Chapter 6.3: Companion and Investigation

Camael couldn't contain her excitement and playfully backflipped. "This is a reunion for us!"

Uriel, ever the practical one, urged, "We should head now," and with unanimous determination, they continued their rapid flight towards Siddartha, prepared to confront the mysteries that lay ahead.

The dark purple flowers in Siddartha continued to blink mysteriously, their meaning eluding both the people and the scientists who had gathered to investigate. Curiosity gnawed at the residents, prompting some to attempt to approach the enigmatic blooms, only to be thwarted by vigilant village officials.

"How many times do we have to tell you that no one will pass this barricade?" the officials reiterated sternly, their determination to keep people away from the flowers unwavering.

The scientists, who had returned to examine the situation, were astounded to find that the number of these strange flowers had multiplied significantly. "How can this be?" they wondered aloud, baffled by the inexplicable growth. "Last time it was only one, and in the past four days... this is unprecedented."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on their minds. "And the people got hypnotized?" one of the scientists inquired, realizing the urgency of understanding the eerie connection between these blossoms and the trance-like state of the villagers. 

The staff and scientists working diligently in Siddartha were growing increasingly frustrated by the situation. Despite the villagers remaining wide awake, they remained trapped in an unsettling state of unconsciousness, leaving the experts perplexed.

Desperation filled the air as they discussed their predicament. "Rest assured," one staff member reassured the scientists, "some people have mentioned that an angel is on their way to investigate. Perhaps this celestial being will shed some light on this enigma."

"An angel?" the scientists echoed in astonishment, clearly intrigued by the notion.

As they pondered their predicament, one of the scientists made an alarming discovery. Attempting to cut one of the petals for further analysis, they were met with resistance as the blade failed to penetrate the flower.

"I think this is beyond our field of expertise to solve this mystery plant," the scientist admitted with heavy breaths, sharing a sentiment of helplessness with the others.

A heavy silence fell over the group, leaving them to contemplate the eerie, dark purple glow that continued to emanate from the inexplicable flowers.

The arrival of the archangels in Siddartha stirred a buzz among the locals, who watched in awe as these celestial beings landed gracefully and folded their majestic wings. As the archangels walked through the village, the villagers couldn't help but stare, their curiosity piqued by the ethereal presence of these divine visitors.

The scientist in charge of the investigation soon made his way to the entrance of their dwelling, eager to meet the celestial guests. Overwhelmed by Jophiel's radiant beauty, he found himself momentarily stunned and even rubbed his eyes in disbelief before regaining his composure.

"Pardon me for that," he quickly apologized, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he continued. "I am Doctor Lonan Vance, specializing in the study of plant ecology, their interactions with other organisms, and their influence on the environment."

Jophiel extended her hand with a gentle smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Doc Lonan. I am Archangel Jophiel, the Beauty of God, responsible for nurturing the life of plants, including these mysterious flowers, as well as the restoration of the natural world."

Their handshake marked the beginning of an intriguing collaboration between science and the divine, as they embarked on the quest to uncover the secrets of the enigmatic flowers.

Doctor Lonan Vance, still somewhat awestruck by the presence of the archangel, engaged in conversation, eager to bridge the gap between his scientific knowledge and the celestial beings before him.

"So the angels and archangels are different?" Lonan inquired, seeking clarity on the celestial hierarchy.

Jophiel, with her calming aura, responded gracefully, "Yes, indeed, we are distinct entities within the same divine triad."

Lonan chuckled nervously. "Oh, I see. I don't have much knowledge about you celestial beings. Pardon me for that."

Jophiel, ever understanding and patient, reassured him, "That's perfectly fine, Doctor. However, let's shift our focus to the matter at hand, shall we?"

Lonan nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! I can escort you to the location where these flowers are located."

Jophiel smiled warmly. "Your assistance is greatly appreciated, Doctor Vance. We are truly grateful for your hospitality."

As they traversed the desert landscape atop the camel, the archangels and Doctor Lonan Vance embarked on their journey to the heart of the mysterious jungle. The local tribe members watched them closely, their curious eyes following their every move.

Upon their arrival at the jungle's edge, the group of scientists welcomed them and guided them through the dense foliage. It was during this trek that Uriel, with her sharp intuition, couldn't help but fix her gaze on Doctor Vance, a scrutiny that didn't escape the notice of her fellow archangels.

Eventually, they reached their destination, and the moment they stepped into the heart of the jungle, the iridescent flowers began to pulsate with an otherworldly radiance.

Jophiel, with an air of familiarity, addressed the luminescent blossoms, "It's been a long millennium, Brugmansia arborea."

Doctor Lonan Vance, intrigued by Jophiel's connection to the flower, inquired, "You know this flower?"

Jophiel gracefully knelt down to touch the petals and replied, "This is a fine flower."

Lonan couldn't hide his concern. "But unfortunately, it's corrupted."

Uriel, always analytical, sought more information, asking, "How does this hypnosis affect people?"

With a sigh, Lonan explained, "Their eyes are wide awake, but their minds are sleeping, trapped in a state of unconsciousness."

Jophiel, guided by her innate connection with the plant life, gracefully settled herself amidst the luminous blossoms. With her eyes closed and a melodic hum escaping her lips, she sought to invoke a spell, an incantation meant to breathe life back into the corrupted flowers. Doctor Lonan Vance, perplexed and uncertain, exchanged bewildered glances with the other archangels, particularly Uriel, who provided a reassuring explanation of Jophiel's actions.

However, as Jophiel's enchanting song filled the air, the flowers remained unresponsive, shrouded in the ominous dark purple glow. A sense of unease began to wash over Uriel, and he couldn't help but cast worried glances at the nearby scientists who watched the proceedings with bated breath.

Suddenly, the eerie transformation began. The flowers, once radiant and captivating, responded to Jophiel's magic with a sinister twist. The dark purple light gave way to an unsettling white hue, and a haunting figure manifested in Jophiel's mind—a woman with piercing, glowing red eyes. Her voice echoed in Jophiel's thoughts, "I finally get you."

Jophiel's serene expression twisted into one of agony, and she clutched her head, trying to endure the excruciating pain. It was then that the unthinkable happened—a scientist standing nearby transformed into a high-ranking devil. Shock and terror swept over the archangels, their weapons drawn in an instant, while the bewildered onlookers scattered in fear.

The situation had taken a dire turn. Jophiel continued to bear the excruciating pain as the once-luminous flowers began to wither and turn hollow. The archangels, fueled by determination, dove to protect their fallen sister, only to be met by the high-ranking devils who blocked their path, weapons drawn and ready to confront the celestial intruders.

"Astaroth, Bael?" Uriel uttered in disbelief, recognizing the menacing figures before them. 

Astaroth, his voice laced with ominous confidence, taunted the archangels, reminding them of their seemingly fortunate situation, "Didn't I tell you that you're lucky Lilith didn't send all ten of us? And now..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Uriel's determination blazed brightly. His eyes, ignited with fiery resolve, pierced through the darkness. With an explosive burst of energy, Uriel lunged at the high-ranking devils, flames swirling around him. The high-ranking devils, prepared for battle, took their defensive stances, realizing that this angel's determination was unmatched.

"I don't care if you have a group of killers..." Uriel declared with unwavering determination, her voice echoing through the chaotic jungle. "...What really matters to me right now is getting Jophiel back!"

The heavens themselves seemed to respond to Uriel's fiery resolve as she unleashed a torrent of gigantic flames upon the high-ranking devils. The scorching inferno split the devils into two groups, five of them diverting their attention towards Jophiel, who was still struggling with the torment inflicted upon her.

With swift and decisive action, Gabriel and Raphael darted toward the devils surrounding Jophiel, their celestial power ready to confront the infernal foes.

Meanwhile, Camael and Uriel pursued the remaining five devils, determined to clear the path to their fallen sister. Their eyes locked on the ominous figures that blocked their way.

"They're blocking our way," Raphael remarked as they approached the high-ranking devils guarding Jophiel.

"Jophiel is right there," Gabriel said, his gaze unwavering as he kept a vigilant eye on their beloved sister, who continued to battle the sinister forces that threatened to engulf her.

As the five high-ranking devils circled them, their malevolent grins sent shivers down the spines of any who dared to gaze upon them. Gabriel and Raphael stood shoulder to shoulder, unwavering in the face of these dark adversaries.

"We outnumbered you, archangels," Pythius sneered, his voice dripping with malevolence.

"It looks like their existence will vanish for good," Mundus added with a sinister chuckle.

Gabriel and Raphael moved with the fluidity and grace of celestial beings, their every movement purposeful and coordinated. As the devils closed in, the archangels executed their spells with precision.

"Strength of God: Storm Hammer," Gabriel intoned, and a shimmering, ethereal hammer materialized in his hand. With a powerful throw, he sent the enchanted weapon hurtling towards the devils.

Raphael, equally adept in the arts of combat and healing, lent his support. "Heal of God: Purification," he chanted, imbuing Gabriel's hammer with a radiant golden light. The hammer crackled with newfound energy as it surged towards the malevolent devils.

The devils, sensing the impending danger, united their dark powers and conjured a massive red spiral sphere. With a malevolent cry, they unleashed it upon the approaching celestial hammer.

The resulting explosion sent shockwaves through the air, shrouding the battlefield in a cloud of smoke and debris. Amidst the chaos, the archangels continued to spar with their diabolical foes, their determination unwavering as they clashed in a celestial battle of light against darkness.

Uriel and Camael stood unwavering as the devils, Bael and Astaroth, launched their offensive. Bael's assault came like a torrential rain, as he sent a barrage of needles hurtling towards the archangels. Astaroth followed suit, conjuring a hailstorm of spears to rain down upon them.

With remarkable coordination, Camael swiftly erected a projection barrier, a shimmering, translucent shield of energy that deflected the deadly onslaught. The needles and spears collided with the barrier, harmlessly dissipating into the air.

Meanwhile, Uriel advanced with resolute determination. Her lips parted, and a small, fiery ember escaped, hovering in front of her. It flickered and danced with an ominous glow, hinting at the searing inferno about to be unleashed.

But just as Uriel prepared to breathe life into her flames, Mephisto, one of the cunning devils, chanted an incantation with an air of sinister pride.

"Pride of Sin: Wrath of the Dark-Fire Six Dragons."

Dark energies surged around Mephisto, coalescing into six ominous dragon-like forms wreathed in shadowy flames. With a malevolent roar, they surged forward, their dark fire threatening to consume everything in its path. The archangels braced themselves for the impending clash, determined to face the wrath of the Dark-Fire Six Dragons head-on.

Uriel's determination blazed like a beacon of light as she faced the onslaught of Mephisto's dark-fire dragons. With unwavering resolve, she unleashed her divine power.

"Light of God: Phoenix Slave."

From her very breath, a magnificent phoenix emerged, its radiant feathers glistening with divine energy. It soared forth, an embodiment of heavenly fire, colliding with the sinister, shadowy dragons created by Mephisto. The clash was awe-inspiring, as the opposing forces battled for dominance. Uriel's phoenix, born of purity and light, held its ground against the darkness, pushing back the fiery assailants.

Meanwhile, Camael engaged Astaroth and Bael in a skillful display of combat. With cunning and grace, she summoned her celestial abilities to gain the upper hand.

"Sight of God: Projection of Doppelganger."

Camael's form fragmented into two identical clones of herself, each charged with her divine prowess. With incredible swiftness and agility, the doppelgangers darted towards their respective targets. One clone engaged Bael, while the other confronted Astaroth, their movements synchronized and precise under Camael's masterful control.

Astaroth found himself in an unexpected predicament, his arrogance deflated as Camael's clever clone outwitted him.

"Tch! What a shame. Attacking by just an innocent clone," he grumbled, only to be met with hearty laughter from Bael, who couldn't help but find the situation amusing.

"Oh, Astaroth, you're in for a surprise," Camael retorted with a sly smile, her clone's actions revealing her ingenuity.

As Astaroth attempted to pierce the seemingly vulnerable clone, his weapon met an unexpected resistance. His expression shifted from confidence to bewilderment as his attack failed to penetrate the clone's form. Before he could react, the clone swiftly retaliated with its own spell.

"Sight of God: Net of Fortitude."

With a graceful motion, Camael's clone hurled a net towards Astaroth, ensnaring him in its ethereal grip. Astaroth struggled and squirmed, trying to free himself from the unexpected restraint. Bael, meanwhile, attempted to come to his aid, but his efforts were thwarted when Uriel unleashed her fiery wrath upon him, sending him reeling.

"Don't be so mean to my clones, Astaroth," Camael chided, her amusement evident.

However, their momentary triumph was interrupted as Mephisto unleashed a fire dragon, using it to untangle Astaroth from his binding. The battlefield remained a cauldron of divine and demonic power, a relentless clash of wills and abilities.

The snake returned to Hell, slithering through the fiery depths with a newfound sense of purpose. It wound its way towards Lilith's cell, where the queen of Hell eagerly awaited its return.

Lilith extended her hands, and the serpent gracefully climbed onto her arms, its sinister hiss carrying a message of accomplishment. A malevolent grin crossed Lilith's lips as she regarded her loyal messenger.

"Well done, my child," she praised, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "My plan succeeds, despite being locked away. That's a Bloody Mary for you."

The snake hissed in acknowledgment, its gleaming eyes reflecting the fiery ambiance of Hell itself. Lilith's gaze shifted towards the window, beyond which the molten lavas of Hell surged and roared.

"And now it begins," Lilith whispered with chilling confidence, her dark intentions ready to unfurl like a tapestry of chaos. Hell itself trembled in anticipation of the looming storm.

Lucifer's distant gaze betrayed a mind lost in turmoil as he stood there, a momentary lapse in his usual composure. Ennemond and Amenadiel exchanged puzzled glances, their concern evident in their furrowed brows and hesitant movements.

Amenadiel took a step closer, his voice filled with genuine worry. "Are you feeling well, Lucifer?"

Lucifer let out an involuntary grunt, his uncertainty manifesting in the furrow of his brow. "I don't know..."

His words hung heavy in the air, leaving a lingering sense of unease. Without further explanation, Lucifer abruptly rose from his seat, seeking refuge in a glass of water to quench the parched feeling in his throat. Ennemond and Amenadiel exchanged troubled glances, uncertainty clouding their expressions.

Lucifer's restless energy led him outdoors, a walk intended to clear his thoughts but fraught with internal discord. As he strode forward, his fingers instinctively reached up to touch his temple, and he unconsciously rubbed his eyes, as if trying to dispel an invisible discomfort that gnawed at him.

Observing the unusual behavior, Amenadiel nodded to Ennemond's unspoken suggestion and quickly followed after Lucifer, their footsteps echoing in sync with the weight of uncertainty that hung heavily in the air.

Amenadiel's voice carried genuine concern as he questioned his brother, attempting to unravel the mystery that seemed to plague Lucifer's mind. Lucifer, however, could only offer a sigh in response, the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him like an unseen burden.

With a heavy heart, Lucifer finally decided to share the disconcerting experiences that had been haunting him. "You know, ever since Diane shared some of Lilith's power with mine, I feel numb sometimes," he confessed, his voice tinged with both confusion and apprehension. "Also, my mind went aching out of nowhere, and there's a faint woman suddenly appearing, and I think that woman is Lilith."

As he spoke, Lucifer sought solace in a nearby public chair, sinking into it as if its embrace could offer some respite from the turmoil in his mind. He couldn't help but feel the weight of the events surrounding him, from Jophiel's departure to the troubling hints of danger in Nazareth.

Amenadiel, ever the vigilant and caring brother, leaned in closer, his expression reflecting his desire to understand and offer support. "What is it, Lucifer?" he pressed, his voice a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty that had gripped them.

With a determined expression and fear in his eyes, Lucifer rose to his feet and uttered his concerns aloud. "By any chance... does Lilith take advantage of Jophiel's obsession with flowers as she planted it far away here to separate us?" His voice quivered with unease, and his words hung heavy in the air, leaving an unsettling silence in their wake.

Amenadiel, too, wore an alarmed expression as he grasped the gravity of the situation. They both knew that Lilith was not one to be underestimated, and her motives remained shrouded in darkness. The brothers unfurled their wings and took to the skies, racing toward a confrontation with the enigmatic and dangerous Lilith.

In the midst of the chaos and battle that raged on, Jophiel's condition continued to deteriorate. Her head pounded with excruciating pain, and her strength waned as she collapsed onto the ground. Gabriel and Raphael, determined to reach their ailing sister, faced off against the formidable devils who barred their way.

As the archangels fought valiantly, Gabriel couldn't help but question the source of the devils' seemingly inexhaustible healing abilities. With a heavy heart and a fierce determination, he directed his query toward Raphael, who was embroiled in combat.

"What's with this healing ability, Raphael?" Gabriel inquired, his voice filled with concern as he continued to spar with the devils.

Raphael, in the midst of the battle, managed to evade an attack and swiftly responded, "I'm afraid this is from Lucifer's divine healing." With a powerful swing of his staff, he struck down two of the devils who had dared to challenge him. But Merihem, one of the high-ranking devils, remained resilient, blocking Raphael's assault.

Both archangels grunted in unison as they clashed, their determination unwavering. Meanwhile, Bael seized an opportunity to strike at Raphael's flank, but Gabriel intervened, delivering a powerful kick to repel the devil.

Amaymon, leaning casually on Dis's shoulders, couldn't help but inject a hint of mockery into his words. "So you finally know our strength," he said with a sly grin. "It does make sense why Lilith lends us her healing ability due to the fact that these fellas are so wicked. Well, of course, that's an archangel for you." His laughter filled the air, a dark and eerie sound.

Raphael, ever perceptive, whispered to Gabriel, "I think he tries to mock us."

Gabriel, keeping a firm gaze on the devils before them, responded quietly, "We were not trying to mock you, archangels. Just a slice of compliment," came the retort from Dagon, another member of the high-ranking devil group. 

Gabriel scoffed at Amaymon's attempts to mock them. "Do you really think we will be impressed by that?" he retorted with unwavering confidence.

But before the verbal exchange could escalate further, Belial, one of the high-ranking devils, materialized right in front of Gabriel. Swift as lightning, Belial swung his sinister spear toward Gabriel's head. However, divine reflexes and angelic powers were not to be underestimated.

Raphael, Gabriel's loyal comrade, reacted swiftly to the impending danger. With a graceful flourish of his staff, he invoked the power "Temperance of God: Heavenly Grace." A radiant white energy enveloped him and extended outward, dispelling the devil's attack. The force was so powerful that it sent the assailants tumbling away.