Chapter 7.3: Confront and Battlefront

Asmodeus, now in his malevolent, shadowy form, watched with a sly grin as Raphael's body began to glow with an ethereal radiance. The archangel spoke calmly, his words reflecting his humility and purpose.

Asmodeus, fueled by arrogance and desire, made a hasty move toward Raphael, but the archangel was one step ahead. Just as the demon was closing in, Raphael's entire being transformed into a brilliant, golden light.

"Temperance of God: Flight," Raphael declared.

In an instant, he ascended with the swiftness of light itself, leaving Asmodeus grasping at empty air. The malevolent demon could only look on as Raphael soared away towards the passage that had been left unguarded.

A triumphant smile crept across Asmodeus's shadowy visage. He knew this encounter was far from over, and he relished the impending continuation of their struggle.

Amid the icy, treacherous landscape of the last circle, Michael's footsteps echoed, a lone archangel navigating the cold expanse after being separated from Camael. His journey led him to an ominous cell, marked with a sinister pentagram at its center. Inside, a familiar voice taunted him.

"Well, well. What a noble guest I have this very moment," Satan sneered.

Michael's eyes narrowed as he recognized the devil who had once sought to possess the body of Moses, a battle that had tested his resolve and power. A wry smile twisted Satan's lips as he recalled their past encounter.

"Honestly, that was a great battle back then," Satan admitted, his voice dripping with a sinister charm. "It was too close to obtain some sacred body who split the ocean into two."

Michael's surprise was palpable. "Honestly?" He couldn't help but be amused by the candidness of the deceiver before him. However, his amusement gave way to determination as he drew his sword.

"Give Jophiel back," Michael demanded, his grumpy countenance a stark contrast to Satan's sly demeanor.

In a flash, Satan coiled around Michael's back, and the archangel quickly responded by rolling away, narrowly avoiding the devil's trident as it pierced the air. Michael countered, using his sword as a shield to protect himself.

With a swift and powerful motion, Michael unfurled his magnificent wings, soaring upwards with a single flap, determined to confront Satan and reclaim what was rightfully his.

Amidst the tumultuous battle between the archangel Michael and Satan, a powerful gust of wind swept through the treacherous landscape, carrying with it an air of tension and conflict. In response to the approaching devil, Satan conjured a malevolent red energy that seemed to still the very winds themselves, creating an eerie calm before the storm.

Both celestial beings, equally matched in their determination, launched themselves away from the epicenter, their energies rippling around them like mighty auras.

"Like of God: Smite of Execution!" Michael's voice rang out with divine authority.

"Sin of Wrath: Strike Manipulation!" Satan's words held an ominous power.

The beams of energy they unleashed collided with a thunderous clash, creating a colossal, spiraling vortex of power that seemed to defy the very laws of reality. With a deafening explosion, their energies erupted, obliterating the entire circle of treachery and reducing it to a desolate wasteland of ruins.

As the billowing smoke began to dissipate, Michael remained vigilant, his eyes scanning for any sign of Satan's presence. In the faint light, he detected a shadow, and without hesitation, he thrust his sword towards it, determined to vanquish his adversary.

But to his shock, the shadow enveloped Michael's blade, winding its way around the archangel's weapon and infiltrating his very being.

Michael's valiant resistance against the insidious grip of Satan's shadow was a testament to his unwavering resolve. Yet, despite his efforts, the malevolent force continued to seep into his celestial form, like an encroaching darkness threatening to extinguish his divine light.

In a sinister and calculated move, Satan materialized before Michael, his figure cloaked in malevolence. With the torch held high, he advanced towards the archangel, the flames casting eerie flickers of light and shadow upon their battle-scarred surroundings.

Without mercy, Satan thrust his trident into Michael's celestial form, the divine weapon shattering upon impact. The archangel's body convulsed with agony as the trident's destruction sent shockwaves through his being, leaving him vulnerable and wounded.

Michael's radiant eyes shimmered with an otherworldly brilliance as he channeled the divine power within him. With a resolute will, he unleashed a torrent of golden magnetic energy, a manifestation of his celestial might, that surged forth like a radiant tsunami.

Satan, the treacherous devil, was swept up by this tremendous force, his sinister grip on Michael's being shattered and dispelled like an ephemeral nightmare. The shadow that had sought to envelop and consume the archangel's essence was banished, leaving Michael free to exert his divine authority.

Swift as the winds of heaven, Michael soared through the icy landscape, his grasp firmly ensnaring Satan's malevolent form. The archangel's gaze fell upon the jagged ice spikes that punctuated the desolate terrain, and with unwavering determination, he hurled the devil towards them.

Satan, his once-confident visage now twisted in agony, impaled upon the icy spires, a grotesque tableau of treachery and retribution. As Michael approached cautiously to ascertain the devil's fate, Satan lay still, his form motionless against the unforgiving backdrop of the icebergs.

A disconcerting twist unfolded in the icy expanse of the treacherous circle. Michael, the indomitable archangel, was caught off guard when Satan's sinister stratagem revealed itself.

A dark circle materialized around Michael, ensnaring him in its shadowy embrace. The archangel's instincts flared with alarm as he realized the gravity of his predicament. Before he could react, the malevolent enchantment took hold, imprisoning him within its inky depths.

As the darkness gave way to a sudden burst of malevolent energy, a spectral doppelgänger of Michael materialized, mirroring his every move with eerie precision. The archangel's eyes widened with astonishment and consternation as he beheld his own likeness, now transformed into a weapon of deception and betrayal.

Satan, the mastermind behind this macabre ruse, chuckled with malevolent delight as he observed the archangel's plight. "Ah, the joys of playing with divine puppets," he mused, his voice dripping with malice.

Michael's divine prowess was pitted against a legion of illusions, his own visage distorted into a mocking specter of itself. Each illusory strike, each feint, and parry mirrored his own movements, creating a chaotic dance of celestial combat.

The tension within the illusory arena reached its zenith as one of the spectral duplicates lunged forward with deadly intent. Michael, his senses honed by millennia of celestial combat, reacted with lightning swiftness, narrowly evading the illusory strike. His agile leap back was a testament to his unyielding determination to endure this surreal trial.

Yet, in the fickle dance of illusions, danger lurked from all angles. Another phantasmal double, shrouded in obscurity, materialized behind Michael with spectral malice. With a swift and brutal blow, it struck the archangel, the impact resounding with a painful thud. Michael, momentarily incapacitated, grunted in agony as he was cast down to the icy ground.

Struggling to rise, Michael's celestial grace was tested to its limits, his determination undaunted even in the face of this bewildering predicament. Satan, the architect of this nightmarish illusion, advanced steadily, a sinister grin playing upon his lips.

With a malevolent energy emanating from his outstretched palm, Satan conjured a sinister sphere of darkness, the harbinger of Michael's potential demise. The archangel, battered and weary, stood in stoic silence, the weight of countless eons of existence bearing down upon him.

As the ominous dark sphere hurtled towards Michael, carrying with it the promise of obliteration, an explosion of malevolent energy consumed the illusory battlefield. The force of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the illusory realm, shattering Michael's spectral duplicates into ephemeral shards.

In the wake of the cataclysmic eruption, Satan remained suspended in the chaotic maelstrom of darkness and destruction, an unholy embodiment of malevolence and chaos. His laughter echoed through the nightmarish landscape, a triumphant cacophony that reveled in the apparent demise of the archangel.

The illusionary battlefield, once fraught with tension and deceit, now lay in ruins, consumed by the aftermath of the devastating explosion. Michael's indomitable spirit, however, had not been extinguished, even in the face of such overwhelming adversity.

The archangel, far from being burned alive, had once again risen from the ashes of despair, his celestial essence resilient and unwavering. Though battered and weary, Michael endured, poised to confront his diabolical adversary once more.

Satan's laughter, though victorious in its tone, could not dampen the resolve of the archangel, whose purpose remained steadfast in the midst of this surreal and perilous encounter.

Amidst the lingering smoke and the shattered remnants of their illusory battlefield, a tense silence enveloped the circle of treachery. Satan, his malevolent countenance marred by irritation, had momentarily halted his steps, his crimson eyes narrowing as he beheld the figure approaching through the haze.

From the very midst of obscurity, a shadowy presence had emerged, gradually coalescing into the resolute form of the archangel Michael. His presence, like a beacon of unwavering determination, shattered any illusions of his defeat, and Satan's disquiet grew palpable.

With a wry smile and a hint of mockery in his voice, Satan inquired whether it was "Heaven's luck" that had allowed Michael to survive their earlier cataclysmic confrontation. But Michael's response bore the weight of certainty, a profound belief that transcended mere fortune.

Satan, with a malevolent grin, enveloped himself in a shroud of dark energy that swirled menacingly around him. Michael stood resolute, his unwavering gaze fixed on the approaching threat. The dark energy, which initially appeared as a foreboding maroon hue, began to take form. Ten sinister spheres floated upward, encircling Satan, their malevolence palpable.

With a hint of jest in his voice, Michael couldn't resist a taunt. "Oh, another cannonball trick?"

Satan's smirk only deepened. "I suppose this is your last joke."

With a swift and deliberate motion, Satan yanked the dark energy back towards himself. The spheres transformed into ethereal replicas of Michael, each wielding a menacing sword. 

Michael couldn't help but maintain a sense of humor even in the direst of circumstances. "Well, their eyes are quite dark. Can't you just lighten up a bit?" 

Satan, unperturbed by Michael's jest, swung the dark energy with malevolent intent. The shadowy illusions charged forward, converging on Michael with lethal intent.

Michael poised himself, his gleaming sword held gracefully at his back. As the shadowy illusions closed in on him, Michael executed a swift and precise maneuver. He spun his sword in a graceful circle, slicing through the illusions with finesse.

However, to Michael's astonishment, the illusions didn't dissipate as he anticipated. Instead, their fragmented bodies seamlessly reconnected, their eerie unity unbroken. Caught off guard, Michael faced one of the illusions that lunged at him head-on. He couldn't help but note the unsettling transformation in their behavior.

The ground beneath Michael's feet quivered as the illusion released a potent surge of dark, magnetic force. Caught off guard by this unexpected use of his own powers against him, Michael reacted swiftly. He slammed his sword forcefully into the ground, using it as an anchor to withstand the relentless force wave that threatened to push him back.

As the dark wave subsided, Michael couldn't help but express his irritation, his voice laced with frustration. "So they can also use my powers too. Quite a pain in the butt."

Just as he prepared to counterattack, the illusions dissolved into thin air, and in their place, Satan materialized before him. With a wicked grin, Satan swung his trident with malevolent intent, launching a relentless assault on Michael. The clash between these powerful beings sent shockwaves reverberating throughout the desolate circle of treachery.

Uriel found herself lost in the labyrinthine passages of Hell after the passages were swapped by Lilith. As she wandered through the gloomy darkness, she heard the anguished cries of tormented souls echoing all around her. The voices pleaded for salvation, their despair weighing heavily on her heart.

Determined to bring light and hope to this dark corner of Hell, Uriel called upon her divine powers. With a graceful motion, she summoned a radiant sphere, which she cast high into the air. As it soared, the ball of light bathed the surroundings in a brilliant, celestial glow.

The sudden burst of divine radiance revealed a gruesome scene. Devils, armed with sinister weapons, were tormenting the wailing souls that inhabited this forsaken realm. One of the malevolent beings, driven by malicious intent, lunged at Uriel with the intent to harm her. But before he could reach her, a sharp spear materialized out of thin air, impaling the devil and engulfing him in searing flames. Uriel watched in astonishment at this unexpected turn of events.

Soon, the echoing footsteps revealed the figure of a woman in a flowing black dress. As the woman stepped further into the circle, the oppressive darkness seemed to recoil in response to an inner light, casting an eerie glow around her.

Uriel's expression darkened with recognition, and she spoke the name with a deep and resolute tone, "The First Woman: Lilith."

In response to Uriel's presence, Lilith smiled with an air of amusement, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and mischief. All around them, the devils in the circle erupted in a cacophony of yells and cheers, clearly excited by the unfolding confrontation.

With a wry smile, Lilith acknowledged Uriel's introduction, "It's a pleasure to meet you and see you again, Light of God: Uriel." The tension in the circle grew palpable as the two formidable beings faced off in this dark and foreboding realm.

Uriel's voice was firm and resolute as she confronted Lilith, her sense of righteousness burning within her. "How dare you abduct Jophiel out of your own carnal desire?" she challenged, her angelic presence radiating with unwavering determination.

Lilith, however, seemed unfazed by Uriel's accusation. With a sly smile, she descended further into the dark circle, her every step exuding an air of tantalizing intrigue. "Oh my! I believe it's an extant desire," she replied casually, her tone laden with mischief.

As she continued to speak, Lilith's words carried an ominous weight. "You see, that archangel or sister of yours is hiding a power that would end the devil's existence, and I'm preventing that from happening," she confessed. The revelation sent a shiver through the surrounding devils, who appeared both enthralled and anxious about the unfolding confrontation between these two formidable beings.

Lucifer's voice had taken on a more serious tone as he divulged important information to Uriel in the midst of their journey to Netherus. The two archangels, along with Amenadiel, found themselves engaged in a conversation about their impending mission.

"And now that I give you the details of the circles, at least we can split incautiously," Lucifer had quipped, injecting a touch of levity into the discussion. Amenadiel, however, was not amused. "Seriously?" he had retorted with a hint of frustration, to which Lucifer responded with an insouciant knuckle crack. "I'm just messing around," he assured them.

Lucifer then took a step closer to Uriel, their interaction becoming noticeably more intimate. Uriel couldn't help but feel a bit awkward under his scrutiny. Clearing his throat, Lucifer finally spoke the words he had been holding back. "Uhm, Uriel. There's something I have to tell you."

Uriel, her patience waning, responded bluntly. "Spit it out."

Lucifer proceeded to share a crucial piece of information, his demeanor becoming grave. "If ever Lilith confronts you," he began, "it would be better if you knew some of her powers, so that you could get quickly to Jophiel." The weight of his words hung in the air, foreshadowing a confrontation that Uriel was now all too aware of.

Lucifer's revelation about Lilith's powers left Uriel in contemplative silence. She absorbed the information and nodded in acknowledgment. "Okay. What kind of power does Lilith have?"

Lucifer, ever the informant, proceeded to enlighten Uriel further. "Lilith has two powers: Arcana and Empress," he began, and Uriel's eyes widened in surprise. "Lilith has Arcana? It makes sense why she's the Empress of Hell."

He continued, providing details about Lilith's Arcana power. "Her Arcana power is usually an intense healing ability, much like your own renowned capacity, but it goes beyond that. She can summon thousands of snakes that exude deadly poisons even more potent than those of Beelzebub. Even your divine flames can't easily burn through these serpents. What's peculiar is that the more damage they sustain, the more they heal."

Uriel contemplated this newfound knowledge for a moment. "Perhaps I can find a way to manipulate that aspect of her power."

Lucifer's warning brought her back to the urgency of the situation. "You better find out soon, or Lilith will find a way to eliminate you first," he cautioned. Uriel was well aware that time was of the essence. She couldn't afford to underestimate Lilith, the Empress of Hell.

Uriel was still curious, though. "How about the Empress?" she asked, seeking more insight into Lilith's formidable abilities.

"If Lilith's right eye changes into blue," he began, "she's utilizing the Empress power. With this ability, she possesses a demonic-telepathic influence, enabling her to alter the course of things on the other side or banish them with a mere snap of her fingers. Furthermore, she can summon some of the most formidable and deadly creatures Hell has to offer, including the formidable dragons of Hell, high-ranking devils, and even arch-demons. This is a capability possessed by only a select few, myself included."

Uriel couldn't help but smile at the intriguing complexity of Lilith's powers. "I never thought the first woman could be such a handful."

Lucifer sighed in agreement. "Yes, dealing with her can be quite the challenge, even for me."

Uriel expressed her gratitude to Lucifer. "I'm grateful for your assistance. Your help means a lot, Lucifer. I suppose Jophiel was right about you."

Lucifer's response was characteristically dismissive. "Don't be absurd. I'm only helping because of Jophiel."

Curiosity drove Uriel to inquire further. "But why does Lilith want to confront me?" she asked, her gaze unwavering.

Lucifer's enigmatic response left Uriel with more questions than answers. "You will find out soon," he cryptically replied, leaving Uriel to ponder the looming confrontation with the Empress of Hell.

Uriel's unyielding resolve remained unshaken even as the hostile devil forces encircled her, their menacing weapons pointed menacingly in her direction. Lilith, the Empress of Hell, began to retreat, her devilish minions clearing a path for her. Uriel's vigilant eyes scanned her surroundings, refusing to be intimidated by the intimidating display of aggression.

With a hint of sarcasm, Uriel called out to Lilith, her voice unwavering despite the dire situation. "Are you afraid now?"

Lilith, the enigmatic and formidable first woman, halted her retreat and graced Uriel with a disarming smile. Her response was as confident as it was chilling. "No."

A subtle wave of her hand was all it took for the obedient devils to launch their attack on Uriel, plunging the situation into a perilous confrontation between Heaven's formidable warrior and the Empress of Hell and her devilish horde.

Uriel's eyes closed momentarily, a brief moment of inner reflection and concentration as her angelic power surged within her. Then, with a burst of incredible energy, flames erupted from her body, shattering the very ground upon which the devil forces stood. The devils recoiled in alarm, desperately trying to shield themselves from the devastating blaze, but it was futile. The flames consumed them with merciless intensity, turning the sinister horde into ashes.

In the midst of this inferno, Lilith found herself ensnared by the searing flames, yet her laughter remained defiant, a testament to her resilience. With a subtle shift of her eye, her right iris turned a deep, ominous blue, signaling the activation of her Empress power.

Then, as Uriel turned to face the looming threat behind her, a colossal shadow unfurled—a serpent of nightmarish proportions. Its fangs dripped with venom, and in a swift and lethal strike, it unleashed a torrent of poisonous fluid toward Uriel.

Thinking on her feet, Uriel vaulted forward, creating a fiery whip that lashed out with searing intensity, striking the serpent and causing it to writhe in agony. But the creature was far from defeated and retaliated with a powerful sweep of its tail.

Uriel's angelic wings unfurled, lifting her gracefully into the air, where she took a deep breath, her lungs filling with flames. With a commanding presence, she invoked her divine power.

"Light of God: Phoenix Slave."

A wave of fiery energy surged forth, enveloping the colossal serpent. It roared and writhed within the conflagration, its immense form steaming as the flames seared and purified it. Meanwhile, Lilith, undeterred, summoned a legion of venomous snakes, which hissed and spat their deadly venom towards Uriel.

In response, Uriel stamped her hands upon the ground with fiery determination. The flames around her shattered into countless embers, and the snakes, now engulfed in her holy fire, continued to spew their venom, their once-deadly toxins rendered powerless. Uriel landed gracefully upon a small cliff, her fiery wings casting an imposing silhouette against the backdrop of the inferno.

Uriel's fiery response was met with a mocking tone from Lilith, who taunted her with, "What's the matter, Light of God? Can't you get rid of them easily?"

Uriel smirked confidently in the face of Lilith's challenge and replied, "No, I'm just messing around."

As the venomous serpents, large and small, slithered up the cliffside, Uriel stood resolute, her celestial flames enveloping her in a mesmerizing display. The radiant hat atop her head, adorned with a dazzling blue gem, and her magnificent celestial coat, billowing dramatically, signified the profound transformation that had taken place.

Lilith couldn't help but be taken aback by the spectacle before her. Uriel's flames, once a brilliant orange, had now shifted to an intense shade of scarlet, a symbol of her divine power and determination. Her fiery aura blazed fiercely, a testament to the boundless strength she was about to unleash.

In a voice that resounded like thunder, Uriel declared her dominance over the battlefield, "Set of Light: Scarlet Flare."

The scarlet flames swirled around her, intensifying with each passing moment, promising unrelenting destruction to those who dared oppose her. Lilith could only watch, a mixture of awe and trepidation filling her as Uriel prepared to reveal the full extent of her heavenly might.

The battlefield transformed into a mesmerizing display of celestial power as Uriel summoned her newly acquired abilities. Wrapping the area where the venomous snakes had gathered in brilliant blue flames, she cast her teleportation magic. In an instant, she vanished, reappearing at various points around the circle, leaving a trail of dazzling azure light in her wake.

The sudden influx of celestial energy caused the entire circle to light up with a radiant blue glow. The snakes, caught within Uriel's fiery grasp, were engulfed by the blazing blue flames, their hissing cries of agony filling the air. The giant serpent, in a desperate charge toward Uriel, found itself pierced by a searing scarlet bolt, its massive form quickly succumbing to the consuming blaze.