond between the celestial visitors and the townspeople of Bethlehem grew even stronger, as they shared laughter, kindness, and the unmistakable beauty of unity in the presence of divine grace.

As Jophiel strolled through the streets of Bethlehem, her eyes caught sight of the familiar group of children who had once braided her hair with care and enthusiasm. A smile of fond recognition graced her lips, and she called out to them with affectionate delight.

"Hey, kiddos!" Jophiel called, her voice a cheerful melody that instantly drew the attention of the children. Their faces lit up with joy as they recognized the beloved Archangel Jophiel, their friend from another realm.

"Archangel Jophiel!" they chorused, their voices filled with boundless enthusiasm and respect. Yet, their excitement reached new heights when they noticed the celestial companions who accompanied Jophiel—a pair of archangels, no less.

"Is that Archangel Uriel and Archangel Camael?" one of the children, a bright-eyed girl, asked in awe, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Jophiel confirmed their identities with a warm nod and a gentle smile. "Yes," she affirmed, her voice a soft whisper of shared secrets. "They're here to have their hair braided by you."

The children gasped in wonder, their eyes wide with amazement and their smiles bright as the morning sun. Their little hearts swelled with excitement at the prospect of tending to the hair of celestial beings.

Uriel, ever the picture of modesty and grace, approached one of the children with a tender smile. She embraced the child gently, an act of kindness that filled the little one with pure delight.

Meanwhile, the other children wasted no time. They hurriedly ushered Camael to a nearby chair, their tiny hands eager and skilled as they set about braiding her hair with care and precision. Their chosen style: adorable pigtail braids that captured the essence of innocence and joy.

Uriel observed this heartwarming scene with a fond smile, finding the children's enthusiasm and skill utterly endearing. Camael, on the other hand, couldn't help but be touched by Uriel's reaction and the sheer adorableness of the moment.

Uriel, intrigued by the enthusiasm of the children, couldn't resist their infectious spirit. She picked up a nearby mirror and positioned it in front of Camael, who sat with her freshly braided hair, her reflection revealing a charming surprise.

"Oh! I never thought I'd be this appealing in this hairstyle of mine," Camael remarked, a modest blush gracing her celestial cheeks. The young girl who had just finished braiding her hair offered a sincere compliment, her admiration shining brightly.

"You're truly the fortitude of God, Archangel Camael," the girl whispered with profound reverence.

Camael, touched by the gesture, expressed her gratitude by offering the children chocolates, a small token of appreciation for their artistic skills and kind words.

Jophiel, always attuned to moments of joy and connection, couldn't resist nudging Uriel to partake in the fun. "Why don't you try it, Uriel?" she suggested, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

The children, their eyes wide with curiosity, turned their attention to Uriel, eager for her to join in the creative endeavor. At first, Uriel hesitated, but the children's insistent enthusiasm won her over. They gently tugged at her hands and guided her to sit beside them.

With great care, the children began their artistry, their nimble fingers deftly working through Uriel's vibrant orange hair. They shared compliments as they wove their intricate designs.

"Orange hair, as it represents the Light of God," one girl mused, her words spoken with reverence.

"Your hair is quite long, as it reaches the floor," another girl observed, her eyes filled with wonder.

Uriel, ever gracious and accommodating, offered to sit on the floor to make their task more comfortable. Camael, appreciating the sentiment, nodded in agreement.

The children, thoroughly engrossed in their task, continued to braid Uriel's hair with precision and care, their joy evident in every movement. Yet, one of the girls paused, her young mind brimming with creative inspiration.

"What's the matter?" inquired the other girl, curiosity piqued.

"I'm just thinking about an updo," the thoughtful child explained, her eyes alight with excitement.

The revelation sparked a collective gasp of excitement from the children, who chimed in unison with a brilliant idea.

"French Braid Updo!" they exclaimed, their voices filled with the delight of shared creativity. In that moment, a new vision began to take shape, a testament to the boundless imagination and unity that can be found in the most unexpected of places.

Jophiel and Camael couldn't help but laugh modestly at the children's reaction, their hearts warmed by the innocence and enthusiasm displayed before them. Uriel, who had been the recipient of the children's creative talent, joined in the laughter, her own mirth echoing through the air.

Confused by their reaction, Uriel questioned, "What's the matter? Do I look hideous?"

The young girl who had been holding the mirror approached Uriel with trembling hands, her eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. Uriel graciously accepted the mirror and, as her eyes met her own reflection, even she found herself momentarily stunned by the transformation.

"Wow," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine surprise.

Jophiel couldn't help but offer her own compliment. "You look so lovely, like a goddess of beauty, Uriel."

In the background, Camael playfully added her own comment, though it was meant in jest. "Goddess of Beauty and Grumpy," she whispered with a mischievous smile. To her surprise, the children overheard and burst into laughter.

Caught off guard by their reaction, Uriel could only respond with a playful side-eye and a smile. "Just kidding, Uriel," Camael chuckled, acknowledging the jest.

Jophiel, always attuned to matters of the heart, mentioned Zadkiel with a knowing smile. "I'm certain Zadkiel would love to see this. He can't help but feel his heart race."

The children, ever curious, seized the opportunity to inquire about the relationship between Uriel and Zadkiel, their innocent and direct questions leaving no room for secrets.

"Do Archangel Zadkiel and Uriel are lovers?" one of the children asked, eyes wide with curiosity.

Jophiel, always one to encourage openness, nodded and replied, "You can ask her."

All eyes turned to Uriel, who met their inquisitive gazes with a gentle smile. She confirmed their suspicions with a simple yet heartfelt statement: "What you've asked is also the answer."

The children's jaws dropped in astonishment. "You really look good together!" they exclaimed, their admiration for the celestial couple bubbling over.

Uriel, touched by their affection and enthusiasm, rewarded the children with chocolates, which they received with boundless joy.

As the moment neared its end, Jophiel couldn't resist adding a final flourish to the day's festivities, leaving the children with a sense of wonder and delight that would remain etched in their memories.

Jophiel's gentle hum resonated through the air, a melodious invitation to the feathered denizens of Bethlehem. As if summoned by her song, birds of all colors and sizes descended from the heavens, each carrying delicate braided flowers in their beaks. With graceful precision, they placed the fragrant floral crowns upon the heads of both Camael and Uriel, adorning them like celestial queens.

The people and children gathered around couldn't help but be captivated by the ethereal beauty of the archangels. Words of admiration flowed freely from their lips, each compliment a testament to the divine grace that emanated from the celestial beings before them.

"Beauty with a Heart."

"God's Finest Masterpiece."

"The Art of Heaven."

Their praises filled the air like a sweet melody, a harmonious symphony of gratitude and reverence.

Amid the joyful chorus, an elderly man, his face etched with wisdom, approached the archangels, his words carrying the weight of generations. "You were always welcome here in Bethlehem, Archangels," he began, his voice resonating with sincerity. "As we always pledge our kindest gratitude towards your kindness towards us, may God bless you more as we obey Him."

The people of Bethlehem, deeply moved by the presence of the archangels, offered their humble acknowledgment by bowing in reverence. In response, Uriel spoke with warmth in her voice, her words a gentle reminder of their shared purpose.

"Raise your heads, people," Uriel urged, her gaze filled with compassion. "You don't have to bow to us celestials. We, too, obey God's commandment, just like you do. It's our duty to protect you from the darkness, and we appreciate your gratitude."

With those heartfelt words, the people straightened, their faces aglow with appreciation and trust. Uriel continued, her commitment to their well-being unwavering.

"By showing your gratitude towards us," she declared, "you inspire us to be more devoted to our duty of ensuring your peaceful spiritual life at the feet of God's throne. Bethlehem is rising up, and as the Beauty of God, I will make it bloom to start a new entity by the grace of God."

In that moment, beneath the clear blue skies of Bethlehem, a bond of trust and devotion was forged between the archangels and the people they were sworn to protect.

Jophiel's curiosity about the mysterious fliers lingered in her mind, a puzzle she was eager to solve. As she wondered aloud about their origin, the town's chief, a figure of authority and wisdom, approached the archangels with an air of importance.

"About that archangel..." he began, his voice carrying a tone of respect.

Jophiel greeted him warmly, acknowledging his presence. "Chief," she said with a nod.

The chief continued, "The other day, a fine-looking man came to the office and asked us to make fliers about your grand plan. He paid us a dozen diamonds for the task."

Jophiel's eyes widened in surprise. "Dozens of diamonds?" she repeated, astonished.

The chief confirmed with a nod, "Indeed."

Jophiel's thoughts raced, connecting the dots. "So that's what the fliers from earlier meant to say..."

Before she could delve deeper into her thoughts, Camael stepped in, her words brimming with sincerity. "Let us pay back your gratitude to us, the people, and live a harmonious life," she offered.

Jophiel's reaction was a mix of surprise and gratitude. "Oh!" she exclaimed, stunned by Camael's gesture.

The people gathered around, including Uriel and Camael, were equally puzzled by Jophiel's reaction. Uriel inquired, her curiosity piqued, "What's the matter, Jophiel?"

A mischievous spark flickered in Jophiel's eyes as she hatched a plan. "This could be fun!" she declared. "Since you're both here..."

Jophiel motioned for Uriel and Camael to help her distribute flower seeds to the eager crowd. As they made their way to Ennemond's shop, they encountered a bustling scene. People were purchasing flowers, each transaction accompanied by a free sachet of seeds, all while clutching the mysterious fliers.

Ennemond, the shop's owner, was overwhelmed by the sudden surge of customers. "Granpabi!" Jophiel called out to him.

The elderly man turned to greet her with a warm smile. "Hello, my dear!"

Jophiel apologized for the interruption but was met with understanding. Ennemond explained, "I've never thought we'd have this many customers due to this." He brandished one of the fliers in his hand.

Jophiel's heart swelled with appreciation. "Whoever made this flier," she said, her voice filled with gratitude, "I'll pray for their blessed life."

Amenadiel, a dignified presence among the archangels, stepped forward and offered his assistance to Ennemond. The elderly shop owner, Mr. Ennemond, greeted him warmly, his surprise evident.

"Fancy meeting you here, Amenadiel," Camael acknowledged with a nod of her head.