Chapter 6.2: Companion and Investigation

As panic swept through the ship, passengers rushed out of their cabins and into the middle deck, their faces etched with fear and confusion. The sudden intrusion had thrown the once tranquil voyage into chaos.

Amidst the turmoil, Uriel, with her wings unfurled, took swift and determined action. Her celestial presence illuminated the darkened night sky as she invoked her divine power.

"Light of God: Shine of Star."

With those words, Uriel conjured a massive fireball, a brilliant beacon of white light, which soared high into the heavens. The radiant flare was a testament to her celestial might, casting an ethereal glow over the surrounding waters.

As the celestial light pierced the darkness, the devil responsible for the ship's sabotage was exposed. Uriel's heart sank as she realized the dire situation—the vessel was now under the control of these malevolent intruders.

Down on the ship, a crew member, manipulated by the devil's sinister command, moved closer to Jophiel, brandishing a knife with malicious intent. The devil's voice urged, "Do it."

Before the crew member could carry out the dark command, Camael sprang into action. With a swift, graceful motion, she manifested a projection whip, its ethereal form crackling with celestial energy. In an instant, the whip lashed out, striking the crew member's hand. The knife clattered to the ground as the crew member was forcibly pulled toward Camael, who unleashed a flurry of precise blows.

The crew member crumpled, unconscious, as Camael moved to his side. Gently, Jophiel approached, placing her hand on the crew member's forehead. With a gentle touch and the power of her celestial grace, she dispelled the dark influence that had clouded his mind, setting him free from the devil's control.

With the immediate threat neutralized, the archangels gathered together on the ship's middle deck. Their expressions were a blend of concern and determination, fully aware that they faced a formidable and insidious enemy.

"One of the crew got manipulated," Jophiel reported, her voice carrying a note of urgency.

Camael, holding the knife that had fallen from the crew member's grasp, nodded in agreement. "No doubt, we've got company."

"Exactly, Camael. I'm afraid there are a lot of them in the ship," Uriel stated, her wings flapping gently as she descended to join her fellow archangels. Her voice carried a deep and solemn tone that reflected the gravity of the situation.

As the passengers looked around, anxiety and uncertainty painted their faces. The once peaceful voyage had transformed into a tense and perilous ordeal, as they realized that malevolent forces lurked among them, disguised as fellow humans. 

Camael reassured them, her voice carrying a calm confidence despite the alarming situation.

"Rest assured, people. We can reveal their true identity and appearance," Camael declared, her hands outstretched as if to cast a protective shield around them.

"Sight of God: Clairvoyance of Appearance," she chanted, and a radiant green wave emanated from her, washing over the entire ship. As the wave spread, the concealed devils' appearances were revealed, prompting startled gasps and alarmed reactions from the passengers. Jophiel observed the people's responses, her eyes scanning the deck.

"You've made it invincible for them?" Jophiel inquired, appreciating the foresight of her fellow archangel.

Camael nodded. "Yes, I've shielded them from the unsettling sight of these hideous beings," she replied, her gaze fixed on the devils whose disguised forms had been unveiled.

Camael couldn't help but add a touch of humor to the grim situation. "Hate to admit, but Lucifer's devil face is somehow more appealing than the rest of his companions," she remarked, eliciting a smile from Jophiel.

Uriel, standing tall and resolute, called out to the passengers, her voice filled with authority and reassurance. "People, come closer to us," she urged, knowing that unity and the protection of the archangels would be their best defense against the malevolent forces that now stood exposed among them.

The tension on the ship escalated as the devils, their disguises revealed, pointed their menacing weapons at both the passengers and the archangels. The people, now huddled closer to the archangels for protection, looked on with a mixture of fear and determination.

Camael, always the strategist, contemplated the dire situation. "Okay, this would be more chaotic if we fought them without holding back," she observed, weighing the risks of engaging the devils in a fierce battle.

Jophiel shared her concerns. "What really dwells on me is that the people will get caught in the fight," she admitted, her thoughts centered on their safety.

One of the devils, a sinister grin on his face, taunted the archangels. "What are you going to do now, archangels?" he sneered, reveling in the power he believed he held over them. "Looks like plenty of doves in one strike," he added, his laughter echoing through the tense atmosphere.

With the devils closing in and the passengers retreating in fear, Uriel, ever the quick thinker, noticed the four lifeboats hidden underneath them. She discreetly ignited her divine fire and aimed it at the ropes holding the lifeboats in place, sending the boats plummeting down towards the ocean.

Camael and Jophiel shared a knowing look, recognizing Uriel's plan. As one of the devils made a threatening move, Jophiel swiftly repelled the attacker, giving the archangels and the passengers a momentary advantage.

As the lifeboats descended, Camael sprang into action. She used her projection powers to create four perfectly placed nets, expertly catching the passengers in mid-air and gently lowering them into the lifeboats. The maneuver was executed with such precision that it left Uriel in awe.

"You put it right, Sight of God," Uriel praised her, impressed by Camael's skill.

Camael couldn't help but giggle modestly. "It was meant to be perfect," she replied, proud of her timely and effective rescue plan.

The devils, standing on the ship's deck and watching the lifeboats safely carrying the passengers away, seemed strangely unfazed by the unexpected turn of events. They exchanged knowing glances, and one of them, a devil with a smirk on his face, stepped forward.

"I'm surprised you didn't chase them," Uriel remarked, her curiosity piqued by the devils' nonchalant attitude towards the passengers.

To this, one of the devils replied with a mocking tone, "Those low-creatures are none of our business this time." He drew his sword and pointed it menacingly at Jophiel. "That is our business."

"You're really quite famous, Jophiel," Camael chimed in, a hint of admiration in her voice, "ever since you lived here on Earth." She couldn't resist a playful jab at the situation. "Maybe you should start a fandom! Sign their autographs!" she quipped with cheerfulness, her words dripping with sarcasm.

As the devils launched their assault, Jophiel couldn't help but add a bit of levity to the tense situation. She casually remarked, "And then... Lucifer is the manager," causing Camael's expression to shift to one of dismay.

"Don't you dare talk in front of us!" snapped one of the devils, their annoyance evident as they dived towards the archangels.

Camael, ever ready for a fight, grinned at the approaching devils. "Oh! Here they come," she quipped.

The devils unleashed a barrage of attacks, but Jophiel and Camael gracefully split apart, with Uriel taking the front lines. Uriel confronted the devils with a formidable display of her power, "Light of God: Wrap of Majestic Flame," Uriel announced, and with a sweeping gesture, she sent the searing fire towards the devils. Some of them, agile and quick, took flight to evade the fiery onslaught, while others, less fortunate, were enveloped by the flames.

Meanwhile, Camael took to the upper deck of the ship, facing the devils who had infiltrated that area. She readied herself for combat, her eyes locked onto her adversaries.

As for Jophiel, she remained hovering above the ocean's surface, her eyes locked on the circling devils, ready to confront them head-on.

Camael wielded her projection whip with incredible finesse, the ethereal weapon slicing through the air with precision. As the devils launched their attacks, she gracefully countered their every move, striking them with rapid, relentless blows. Some devils attempted to defend themselves, but Camael's whip left them little room to evade, and soon, several of them found themselves engulfed in flames, their forms twisted in agony.

On the lower deck, Uriel sat serenely, her demeanor seemingly passive as the devils closed in on her. Their confusion only grew as the ground beneath Uriel's feet began to glow, forming an ominous, radiant pattern. Undeterred, the devils pressed on, convinced they could overcome her.

But the moment they stepped onto the illuminated ground, their world shattered. An explosion of divine energy erupted from the ground, sending the devils hurtling through the air, their forms wreathed in fire as they screamed in pain. Uriel's masterful control over her abilities had turned the very ground against them, and they paid a fiery price for their folly.

Jophiel, surrounded by the encroaching devils, closed her eyes momentarily. As she brought her hands together, a radiant pink energy began to form around her. The devils eyed her cautiously, sensing a change in the air. Jophiel's soft voice carried the enchantment of her spell as she whispered, "Beauty of God: Manipulation of Charm."

With that, she blew a gentle kiss towards the devils, and a wave of pink energy emanated from her, engulfing the sinister creatures. The charm took hold, instantly halting their aggressive movements. The devils' faces softened, and their expressions turned almost affectionate as they walked harmlessly towards Jophiel, their menacing intent now replaced with an inexplicable adoration.

Jophiel, keeping her composure, stepped back, crossing her arms with an air of grace as she surveyed the entranced devils. Her spell had taken hold, rendering them harmless and captivated by her divine charm.

With a flick of her wrist, she released the orb, and it shot forward with incredible speed, targeting the encircled devils. The orb, named "Beauty of God: Orb of Deception," carried a dual nature. As it traveled outward, it dealt magical damage to the devils, causing them to cry out in pain as they were struck by its deceptive power.

But the orb's trickery didn't end there. Jophiel skillfully manipulated it to return, and as it made its way back, it unleashed an even more devastating force – true damage. The devils were caught off guard, their charmed expressions turning to horror as the orb struck them once more. Their forms were engulfed in an intense blaze, and they howled in agony.

Jophiel watched the devils burn, her expression a mix of sympathy and determination. She mused softly to herself, "That charm I used earlier is kind of dangerous if I use it on him." 

With the devils defeated and their sinister plot thwarted, Uriel and Camael approached Jophiel as the situation finally seemed under control. Their divine presence radiated with a sense of triumph and relief.

"I think we're done here," Uriel remarked, her eyes scanning their surroundings to ensure there were no lingering threats.

Camael, ever the vigilant one, inquired, "The people?"

Jophiel responded calmly, "I sent them back on the forth. It would be dangerous if they continuously traveled in this midnight with a lifeboat."

The once majestic ship had now succumbed to the chaos and destruction brought upon it. Its body was wrecked, and the keel was shattered apart, causing it to slowly sink into the depths of the dark ocean.

Uriel, always focused on their mission, stated, "I think we should head first. We have an important investigation to do."

The archangels found themselves on a small, tranquil island in the middle of the vast ocean. The night had fallen around them, and they needed a place to rest. Camael, always resourceful, decided to gather some branches of wood to create a makeshift campfire. Uriel, with her divine abilities, ignited the wood, and soon, a warm fire crackled before them.

Uriel, still slightly surprised by her sister's preparedness, commented, "I never thought you would carry this suitcase of ours, Camael."

Camael, her expression calm and collected, began to explain. "Well, after the devils wreaked havoc on the ship and defeated all of them, I rushed to our room. When I was about to finish casting an enchantment, I sensed something was amiss. I decided to go down to the middle deck, where I got surprisingly caught by a huge explosion from the bottom deck of the ship."

She continued, her voice steady, "Gladly, I activated my projection barrier early for immediate defense, just in case."

Uriel couldn't resist a faint chuckle under her breath. She whispered a comment that was meant to be subtle but wasn't quite as discreet as she thought. Her words didn't escape her sister's keen ears.

Camael's eyes narrowed, and she turned her head sharply to lock her gaze onto Uriel's. Her expression grew increasingly severe as she confronted her sister, accusing her with a contemptuous tone.

"So it was you, Uriel," Camael said, her disappointment and annoyance evident in her voice. She had expected better from her fellow archangel.

Uriel, realizing her error and the consequences of her actions, gasped and immediately dropped her gaze. She felt a pang of guilt for her indiscretion and quickly offered an apology.

"I'm sorry," Uriel said, her voice tinged with genuine remorse.

Jophiel's gaze remained fixed on the distant horizon as her thoughts seemed to wander far beyond the island where they now found themselves. The gentle sway of the hanging cradle mirrored the gentle sway of her inner contemplation. However, her sisters, Uriel and Camael, could sense that something was amiss.

Uriel, concerned for her sister, took a seat beside Jophiel, attempting to coax out whatever was troubling her. "What's the matter, little flower?" she inquired, her voice filled with sisterly care.

Jophiel hesitated for a moment, her eyes still locked on the far-off point she had been studying. "Hmm, nothing," she finally replied, her voice soft and distant. "I'm completely alright."

But Camael was not so easily convinced. She leaned in closer, bringing her face to Jophiel's level, her eyes studying Jophiel's features intently. Jophiel tried to avoid the scrutiny, but Camael persisted, her smug expression revealing her determination to uncover the truth.

"What?" Jophiel asked, her modesty evident in her tone as she continued to evade her sister's probing gaze. 

Camael's smug expression turned into a triumphant grin as she prodded Jophiel further. "You miss him, don't you?" she persisted, her tone filled with playful insistence.

Jophiel feigned innocence, raising her hands in a gesture of faux confusion. "Who's he?" she replied, though a knowing spark danced in her eyes.

Camael chuckled and leaned in closer, making her point crystal clear. "Oh, come on, little flower! You already know who I am talking about."

Jophiel sighed, her resistance slowly crumbling. "I'm so innocent of what you mean, Dense Foodie," she protested half-heartedly.

Camael's conviction didn't waver. "And I'm so genuinely certain that you miss Luci," she declared with a playful twinkle in her eye.

Uriel, who had been observing their exchange with a mix of amusement and surprise, couldn't help but interject. "Jophiel..." she began, her tone a mixture of jest and genuine curiosity, "Is it true?"

Jophiel, unable to maintain her pretense any longer, let out another sigh. "Okay, I admit. I miss him," she confessed, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

Camael couldn't contain her excitement and jumped up, clapping her hands together. "Aw, is our little flower in love?" she teased, her laughter ringing through the air.

Jophiel tried to downplay it, her blush deepening. "I don't have any slight romantic feelings for him, okay?"

Camael couldn't resist one last playful jab. "But what's with those beet reds?" she asked, her laughter bubbling over.

Uriel joined in the merriment, enjoying the lighthearted moment. "She's just teasing you, Jophiel," she assured her, her smile warm and sisterly.

Camael couldn't resist her playful mood and broke into a spontaneous dance in the soft island sand. Her voice carried a humorous tune as she sang, "Lucifer and Jophiel."

"Sitting in the tree,"


Jophiel rolled her eyes with an amused smile. "Real mature, Camael. Real mature," she quipped, unable to hide her own grin.

Uriel joined in the laughter, finding the entire situation rather entertaining.

As the fire crackled and the flames danced, Jophiel eventually stood up and announced her departure. "Where are you going?" Camael inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Jophiel glanced back at her. "Just need some fresh air," she replied innocently.

Camael, however, wasn't so easily fooled. She leaned in closer and spoke in a low tone. "Hmm, I don't think so."

Uriel, who had been quietly observing the interaction, decided to chime in with a knowing smile. "Just let her be, Camael. I think she used to have Lucifer around a lot when she lived here," she pointed out, understanding Jophiel's need for solitude.

Camael turned away from Jophiel's retreating form and settled down beside Uriel. Her curious nature wouldn't let go of the earlier exchange.

"And about earlier," Camael began, her voice low, "I'm surprised you didn't react when she mentioned missing him."

Uriel, watching the flames dance in the fire she had just kindled, tilted her head thoughtfully. She replied with a touch of wisdom in her tone, "Jophiel did say that he's not the same Lucifer we've known after the fall. So I guess, perhaps," she trailed off, leaving the rest unspoken but clearly understood.

Amenadiel walked down the quiet street, his footsteps echoing softly against the cobblestones as he scanned the surroundings for any sign of Lucifer. The alley leading to Lucifer's rental house eventually came into view, and there, on the rooftop, sat the Devil himself.

Lucifer released a heavy sigh, his gaze distant, lost in thought. Amenadiel appeared before him, descending from the sky with an air of grace. His presence seemed to rouse Lucifer from his reverie.

"What's with those sighs, Morningstar?" Amenadiel inquired with a gentle smile, taking a seat beside Lucifer.

Lucifer's response was a dismissive shrug and an evasive glance. "Nothing," he muttered, as if unwilling to share his thoughts.

Amenadiel's smile persisted, carrying a touch of understanding. "I see," he mused, "those faces tell a lot."

Lucifer chuckled in response. "What are you right now? A fortune teller?"

Amenadiel's smile softened even more. "Oh, love is in the air," he teased gently, his eyes fixed on Lucifer.

Lucifer's patience was running thin. "Amenadiel, if you're here to mess with me, please leave genuinely," he retorted.

Amenadiel, undeterred, turned his gaze away, his expression taking on a more contemplative tone. "I'm not here messing around with you," he began earnestly. "I know how it feels to long for someone, as your mind has no one inside but the person you usually get along with."

Then, with a sense of insight and empathy, Amenadiel turned back to Lucifer. "As a matter of fact," he added, "you miss the archangel."

Lucifer's patience had finally run its course, and he rose from his seated position with an exasperated sigh. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I miss her!" he admitted with an air of annoyance.

Amenadiel couldn't help but smile knowingly at Lucifer's admission. "What now?" he inquired, his tone light and playful.

Lucifer's response was not quite what Amenadiel expected. In a sudden burst of frustration, he unleashed a dark, swirling beam of energy that pierced the air, narrowly missing Amenadiel but leaving holes in the rooftop.

Amenadiel deftly sidestepped the oncoming attack, his wings unfurling slightly as he regained his balance. He observed the damage with a bemused expression.

Lucifer, now realizing the destruction he'd wrought, touched his head in resignation. "Okay, let me help fix your house," Amenadiel offered, a warm smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you!" Lucifer replied, his tone still somewhat irritable, but with a hint of gratitude beneath it.

As the lava flowed ominously on the distant horizon and the dragons of Hell slumbered deeply, Beelzebub made their way to Lilith's cell. Lilith, who had been standing and gazing into the distance, sensed Beelzebub's approach and turned to face them.

"How do you do, Beelzebub?" greeted Lilith, her voice a mixture of curiosity and politeness.

Beelzebub responded respectfully, "Perfectly well, our queen."

Lilith's lips curled into a faint smile, and she inquired, "So, what brings you here?"

Beelzebub's tone carried a hint of frustration as they replied, "Didn't your clone warn you against interfering with that archangel? He wishes to keep his motives hidden, especially while our grand plan remains in progress."

Lilith let out a soft, weary sigh, her gaze shifting thoughtfully. "Don't be so dramatic. Hunting that archangel is a crucial task at hand, one that must be accomplished before it's too late for us," she stated firmly, her eyes locking onto Beelzebub's with an intense glare.

"What do you mean?" inquired Beelzebub, their tone laced with curiosity and concern.

Lilith's response held a sense of exasperation as she looked away, her voice carrying a hint of irony. "Must I spell it out for you, Satan?" She turned her gaze back to Beelzebub, her expression growing more intense. "You've been here the whole time," she added, revealing the presence of Satan lurking behind Beelzebub.

"I've just arrived, Seraphim," Satan replied calmly, his presence emanating an air of assurance.

Lilith gracefully took a seat and summoned a serpent, gently petting the creature as she spoke. Her demeanor exuded an air of regal authority.

Beelzebub, still processing the revelation, inquired further, "So the two of you are working together?"

Satan scoffed dismissively, "I'm afraid not. I just came here to say hello to our queen," he added, a faint smile playing on his lips.

As the conversation unfolded, a devil entered the scene and delivered a report, addressing Lilith, "My queen, the troops have been eliminated."

Lilith's displeasure was palpable, her expression twisted into a scowl. "Did I order them to attack?" Her voice dripped with disdain as she vented her frustration. In a fit of anger, she unleashed a dark surge of energy at the unfortunate devil, who was instantly consumed by the flames of her wrath.

Beelzebub observed the scene, his expression wary and disapproving. "How foolish," he muttered.

He confronted Lilith directly, questioning her actions. "So you sent another to hunt again? Aren't you listening to our king's orders?"

Lilith's gaze turned piercing, her eyes locked onto Beelzebub's. "No. But I was just spying on our guest as it headed towards here." She continued, revealing her true intentions, "You know, Beelzebub, I sent Diane not just to eliminate that archangel, but to share my powers with my love after learning he acquired that halberd of yours. As he intended to protect that archangel during the war on Bethlehem."

Lilith's frustration and envy boiled over, and she lashed out, standing and striking the cage with a resounding thud. "As I feel envious!" Her voice dripped with bitterness. "And resentful at the same time!"

"That archangel has something that could wipe us out of all existence. And yet, your king is 'likely' to have had adoration for that archangel; that's why I'm hunting it and getting rid of it," Lilith declared, her determination unwavering.

Satan, ever enigmatic, smirked at Lilith's words and then left the scene, disappearing into the shadows of Hell.

Beelzebub couldn't help but comment with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "No wonder why our king locked you in that cell due to the fact that you've been paranoid for these last millennia."

As Lilith's frustration seemed to intensify, Beelzebub stepped closer, a curious gleam in his eyes. "By any chance, is that archangel the same one who exiled you?"

Lilith's eyes bore into Beelzebub's retreating form as he walked away, her expression a mix of anger, frustration, and longing. "You'll regret it," she warned, her voice carrying an eerie undertone.

Beelzebub, unfazed by her words, continued on his path. "Well, at least I follow our king's command," he retorted, his voice laced with disapproval.

Lilith turned away, her thoughts consumed by her complicated feelings for Lucifer. "I'm just trying to save Lucifer," she whispered softly to herself, her words revealing the depth of her emotions. "As I care for him with all my heart. But seeing him fall in love with that archangel has increased my instincts that it's really inferior and could lead us to a great extinction."

Beelzebub couldn't hide his exasperation as he looked back at Lilith. "You're just being jealous, Lilith, and that reason of yours is selfish. And if the king doesn't love you anymore, perhaps you're the problem." With those words, he left her alone with her thoughts.

Lilith, now alone, unfolded her wings and wrapped them around herself, closing her eyes as she contemplated her predicament. After the glitches in her vision, she saw Lucifer repairing his house with Amenadiel. A pang of longing surged through her. "Oh, my love," she murmured. "Have you ever forgotten about me?"

Lilith then knelt and summoned a snake on her left hand, and the serpent slithered out and bowed before her. "Go to Siddartha, my child," she commanded. "Once our guest arrives and starts looking at our flower, please guide her." The snake hissed in response before vanishing, leaving Lilith alone in her cell with her complicated emotions.

As the sun's first rays painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, the celestial trio of Jophiel, Uriel, and Camael descended gracefully upon the quaint village of Gallia. Their majestic arrival did not go unnoticed, for the villagers, their faces a mix of awe and reverence, recognized the celestial beings and greeted them with humble gestures of respect.

In the quiet solitude of their isolated place, Gabriel and the other missionaries were engaged in deep contemplation. The sudden arrival of a missionary who had witnessed the celestial trio's appearance in the village disrupted their reverie. The messenger, still panting from the rush, delivered the news with haste.

"Archangel Gabriel," the missionary panted, his words delivered in urgent bursts, "Archangel Jophiel, Camael, and Uriel are here."

The weight of the revelation hung in the air as Gabriel absorbed the information. His face bore an expression of a mix of surprise and determination. With a resolute nod, he unfurled his magnificent wings, a symbol of his celestial grace. A warm smile graced his lips, an unusual sight for those who knew him only as a stoic and disciplined leader.

"Thank you," Gabriel spoke with genuine appreciation, his voice carrying a note of warmth and gratitude. The villagers and missionaries who had witnessed Gabriel's smile were left in stunned silence.

As the archangels marveled at the quaint and old-fashioned surroundings of Gallia, their awe was suddenly interrupted by the unmistakable arrival of another celestial presence. Gabriel, their esteemed brother, descended behind them with a rush of powerful wind.

Upon hearing Gabriel's voice, Jophiel couldn't contain her joy and rushed towards him, leaping into his welcoming embrace. Her hug was filled with the warmth of longing and affection.

"I've missed you so much, Gabriel!" Jophiel exclaimed, her voice reflecting the genuine depth of her emotions.

Gabriel, the stoc and steadfast archangel, responded with a gentle pat on Jophiel's head, his touch filled with brotherly affection. "I've missed you too, little flower," he said warmly.

Uriel and Camael joined in the embrace, surrounding their brother with a sense of unity and shared connection.

With the initial reunions complete, Gabriel's attention shifted to the matter at hand, his eyes filled with curiosity. "So, what do you bring here?" he inquired, his tone carrying a mix of interest and readiness to address the purpose of their visit.

Uriel, always the practical one, took the lead in responding to Gabriel's query. "We've come to Siddartha to investigate that mysterious flower which seems to have a hypnotic effect on people," she explained, her tone conveying a sense of purpose.

Gabriel, recognizing his sister's talents, couldn't help but smile. "Jophiel would make an excellent detective for that," he commented with confidence in her abilities.

Camael, ever the enthusiast for earthly pleasures, had a different idea in mind. "Oh! There's a coffee shop there!" she exclaimed with genuine excitement. "How about we settle ourselves there and enjoy the delightful aroma?"

Gabriel couldn't help but chuckle at Camael's enthusiasm. "You really are a dense foodie, Camael," he teased, knowing her penchant for earthly indulgences.

Camael simply shrugged, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I just love foods," she confessed, unapologetically embracing her passion for earthly pleasures.

As the archangels entered the quaint coffee shop, the welcoming aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped them. Gabriel held the door open for his sisters before joining them inside. The cozy atmosphere and the soothing ambience provided a brief respite from their celestial duties.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, a snake observed their every move from a concealed spot, its beady eyes tracking their every step. Slithering away stealthily, it retreated into the lush jungle surrounding the village. There, it transformed into a man, donning a black hood that concealed his identity. In a silent and secretive ritual, he summoned ten other men, who stood ready to execute a hidden agenda.

In the cozy coffee shop, the archangels engaged in a meaningful conversation. Gabriel, leaned forward, his brow furrowed with concern. "So, about this flower you're about to inspect, what do the devils have to do with it?" he inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.

Jophiel, the appointed detective for their mission, shared her insights. "Lilith's clone told me that the flower is from Lilith. So, I think it has to do with her," she explained, her eyes conveying her determination.

Gabriel took a moment to ponder this revelation, the weight of Lilith's involvement in the situation evident in his expression. After a thoughtful pause, he agreed, "It would be better that I come along with you, since it's related to Lilith."

Uriel, always the voice of optimism, smiled and chimed in, "We truly appreciate being escorted by the strength of God." Gabriel acknowledged her words with a nod.

Camael, the food enthusiast of the group, took a break from munching on her bread to ask about another archangel. "How's Raphael, by the way?" she inquired, genuinely interested.

Gabriel's response painted a picture of success. "He's also doing well in Gautama, as our 'restoration' plan worked without any interference," he reported, reassuring them that their previous mission had been a success. 

The warm ambiance of the coffee shop seemed to wrap around the archangels as they discussed their concerns and plans. Uriel released a relieved sigh and commented, "That's reassuring to hear. The war probably saved our tomorrow's plan somehow."

Jophiel, always meticulous in her inquiries, leaned forward and inquired further, "Is he going to go back to Silver City afterwards?"

Gabriel, the wise and responsible leader, nodded in response. "Yes, but I should inform him about this investigation of yours," he said, making it clear that he would ensure all the necessary preparations and communications were made.

Uriel, ever pragmatic, raised the practical concern, "How do we meet him? In fact, he's in Gautama."

Gabriel, displaying his characteristic leadership and resourcefulness, quickly responded with a plan, "Well, I have a plan. Once we arrive in Siddartha, you stay put for a while, and I'll pick him up in Gautama so that we can all be together to help Jophiel on her other task."

Jophiel, touched by Gabriel's consideration, expressed her gratitude, "Thank you, Gabriel!"

Gabriel, always one to acknowledge and appreciate the virtues of his fellow archangels, added with warmth, "You deserve it well, since I saw you shine on Bethlehem like Mother Barbelo. So angelic." His words brought a smile to Jophiel's face, filling the air with a sense of kinship.

Uriel, ever caring and supportive, chimed in, "I hope Michael is doing well on his visit."

With confidence in their brother's abilities, Gabriel assured her, "I'm certain Michael would do well, because it's him." His words carried a sense of unwavering faith in their fellow archangel.

The streets of Bethlehem bustled with life, the ebb and flow of its people painting a picture of peaceful existence, a stark contrast to the grim aftermath of war that had once marred its beauty. Now, the city thrived once more, thanks to the diligent efforts of the archangel Jophiel. Her touch had brought forth the Beauty of God, transforming Bethlehem into a vibrant, blooming paradise.

Amidst this newfound tranquility, Lucifer found himself tending to the fragrant flowers that adorned the city. His presence was unmistakable, drawing the attention of passing ladies who couldn't help but steal glances and exchange giggles as his piercing gaze met theirs.

"Bonjour, Lucifer!" greeted Ennemond, as he ushered the Lucifer upstairs.

Lucifer replied with a casual, "Good morning, old man," before settling into a chair. Ennemond descended to the lower level, returning with two steaming cups of coffee. He carefully placed them on the table and joined Lucifer at the small, inviting table.

The scene captured a moment of peaceful camaraderie, as the two companions enjoyed their coffee, soaking in the serenity of Bethlehem's rejuvenated beauty. 

Ennemond sighed contentedly, taking a moment to appreciate the splendor of the day. The sun bathed Bethlehem in its warm embrace, casting a golden glow over the city's newfound beauty.

Lucifer, occupied with his task of caring for the vibrant flowers that adorned the streets, replied, "Sure it does," in his typically nonchalant manner. He continued to water the blossoms with a sense of quiet dedication.

As Ennemond savored his coffee, he noticed Lucifer's relentless efforts and felt compelled to intervene. He took a sip of his beverage and, with a hint of concern, mentioned, "Ah..."

Lucifer, distracted by his task, suddenly jerked at the realization that he might be overwatering the plants. He rubbed his eyes, temporarily setting aside his watering can. "Pardon me for that," he muttered.

Ennemond, noticing Lucifer's momentary lapse in composure, kindly suggested, "Are you alright? You should take a seat and take a sip of this coffee." His words were laced with genuine care for his celestial friend, who had been diligently tending to the blossoms of Bethlehem.

Lucifer's admission of exhaustion and dizziness had Ennemond concerned. He moved closer, reaching out to gently touch Lucifer's forehead, checking for any signs of illness.

After a moment of inspection, Ennemond concluded, "I see. You didn't even have a fever, nor is your body's temperature high either. You're just tired, Lucifer."

Lucifer, though reassured by Ennemond's diagnosis, couldn't help but let out a sigh. "I hope it does."

However, Ennemond wasn't quite done with his questions. He leaned in slightly, a glint of curiosity in his eyes, and asked, "But Lucifer, by any chance, do you like Jophiel?"

Lucifer's response was a heavy sigh, and his expression conveyed a mix of emotions, ranging from discomfort to contemplation.

Ennemond's words were filled with warmth and understanding as he observed Lucifer and Jophiel. He shared his thoughts, "You and Jophiel looked good together. I can sense there's chemistry between you."

Lucifer couldn't help but crack a faint smile at Ennemond's genuine observations. "The way she treats you modestly, the way you treat her like you're escorting a princess. Makes me think both of you are adorable. Courting her would also be the hard one, since she's an Archangel, and you're just an ordinary guy. But I believe you, kiddo," Ennemond added, patting Lucifer's shoulders.

Lucifer chuckled softly and replied, "This old hag does forget about who I am."

As the archangels soared through the sky, their celestial presence leaving a mark on the clouds, Camael's sharp eyes spotted another figure rapidly approaching. She called out to her companions, "There's someone incoming!" The newcomer swiftly passed them with a gust of wind, drawing their attention.

The stranger, who had been cloaked in a hood, halted abruptly and revealed himself, addressing them as he took off the hood. "Brother, Sisters!" he exclaimed.

Camael couldn't help but laugh heartily. "Oh, it's you, Raphael. What a coincidence!"

Jophiel eagerly approached Raphael, her affectionate nickname for him slipping out. "It's good to see you, Prince Charming."

Raphael's face lit up with a warm smile as he replied, "Likewise, Little Flower."

Gabriel joined the circle, curious about their destination. Raphael inquired, "Where are you heading?"

"To meet with you. And I never thought you're with our sisters, as I didn't see it instance. Moreover, are you heading to Siddartha due to that flower?" replied Gabriel.

"Exactly," affirmed Uriel.

Raphael, assessing the situation, questioned further, "Are you coming with them, Gabriel?"

Gabriel nodded firmly, explaining, "Yes, because it's Lilith's flower we were inspecting. I just have to escort them, as for the possible outcomes."

"There might be a trap or whatever," Gabriel added, his protective instincts kicking in.

"Lilith, huh. Okay, then I'll come along with you," Raphael declared confidently.