Chapter 5: Gloom and Bloom

He took another careful step, his eyes focused on Uriel's tumultuous expression. "Please," he implored, his words laced with genuine concern, "don't hurt Jophiel."

"Okay?" he began, his voice a soothing counterpoint to the seething energy in the room. "Now is not the time for rage, Light of God."

Uriel's reaction was swift and sharp, her eyes narrowing at Lucifer's unexpected intervention. "Oh," she retorted, a fiery glint in her gaze, "does the king of hell now presume to console me?"

Her tone carried a mixture of incredulity and bitterness. But before Lucifer could respond, Uriel's voice surged with curiosity and exasperation. "And why," she demanded, her voice rising like a cresting wave, "do I have to hurt Jophiel?"

Uriel's words hung in the charged atmosphere, a challenge that cut through the tension. She turned her intense gaze toward Jophiel, her eyes drilling into him like twin bolts of celestial lightning.

"And calling Jophiel's name?" she demanded, her voice heavy with accusation. Her attention on him was unwavering, her fiery presence filling the room as if daring him to respond.

In the midst of the escalating confrontation, Uriel's emotions erupted like a volcanic fury. Without warning, she lunged toward Lucifer, her blazing form streaking through the daylight with supernatural speed. They were now standing outside the house, under the clear blue sky, where the sunlight bathed the surroundings in a warm, golden glow.

Lucifer, caught off guard by Uriel's sudden assault, barely had time to react. He instinctively raised his arm, attempting to shield himself from the impending attack. Uriel's hand, wreathed in flames, collided with Lucifer's raised forearm, causing a brilliant burst of sparks and heat to erupt between them.

The clash of celestial and infernal energies sent shockwaves through the garden, rattling the very earth beneath their feet. As the two angelic beings grappled with one another, the air crackled with a volatile mixture of light and darkness.

Lucifer, feeling a mix of anxiety and hope, added his own words. "I know I can never fully make up for what I've done, but I want to try. I want to be better, to make a positive difference. I've learned the value of empathy and compassion, and I'm committed to using my abilities for good."

Amidst the intense clash between Uriel and Lucifer, their voices echoing with power and emotion, Jophiel, the heroine of the story, stepped forward. Her presence, though seemingly less radiant than Uriel's and less shadowy than Lucifer's, carried a unique gravity born of wisdom.

With a measured tone, she spoke, her voice cutting through the tension like a soothing breeze on a scorching day. "Uriel, please," Jophiel implored, her eyes holding a gentle but resolute gaze, "hear him out."

Uriel's fiery eyes flickered momentarily towards Jophiel. She hesitated, torn between her righteous anger and Jophiel's calming presence. Reluctantly, she withdrew a step, allowing Jophiel to bridge the divide.

Lucifer, feeling a mix of anxiety and hope, continued, "I know I can never fully make up for what I've done, but I want to try. I want to be better, to make a positive difference. I've learned the value of empathy and compassion, and I'm committed to using my abilities for good."

Jophiel nodded in agreement, her voice resonating with sincerity. "She's not the same being she once was," she added, her words directed at Uriel but meant for all to hear. "Lucifer has undergone a profound transformation. Her desire to change, to atone, is genuine. We can't change our past, but we can shape our future."

Uriel, her voice calmer but still tinged with doubt, spoke first. "Lucifer," she said, "words alone may not be enough to erase the wounds of the past. We need concrete proof of your commitment to change."

Camael, her wings of fortidue casting a warm glow in the daylight, echoed Uriel's sentiment. "Indeed," she added, her deep voice resonating with resolve, "actions speak louder than words. We need to see tangible evidence of your newfound path."

Lucifer nodded, understanding the gravity of their request. "I understand," she replied earnestly. "I'm willing to prove myself, to show through my deeds that I am sincere in my desire for redemption."

As the tension outside continued to weigh heavily on them, Jophiel turned to Lucifer with a gentle yet firm suggestion. "Lucifer," she said, "why don't you go back into the shop first?" 

Lucifer nodded in agreement and, with a subtle nod to Jophiel, turned and headed back toward the shop, leaving Uriel and Camael to unfold their magnificent wings and prepare to enter the house.

As Uriel and Camael gracefully extended their wings, Uriel made a conscious effort to calm the fiery aura that had surrounded her moments ago. Meanwhile, Lyam, who had been waiting a short distance away, grew puzzled as to why it was taking so long. As he approached Jophiel's house, Lucifer intercepted him, placing one arm over Lyam's shoulders in a protective gesture.

"Jophiel says, 'Let's go first,'" Lucifer explained, a sly chuckle escaping her lips.

Perplexed, Lyam inquired, "Why?"

Lucifer replied, still chuckling, "She got exhausted on the trip and takes a rest momentarily."

Lyam's expression shifted to one of understanding. "Oh, I see," he said, nodding in agreement. "Well, the archangel needs to take a rest, though."

At that moment, Lucifer glanced back towards Uriel, who stared at her fiercely, her eyes filled with unspoken intensity. Feeling the weight of Uriel's gaze, Lucifer abruptly looked away, her own emotions in turmoil.

With the explanation accepted, they all got into the car, leaving behind the tense atmosphere outside. As they drove away, the garden that had witnessed their celestial clash gradually faded from view, leaving behind unanswered questions and the hope of a new beginning.

Lucifer's mind raced with apprehension as he contemplated the potential consequences of his comrades' presence in Bethlehem. The weight of their secret weighed heavily on him, like a dark cloud threatening to unleash a tempest.

"This is bad," he muttered to himself, his thoughts a tumultuous storm of worry and fear. He understood that the revelation of their presence could shatter the fragile peace that had been tentatively established.

His gaze turned distant as he continued to muse, "If Uriel and Camael find out that my comrades are here..." His voice trailed off, the unspoken implications echoing in the silence.

As the car pulled up to the store, Lucifer's demeanor took a sudden and unexpected turn. Without explanation, he abruptly stepped out of the vehicle and dashed into the shop, leaving the archdemons confused and bewildered.

"What's the matter, your highness?" Beelzebub inquired, voicing the collective curiosity of the group.

Lucifer reemerged from the store, his expression grave and eyes filled with urgency. "Let's talk outside, all of you," he urged, his tone leaving no room for debate.

Amenadiel watched with a mixture of concern and curiosity as they all filed out of the store. The doors swung open and then closed with a hushed finality, sealing their conversation within the confines of that moment.

"The archangels are here," Lucifer declared, his words sending shockwaves through the group.

"What?!" Beelzebub exclaimed, disbelief etched across their face.

Lucifer's gaze darkened as he explained, "I need you all to go back to hell and stay put."

Confusion and apprehension rippled through the assembled archdemons. Leviathan, their voice filled with uncertainty, ventured to ask, "Why the sudden, my lord?" 

Lucifer's shoulders slumped in a heavy sigh, his golden eyes reflecting the weight of the situation. "Now's not the time to bring chaos," he admitted, his voice laced with weariness. He knew all too well the destructive potential of chaos, having been intimately acquainted with it in the past.

"As well as these demonic powers of mine, they are just borrowed," he confessed, acknowledging the precarious nature of his abilities.

"But you have your divinity-grace, your highness," Beelzebub reassured him, their tone respectful.

Lucifer's frustration bubbled to the surface, and he raised his tone, emphasizing his resolve. "I am not using this!"

Beelzebub, ever loyal, bowed in apology. "Apology, my lord," said with a show of deference.

Lucifer's expression softened, and he sighed again, touching his head with a hint of regret. "I'm sorry," he conceded, recognizing the importance of their loyalty.

"It's alright, my lord," Beelzebub replied, understanding the complexities of the situation.

As the archdemons absorbed the gravity of the moment, Asmodeus, one of their own, sought clarification. "So all the archangels are here?" he inquired.

Lucifer nodded, his gaze focused. "Just two of them," he answered, his voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and resignation, "Uriel and Camael." The knowledge of their presence only added to the already formidable challenges they faced, and Lucifer knew that navigating this delicate situation would require all the cunning and diplomacy he could muster.

Leviathan, the demon with a penchant for straightforwardness, didn't hesitate to voice what was on their mind. "That would be easier to get rid of them," they suggested, their words carrying the weight of practicality.

Lucifer, however, responded with an awful, piercing stare that silenced Leviathan's audacity. "Leviathan," Lucifer began, his tone dripping with a warning, "apology, your highness," Leviathan conceded, bowing respectfully in acknowledgment of the line that had been crossed.

Lucifer turned his attention to Asmodeus, seeking information about Mammon, one of the seven princes of Hell. "Any sign of Mammon, Belphegor?" he inquired, his eyes focused.

Asmodeus replied, "Probably Mammon is on Santero, gambling. While Belphegor was there, I think he went back to Hell after he knew that you were well and founded."

Lucifer's thoughts turned inward, mulling over the recent encounter with Satan and the mysterious circumstances surrounding it. "Satan and I met up at the hospital in Anadem," he revealed, his voice tinged with curiosity. "And it made me wonder what he's really doing there."

Beelzebub, ever loyal, couldn't help but voice their concern. "How can you say that, your highness?" they asked, puzzled by the enigmatic nature of Lucifer's encounter with Satan.

Lucifer, however, seemed lost in his thoughts as he continued. "I met him walking back where the way to Jophiel's room was," he mused, his words trailing off into silence.

"Your highness?" Beelzebub pressed, attempting to pull Lucifer from his reverie.

"Anyway," Lucifer said, snapping back to the present, "right now you should go back to Hell before the archangels see you. I'm sure Jophiel will take a tour for them because they're visiting her."

Lucifer's thoughts then shifted to Diane, another piece of the puzzle. "Does anyone of you see Diane?" he inquired.

"She went outside, your highness, after we arrived," Asmodeus reported.

Lucifer nodded in acknowledgment. "I see. Now disperse!" he commanded.

With a mystic portal, the archdemons vanished suddenly, leaving Lucifer alone. He made his way back to the shop, where Amenadiel, the high-ranking angel, awaited with a question.

"Where are your comrades?" Amenadiel asked, confusion evident in their expression.

"I sent them home," Lucifer replied, his reasoning still shrouded in mystery.

Amenadiel, perplexed, couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Amenadiel's curiosity remained unabated as he pressed for more information. "Why don't you find it out yourself at the Archangel's house?" Lucifer suggested, his tone cryptic, leaving Amenadiel to wonder.

Perplexed, Amenadiel couldn't help but ask, "What has to do with the archangel's house?"

Lucifer offered no further explanation, only a knowing reply. "You'll see."

Amenadiel fell into a contemplative silence, their thoughts churning as they tried to unravel the mysteries lurking beneath the surface. "Okay," was all they finally said.

Lucifer, his emotions evidently conflicted, couldn't help but express his frustration with a sigh. "Bloody hell..."

Ennemond, one of the individuals present in the storeroom, took notice of Lucifer's momentary distress. He ventured out into the room and inquired, "Is everything alright, Lucifer?"

Lucifer, his demeanor lightening, responded with a chuckle, "Everything's alright, old man." It was a reassurance meant to quell any concerns.

Meanwhile, Lyam, another member of their group, wandered around with curiosity in his eyes. "Where are the others?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

Lucifer, struggling to hide his amusement, offered a somewhat hysterical smile. "Uhm, they went back..."

Lyam's curiosity only deepened. "Where?" he pressed.

Lucifer's reply was concise but revealing. "Gallia."

The reunion of the archangels had been marked by tension and revelations, leaving Uriel seething with discontent as Jophiel explained the unexpected bond she had formed with Lucifer. The weight of the knowledge bore down on her, threatening to ignite her fiery temper.

With a sudden, forceful motion, Uriel stamped the table hard, her frustration and disbelief echoing in the room. "What?!" she exclaimed, her voice sharp and incredulous.

Camael, seated nearby, jumped in her seat, eyes wide with alarm. "Easy, Light of God," Camael cautioned, a hint of trepidation in her voice. "You're going to spill my tea."

Uriel's outburst had indeed threatened the tranquility of the moment. She glanced at Camael, who had been savoring her tea with satisfaction. "It's mouthwatering, Jophiel," Camael whispered to their host, offering a discreet compliment.

Jophiel, weary from the emotional turmoil of the discussion, sighed in response to Uriel's fervent reaction. "Well," she began, her voice tinged with both understanding and hesitation, "I think Lucifer is not the same as before."

Uriel, however, remained resolute in her skepticism. "I really don't think the devil could do such things," she declared, her tone unwavering in its certainty. 

The atmosphere in the room shifted as Uriel, seated at the table, decided to revisit the perplexing instances that had confounded her. With a determined expression, she spoke up, "Let me revise those, some non-demonically suspicious things he has done."

Jophiel and Camael leaned in, their curiosity piqued by Uriel's insistence on reevaluating the inexplicable actions of Lucifer.

"First," Uriel began, "you were saved by him from those thieves who were about to sell you in Netherus."

Camael couldn't help but inquire, her voice laced with suspicion, "By any chance, did you just put your divinity-grace momentarily on hold, and that's why they easily kidnapped you?"

Jophiel replied with a calm nod, confirming Camael's theory. "Yes, due to that, as I said, I'm living my life as a human."

Uriel continued, undeterred, "Second, he catches you from falling into the floor because you've slipped on the ladder..."

Camael couldn't resist a laugh. "So this is what they called it: catch me when I'm falling." Her amusement was evident as she savored the irony.

"Third," Uriel pressed on, "you went to the clothing shop, and you led the way to buy him some decent clothes, and he also bought food for the both of you while sharing fun and laughs."

Camael, still amused, poured herself some tea. "That's a stroll you got there," she quipped.

"Fourth," Uriel continued, "he went out with you in Jerusalem to buy the vase you've broken..."

Camael sipped her tea, playing along. "Oh! Is that what they called a travel date?" Her laughter filled the room.

"Fifth," Uriel emphasized, "he complimented you and said that you're 'heavenly' due to the fact that you treated his wound because he got shot, like..."

Her voice rose in incredulity. "It's not usual for the demon to say a word like that!"

Camael couldn't contain her amusement as she sipped her tea. "Oh, 'heavenly,' a word that is full of harmony," she remarked, laughing hysterically.

"Sixth," Uriel continued, undeterred by their laughter, "he heals your arm instantly like Raphael's Omni heal?"

Camael, momentarily stunned, finally made a revelation. "Oh! So that means his divine powers are still with him."

Uriel, momentarily silenced by Camael's observation, couldn't help but smile. Meanwhile, Jophiel watched the exchange with a knowing and amused expression, reveling in the humor and camaraderie shared among her fellow archangels.

The room fell into a conspiratorial hush as Camael leaned closer to Uriel, her voice barely above a whisper. "Uriel, the last part," she urged, her excitement palpable.

Uriel took a deep breath, preparing to reveal the most intriguing piece of the puzzle. "The irritated part," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and vexation, "when you woke up, Lucifer was on your side, asleep, covered by his wings so that you wouldn't shiver in the cold."

Camael's eyes widened in delight, and she couldn't help but let out a wide smile. She scoffed playfully, her tone filled with affectionate teasing. "So Lucifer's wings are your blanket?" Her amusement was clear as day. "That is so, so, so cute."

Jophiel, at the center of their scrutiny, sighed with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "And now you know all of Lucifer's actions," she acknowledged, her patience unwavering.

Uriel, sipping her tea, couldn't shake her curiosity. "But what really wonders me is... that when he protected you on that halberd, did you ask him about that?"

Jophiel replied, her voice tinged with a hint of longing, "Well, I asked him twice, but his response is always inaudible."

The room was thick with unspoken questions and emotions, and Uriel couldn't help but voice her concern. "Are you somehow getting attached to him?" she inquired, her tone a mix of caution and genuine inquiry.

Jophiel contemplated the question for a moment, her thoughts wandering through uncharted territory. "I don't know," she confessed, her words carrying a sense of uncertainty, "but I want to know him more, not as the devil, but just Lucifer himself."

Uriel, ever the protective sister, couldn't hide her apprehension. "But I'm warning you, Jophiel," she cautioned, her words carrying the weight of experience, "if Lucifer's motives are not as clear as diamonds... you'll get yourself hurt."

She leaned in, her gaze unwavering. "That's why I want you to stay away from him early," she advised, her concern for Jophiel's well-being shining through her words. 

The solemn atmosphere in the room was interrupted as the doors were knocked upon and then slowly swung open. The archangels turned their attention towards the entrance, their expressions shifting from contemplation to curiosity.

"Oh!" Amenadiel exclaimed, the reverence in his tone palpable as he immediately knelt before his fellow archangels. "Greetings, Archangels!"

Camael, ever gracious, replied with a warm smile, "Greetings, Will of God."

"Lift your head," Camael instructed, her tone gentle but authoritative.

Amenadiel complied, standing with dignity and poise. The room was filled with a sense of camaraderie and respect, as Uriel welcomed him with a kind remark. "It's good to see you well here on Earth," she acknowledged.

Amenadiel returned the sentiment with equal warmth. "As well as on you, Archangel Uriel, and Camael," he said, acknowledging their presence with respect.

Jophiel, ever the inquisitive one, couldn't help but inquire, "Is something important, Amenadiel?" Her curiosity hung in the air, prompting the visitation of the high-rank angel.

Amenadiel's presence brought with it a purpose, and he wasted no time in explaining his visit to the assembled archangels. "Oh! Lucifer told me to find out something in here," he began, "and what he means is the Archangels who visited you."

Understanding dawned upon the room as the archangels absorbed the reason for Amenadiel's appearance. Uriel, however, couldn't help but express her frustration. "Lucifer... Hmph!" she huffed, her tone laced with exasperation.

Jophiel, ever attuned to the emotions and dynamics in the room, noticed Uriel's reaction and inquired gently, "Uriel?"

In response, Uriel redirected the conversation, her curiosity piqued. "Why don't we roam here since we've visited you," she proposed, "and I'm also wondering about those flyers everywhere?"

Camael, equally intrigued, chimed in. "Yeah, I also noticed them. Is it some kind of celebration of something?" she wondered aloud.

Jophiel, always ready to provide context, offered an explanation. "Those flyers you've seen are about flowers everywhere. It's 'Bloom Bethlehem.'"

Uriel and Camael gasped in unison, their imaginations sparked by the notion. "That would be so wonderful to see!" Camael exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Uriel gestured toward an imaginary landscape, her excitement palpable. "I'm gesturing now at the image of this land," she said, her vision filled with the beauty of the prospect.

Jophiel, eager to continue the visit on a pleasant note, stood up and suggested, "So, shall we go to the shop?"

Amenadiel, ever the cautious one, expressed a concern. "This could be a disaster if Lucifer and the two archangels meet up," he pointed out.

Taking Amenadiel's advice to heart, Jophiel agreed, "Uhm, I may go first, so that the three of you would have a nice conversation while wandering."

Amenadiel nodded in approval. "Okay, Amenadiel. And also, tell Granpabi that we have guests," Jophiel instructed.

With a respectful bow, Amenadiel affirmed his understanding. "Yes, Archangel."

After Amenadiel departed to relay their presence to Granpabi, the remaining archangels decided to step outside, taking in the surroundings of Jophiel's house. The garden, though lovely, showed signs of wear and tear, as if time had left its mark on the once-vibrant blooms.

As they strolled through the garden, Jophiel felt a deep connection to the natural world around her. With a determined expression, she raised her hand and invoked a powerful angelic ability "Beauty of God: Restoration of Mutilation." The air around her seemed to shimmer with ethereal energy as her divine power coursed through her fingertips.

With a gentle touch and a soft murmur, Jophiel's magic began to work its wonders. Wilted flowers straightened and blossomed, their colors intensifying with each passing moment. Leaves that had lost their vibrancy became lush and green once more, and the entire garden seemed to come alive with renewed vitality.

The archangels watched in awe as the once-neglected garden transformed into a breathtaking display of nature's beauty. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers, and the garden seemed to sing with life.

Jophiel smiled as she admired her handiwork, the satisfaction of restoring beauty and balance evident in her eyes.

In the shadowy confines of the abandoned factory building, Diane clandestinely met with Astaroth and Bael, the atmosphere heavy with tension and unspoken grievances. The dim, flickering light cast eerie shadows upon their faces as they engaged in a silent exchange of glances.

As the meeting neared its conclusion, Diane's demeanor shifted, her eyes narrowing with determination. Without warning, she raised her weapon and fired a single nail, aimed squarely at both Astaroth and Bael. The nail whizzed through the air, a testament to her simmering resentment over their previous actions, especially their involvement in the shooting of Lyam's truck.

However, Astaroth's reflexes were lightning-quick, and he caught the incoming nail with a deft maneuver. He regarded it with a wry smile, acknowledging Diane's gesture. "You're kind enough to give this back to me," he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Diane, undeterred, wore a smirk that hinted at her knowledge of their loyalty. "You're still obeying Lilith's command, aren't you?" she prodded, her words a subtle accusation.

Bael, ever the jovial one, let out a hearty laugh, attempting to defuse the tension that hung in the air. "We just want to protect the abyss," he chimed in, his voice carrying a sense of camaraderie. "As we know what kind of archangel that is."

Diane's gaze remained unwavering as she addressed their motivations. "And I know you've cared enough about our king, right?"

In response, Diane voiced her concerns, her tone filled with genuine worry for Lucifer. "Yes! I've cared for Lucifer, knowing that Lilith's motive for our king and that archangel could lead us into another chaotic war, as our king is not in a well state."

With a determined resolve, Diane placed her hand on her pocket, hinting at her readiness to take action. The atmosphere grew even more charged as the standoff continued.

Astaroth, seemingly weary of the confrontation, let out a sigh and snapped his fingers, bringing about an unexpected twist to their encounter.

A sudden and colossal net materialized, erupting from the depths of the abyss, and a legion of devils descended upon Diane in a frenzied onslaught. They lunged at her from all directions, their malevolent intent palpable in the air.

Diane, a force of unwavering determination, refused to be overwhelmed. With unparalleled agility, she executed a backflip that seamlessly transitioned into a graceful spin. In her hand, a dagger gleamed with an ominous red aura, a harbinger of the impending doom that awaited her assailants.

With a swift and deadly motion, Diane unleashed the full power of her wrath, and the dagger became a whirlwind of destruction. The devils, caught within its deadly embrace, met their end swiftly, and the imposing net that had threatened to ensnare her was severed with a single, decisive stroke.

Undaunted, a circle of devils regrouped, their weapons poised to strike. But Diane, the embodiment of wrath and retribution, had other plans. Kneeling with an air of focused determination, she invoked her formidable ability: "Sin of Wrath: Fan of Knives."

In an instant, a storm of razor-sharp blades materialized around her, slicing through the devilish ranks with brutal precision. The devils, disoriented and thrown into disarray, broke their formation as they fell victim to her unrelenting assault.

Diane's prowess knew no bounds as she unleashed yet another technique, "Sin of Wrath: Phantom Strike." In a series of blinding movements, she teleported from one devil to another, her attack speed reaching supernatural levels. The devils struggled in vain to keep pace with her, their futile attempts to catch her met with swift and merciless retaliation.

A trail of death and destruction followed in Diane's wake as the devils were felled one by one, their forms engulfed in the fiery aftermath of their demise. The factory building, once shrouded in darkness and despair, bore witness to a relentless force of wrath and vengeance, embodied in the archangel who had become its formidable guardian.

As the echoes of her battle cries reverberated through the air, Diane, a high-ranking devil with a wrathful heart, caught her breath.

But her moment of respite was short-lived. A voice, dripping with derision, suddenly sounded behind her. It was Bael, the devil with a penchant for provocation. His words, laced with a mocking tone, cut through the silence. "Not bad, Lilith's clone," he taunted.

Diane's surprise was palpable as she whirled around to face him. In an instant, Bael unleashed a devastating kick that struck her with brutal force, sending her hurtling into the unforgiving wall. The impact was so powerful that it caused the very structure to crack under the pressure.

Seizing the opportunity, Bael invoked his sinister ability: "Sin of Wrath: Dark Ball of Souls." A malevolent sphere of energy formed before him, crackling with sinister intent. With a malevolent grin, he launched the attack at Diane, who managed to evade it by a hair's breadth.

The relentless onslaught continued as Bael unleashed a barrage of dark energy, forcing Diane to retreat. She raced up a nearby stairway, determination burning in her eyes as she sought to regroup and find an opening to strike back.

As Diane ascended the stairway with haste, intent on turning the tables on her adversaries, Bael smirked with an air of confidence. He had cleverly maneuvered himself into a position where he appeared cornered, knowing full well that a surprise was in store.

Suddenly, Astaroth, his silent presence unnoticed until now, soared through the air and struck Diane from behind with his formidable spear. The attack came in a rapid flurry of strikes, and Diane, caught off guard, couldn't evade in time.