Chapter 7.4 : Confront and Battlefront

Lilith, observing Uriel's mastery of her newfound abilities, couldn't hide her irritation. In a fit of frustration, she launched a barrage of dark energy at Uriel, who gracefully dodged the onslaught. Lilith's right eye returned to its normal color, and she folded her wings, closing her eyes with a sly grin.

"I never thought you'd be so quick to employ the Set of Light just to manipulate my powers," Lilith chuckled, her admiration for Uriel's resourcefulness apparent in her tone.

Uriel's retort was sharp, her determination unyielding. As the flames danced around Lilith, she couldn't help but admire Uriel's resolve.

"Why don't you just prepare plenty of bouquets and an eye-catching coffin? I'll appreciate that much," Lilith quipped, her smirk barely visible through the fiery blaze that enveloped her.

Uriel's eyes gleamed with determination as she retorted, "Then she'll be the one to put you in that coffin." With a determined breath, she released a surge of intense flames that engulfed Lilith entirely, leaving nothing but a searing inferno in her wake.

The air around them seemed to crackle with tension as Lilith unleashed her powers. With her right eye aflame in red, she countered Uriel's flames, forcing them back upon her. Uriel, ever defiant, consumed the flames with unwavering determination.

But Lilith had more tricks up her sleeve. With a sinister grin, she cast her "Queen of Pain" spells, targeting Uriel with an agonizing scream that left her deaf and in excruciating pain. Dark energy crackled and lashed out at Uriel, sending her tumbling to the ground.

Uriel, however, refused to yield. She rose with determination in her eyes and charged at Lilith, despite the injuries she had sustained. Lilith countered with her "Queen of Pain: Shadow Strike," hurling a poisoned dagger that found its mark in Uriel's arm.

Lilith's voice, now softer but no less menacing, filled the air once more with her "Scream of Fright." Uriel's body trembled as she struggled to resist the debilitating fear, but her resolve remained unbroken. In a fiery burst of determination, she ignited herself, repelling Lilith's spell and sending the First Woman reeling in pain.

Lilith's laughter echoed through the circle. Her amusement at Uriel's fiery determination was evident in her voice.

"Clever move, Light of God," Lilith conceded with a smirk, acknowledging Uriel's sacrifice to break free from her spell.

"You burn yourself, just to undo the shivers I gave you," she mused, a sinister smile playing on her lips.

Uriel, unfazed by Lilith's taunts, met her gaze with unwavering resolve. "I'm mean for those who harm what I adore," she declared firmly, her voice carrying a steely determination.

Lilith's laughter continued to dance through the air, a wicked and haunting melody that echoed amidst the tumultuous confrontation. Her amusement was evident in every sinister note that escaped her lips.

"That's so adorable," she sneered, a sardonic smile curling upon her crimson lips. The dark power she exuded seemed to feed off the tension in the atmosphere, crackling with malevolence.

With a final, chilling proclamation, Lilith's laughter enveloped the space around them like a dark shroud. "No wonder you will die together," she taunted, her words carrying an ominous weight that hung heavy in the air.

Uriel and Lilith engaged in a relentless battle of celestial and demonic powers. Their every move sent shockwaves through the collapsing circle, creating an atmosphere of impending doom.

Uriel, with her flame sword in hand, moved with fiery determination, her steps leaving burning imprints on the trembling ground. Lilith, wielding two venomous swords, weaved through the tumultuous battlefield, her strikes dripping with deadly intent.

As their powers clashed and the very earth quaked beneath them, Uriel invoked her Scarlet Flare, launching herself like a blazing comet towards Lilith. The searing arc of her attack left a trail of fiery devastation in its wake, scorching Lilith and slowing her movements.

But Lilith was quick to counter, employing her Queen of Pain abilities with ruthless precision. She blinked into Uriel's path, her sudden appearance catching the archangel off guard. With a swift motion, she unleashed a deafening Sonic Wave, a destructive force that pushed Uriel back, leaving her reeling.

Lilith taunted Uriel amidst the chaos, her voice cutting through the cacophony of battle. "You know why you're the first I'm dealing with?" Her words dripped with malice, adding another layer of tension to their deadly clash.

Amidst the cataclysmic battle, Lilith's sinister intent became clear as she revealed her motivations. "Because light was also my weakness, not just that... you and your sister were my nemesis! That's why I have to execute you first before her," she declared, her words dripping with venomous resentment.

Uriel, incensed by Lilith's confession, summoned the full extent of her celestial power. She let out a resounding scream that shook the very heavens, her form transforming into a blazing torch of celestial fire. Lilith, recognizing the imminent danger, responded by becoming a hollow, a shadowy form designed to evade harm.

With her Supernova ability unleashed, Uriel became a searing sun, radiating immense heat and power. Lilith, now in her hollow form, taunted Uriel as she fled, confident that she couldn't be defeated. But Uriel had other plans.

In response, Lilith attempted to drain Uriel's trait using her Sin of Wrath: Spirit Siphon. However, Uriel, in her transformed state, summoned four fiery spirits that fiercely circled around her. Lilith retaliated by summoning winged beasts to confront the fire spirits. The summoned creatures clashed violently in a chaotic frenzy.

As the seconds ticked by, the celestial pressure continued to mount. Then, in a blinding flash of light and a deafening explosion, the sun Uriel had become erupted in a devastating Supernova. The shockwave obliterated everything in its path, causing the circle to crumble and fall apart.

Amidst the ensuing destruction, Uriel, now unconscious and plummeting from the heavens, fell alongside the collapsing ruins. Lilith, standing on the precipice, watched as Uriel tumbled, her body singed and steaming from the explosion's heat. Despite the toll the battle had taken on her, Lilith couldn't help but smirk at her narrow escape.

As the intense battle between Michael and Satan raged on, the structural integrity of the circle began to deteriorate dramatically. Massive cracks spread across the top surface, a dire warning of the impending danger. Michael's keen awareness detected the growing peril, even amid the chaos of combat.

Satan, ever taunting, took advantage of Michael's momentary distraction, landing a direct hit on the archangel. Their weapons clashed violently, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding area. With each clash, the cracks in the circle widened further.

The situation became critical as the top of the circle began to crumble and fall away. Satan seized the opportunity, flying toward a nearby passage to make his escape. Meanwhile, Michael, determined to protect his comrade, ascended swiftly. His golden magnetic force came to life, separating the falling ruins and creating a safe passage for Uriel below.

Amidst the chaos, a radiant white wing appeared, briefly illuminated by the dim light of the crumbling circle. Michael's heart skipped a beat as he saw Uriel falling from above. With unwavering resolve, he soared to catch her just in time. Carefully, he cradled Uriel's unconscious form in his arms.

Surveying the passage where Satan had vanished, Michael gently placed Uriel against the wall, ensuring her safety. He watched as the ruins tumbled to the ground below, their destructive descent narrowly averted.

Amidst the imminent chaos of implosions closing in on them, Michael acted with swift determination. His sword flashed brilliantly as he struck the top of the passage, causing it to collapse and form a protective barrier just in the nick of time. The destructive forces of the implosions rattled the makeshift shelter, but it held, sparing them from harm.

With the immediate danger averted, Michael turned his attention to Uriel. Gently, he shook her, attempting to rouse her from her unconscious state. Her form was limp, but he could feel the warmth of life within her.

"Uriel?" he whispered, his voice carrying concern and urgency.

Taking a moment to assess their situation, Michael examined the passage ahead. It remained a mysterious and unknown path, a potential route to pursue in their quest to rescue Jophiel.

Carefully, Michael lifted Uriel into his arms, cradling her as he prepared to continue their journey. Their footsteps echoed softly through the silent passage, their surroundings shrouded in uncertainty. Uriel remained unconscious, her fate and the outcome of their mission hanging in the balance as they ventured deeper into the treacherous unknown.

In the desolate caves of Limo, the lost souls of Pagans and the unbaptized drifted aimlessly, their existence marked by an overwhelming sense of isolation and longing to be reunited with God. Each soul carried the weight of desperation, a yearning to find solace in the divine embrace they could only dream of.

Lucifer found himself locked in a relentless clash with the mad dragons. As the mountains crumbled and the chaos intensified, the dragons exhibited their formidable powers. Abeloth, a dragon of fiery wrath, spewed forth a torrent of flames and charged at Lucifer, while Maevnussut, another fearsome dragon, unleashed a scorching blaze that swallowed Lucifer in its searing embrace.

Lucifer, caught within the scalding inferno, couldn't help but contemplate his newfound vulnerability. "Am I vulnerable now?" he mused aloud, his voice echoing amidst the fiery chaos.

The Mad Dragons, observing their king's struggles and the tumultuous battle that raged around them, began to engage in a philosophical discussion. Dracul, a dragon known for his wisdom and keen insights, emitted a deep, contemplative sigh before growling as he questioned Lucifer's actions. "Our king simply desires to save that delicate archangel, while our queen harbors the intent to eradicate her."

As Dracul ventured further into his inquiry, he paced along the edge of the fiery battleground. "Why did you save that archangel back then?"

Lucifer, his thoughts enigmatic and obscured by the flames that surrounded him, replied in a cryptic manner. "I act according to my own volition, and so I did."

Ildrie, another perceptive member of the Mad Dragons, chimed in, her words laden with insight. "Could it be that you harbor a slight affection for that archangel?"

Shyrlonay, always astute, added her perspective to the discussion. "It's no surprise that our queen continuously torments her. Perhaps the convergence of these events signifies something profound. Our queen seeks to save us through this archangel, while our king strives to safeguard her."

Amidst the complexity of their predicament and the divisions among the dragons, Dracul firmly asserted, "Regardless of the intricacies, our immediate priority is clear. If our queen aims to rescue us all, then restraining our king is the duty we must fulfill at this moment."

Lucifer, acknowledging the constraints of his depleted powers, spoke candidly. "Regrettably, I cannot engage in combat with you in my current state, as my powers have waned. By the grace of Lilith, I may yet find solace within my abode."

As the Mad Dragons wrestled with their loyalties and grappled with the unfolding events, their ominous growls reverberated through the fiery battlefield, serving as an eerie backdrop to the tumultuous battle that raged on.

"What do you think, Dracul?" Abeloth inquired, her fiery gaze locked on the unfolding drama.

Dracul, one of the ancient and powerful dragons, let out a deep sigh and followed it with a growl, his gaze fixated on the intense showdown. "Our king just wants to save that little dove, yet our queen wants to exterminate her," he muttered, voicing the inherent conflict within their ranks.

Dracul moved closer to the edge of the battlefield, his massive form casting a formidable shadow. "Why did you save that archangel back then?" he asked, directing his question towards Lucifer.

The fallen angel Lucifer responded, his voice carrying an air of indifference and determination. "I react on my own, and I did it," he stated, a hint of enigmatic purpose underlying his words.

Ildrie, another of the dragons, chimed in with a sly tone. "Or perhaps you have a slight feeling for that archangel," she suggested, her keen eyes assessing Lucifer's true motivations.

Shyrlonay, the wise and observant dragon, offered his perspective on the unfolding events. "No wonder our queen haunts her all the time. Or perhaps it's a coincidence of the events happening right now, since our queen wants to save us from that archangel, and our king wants to save that archangel," he surmised, reflecting the complexities of their current predicament.

"But that doesn't matter right now," Dracul declared, his deep voice echoing through the chaos. "If the queen wants to save us all, then stopping our king is the pledge we can give at the moment." The Mad Dragons responded with a collective and eerie demonic growl, their loyalty to Abeloth unwavering.

Lucifer, who had been a central figure in the unfolding events, spoke up with an air of resignation. "I'm afraid I can't fight you due to the fact that my powers are gone," he admitted, his voice tinged with both vulnerability and acceptance. "I may enter my home, by Lilith's grace," he added, acknowledging the limitations of his current state.

The Mad Dragons descended to the ground where Lucifer stood, their fiery breath converging upon him. Flames swirled and surged, forming a blazing wall of heat and destruction. Lucifer's wings unfurled, and he ascended into the sky with remarkable speed, skillfully evading the searing onslaught. His eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he saw a golden ray manifest and envelop him, whisking him away from the impending inferno in an instant.

"Michael!" Lucifer exclaimed, his surprise evident as he beheld the archangel, with Uriel safely cradled on his back. "And Uriel," he added, recognizing her presence and the burn mark on her chest.

Michael, determined and resolute, reassured Lucifer. "Glad I made it in time."

As Michael flew away to ensure Uriel's safety, he encountered Dracul, who obstructed his path, launching a series of relentless attacks. Michael deftly maneuvered, balancing the need to protect Uriel and contend with the formidable dragon.

Meanwhile, Lucifer held Uriel close, his concern deepening as he observed the burn mark on her chest. "So Lilith drained your trait," he concluded, realizing the source of her incapacitation.

Lucifer soared higher into the tumultuous sky, a commanding presence amidst the chaos. With a graceful flick of his massive tail, he launched Uriel upward, ensuring her safe ascent. At the same time, he seized Abeloth's tail, expertly manipulating its trajectory to hurl it directly toward Dracul, who stood in Michael's path. The strategic maneuver caught Dracul off guard, creating an opening for Michael to rejoin Lucifer.

As Uriel began her descent, Lucifer swiftly descended to catch her, cradling her gently in his arms. Michael rejoined Lucifer, their unity restored.

With a sense of urgency, Michael observed, "Let's get out of here."

Lucifer nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of their retreat. Together, they turned their attention to a passage nearby.

"I saw a passage," Michael informed him.

Lucifer, familiar with the layout of Hell, swiftly assessed the situation. "That leads to my throne," he revealed, his determination to protect Uriel and secure her safety evident in his resolute expression. With a shared goal, they moved forward, guided by the prospect of sanctuary and a respite from the relentless turmoil surrounding them.

As the archangels and Amenadiel emerged from the passage, they were filled with relief to find Lucifer and Michael nearby. Their expressions, a mix of concern and curiosity, immediately focused on Uriel, who was being gently cradled by Lucifer.

Camael, ever vigilant and protective of her fellow archangel, flew swiftly to Uriel's side. She carefully inspected Uriel's hands and the troubling burned mark on her chest. Gabriel, Raphael, and Amenadiel gathered around, equally anxious to understand what had transpired.

Gabriel's voice conveyed his worry as he inquired, "What happened to her?"

Camael, her fingers lightly touching the now-vanished burn mark, relayed the state of Uriel's condition, "There was a burned mark on her chest."

Raphael, known for his healing abilities, stepped closer to Camael to examine Uriel. With a determined focus, he declared, "I can treat this."

His healing power, a divine gift, flowed through him as he invoked, "Heal of God: Cure Heal." The mark on Uriel's chest disappeared, leaving behind a sense of relief among the gathered archangels.

Lucifer, mindful of Uriel's safety, suggested, "Let's find a place where Uriel is safe."

With a shared purpose, they swiftly took to the skies, led by Lucifer, in search of refuge. However, they were pursued by the relentless Mad Dragons. Camael, unyielding in her resolve, took it upon herself to confront their pursuers, momentarily halting their chase.

But Gabriel's urgent call, "Camael!" echoed through the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their already tumultuous situation.

"I'll buy you some time," Camael declared resolutely, her unwavering determination evident in her voice.

Michael, understanding the importance of their mission, nodded in agreement. "Then we will wait for you here," he replied.

Camael sighed, a mixture of relief and determination, and offered a reassuring smile. "Okay."

With her purpose clear, Camael prepared herself to face the formidable Mad Dragons. She focused her energy and aimed her hands at the menacing creatures.

"Fortitude of God: Solitude Net Trap!" she invoked, her voice carrying the divine power of her words.

Initially, the Mad Dragons laughed, underestimating the archangel's abilities. However, their laughter was short-lived as the small ray she had unleashed rapidly expanded, forming an intricate net that swiftly enveloped and ensnared the Mad Dragons. Helpless, they were lifted into the air, their struggles futile against Camael's formidable trap.

With her mission accomplished, Camael quickly joined the others as they continued their journey through the passage. As they reached their destination, Lucifer gently leaned Uriel against the wall. Uriel, slowly regaining consciousness, found herself surrounded by the familiar faces of her fellow archangels.

"Guys?" she murmured, her voice still groggy from her ordeal.

In response, the archangels turned their attention towards Uriel. Camael, overwhelmed with relief at seeing her sister awake and safe.

"I was so worried about you," Camael confessed, her voice reflecting the genuine concern she felt for her sister.

Gabriel, ever the nurturing presence among the archangels, inquired further, his eyes filled with empathy. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his concern etched in his expression.

Uriel, though still somewhat groggy and weakened by her encounter with Lilith, managed to scoff lightly and express her discomfort. "Kind of dizzy and lethargic at the same time," she replied, trying to find humor in her condition.

Lucifer, knowledgeable about the situation, chimed in to provide the necessary context. "Because Lilith drained your trait. That's why you are in that state," he explained, his tone marked by a mixture of relief and concern.

Camael's eyes widened as she absorbed this information, her attention solely on Uriel. "Wait! You've met Lilith?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and worry.

Uriel nodded weakly, her gaze steady as she recounted her encounter with the enigmatic Lilith. "Yes. She's the one who confronted me in the eighth circle," she revealed, her words carrying the weight of the confrontation she had endured.

Michael, perplexed by the situation, questioned aloud, "Why would she do such a thing if it means that Jophiel is now with her?" His furrowed brows and searching gaze revealed his genuine curiosity about Lilith's motives.

Lucifer, the ever-enigmatic archangel, moved closer to the group, his presence commanding attention. With a deep understanding of Lilith's character, he began to shed light on her motivations. "Lilith aims first at her weaknesses, before the easy deal," he explained cryptically, his voice carrying the weight of experience.

As Lucifer continued, he unveiled a surprising facet of Lilith's history. "Lilith was once sensitive to light and hates that there's something more appealing than her that triggers her trait Pride," he revealed, shedding light on her complex relationship with her own vulnerabilities. "So I shared a healing ability with her so that she can roam in the day aboard; that's why Lilith is immune to sunlight, somehow." His words painted a vivid picture of Lilith's intricate past and her relentless pursuit of power.

Lucifer's revelation about the eighth circle and its association with darkness added another layer of understanding to Lilith's motivations, leaving the group with more questions than answers as they grappled with the complexities of the situation.

Lucifer's question pierced the air, directing all eyes towards Uriel, who nodded in response. "Yes, I did use some of my ability to make the circle brighter," she confirmed.

Lucifer connected the dots with his profound insight. "So her powers got lessened a bit because there's light," he concluded, drawing attention to the key role that illumination had played in their encounter with Lilith.

Raphael, always the one to ponder the deeper implications, voiced the question that hung heavy in the room. "So what if there's no light?" His inquiry resonated with the group, their collective concern palpable.

Lucifer's somber response added gravity to the situation. "Uriel would eventually be executed," he declared, casting a shadow over their hopes of defeating Lilith and freeing Jophiel from her clutches. The realization of the grim consequences they faced weighed heavily on their minds as they contemplated their next moves in this intricate cosmic chess game.

Michael's astonishment was evident as he struggled to come to terms with the gravity of the situation. "You can't be serious?" he implored, his voice filled with disbelief.

Lucifer's demeanor remained solemn as he delivered the sobering truth. "Lilith has a nocturnal power that drives her more active at night or in dark places," he explained. "She developed this nature after her exile from the Garden of Eden when she was human. Once reborn as an arch-demon with powers, Lilith ascended to the position of Empress of Hell, a title she earned through her cunning and audacious actions."

Lucifer then shared a piece of Lilith's dark legacy, revealing her role in creating succubi. "If any of you have encountered a succubus, know that Lilith is their progenitor," he disclosed. "These seductive creatures were once devils themselves, transformed by Lilith to cater to human desires, particularly their lust. It's a rather... provocative arrangement, wouldn't you agree?" Lucifer's tone was laced with a hint of dark humor, but the gravity of their situation was undeniable.

And Michael replies, "Because you taught her."

Lucifer laughs, "Oh, please. You really thought she got exiled because she can't accept Adan as her man? No! But because Adan was not Lilith's type in terms of sexual desire."

Amenadiel couldn't shake off his curiosity and posed another question, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "Lucifer, if Lilith's weakness is light, what's the connection with her obsession for beauty, and why does she seem fixated on Jophiel?"

Lucifer reclined in his seat, his gaze distant as he delved into the enigmatic past of Lilith. "That," he began, "is a question that has puzzled even me." His voice was tinged with a note of uncertainty. "When Lilith returned from her exile in the Garden, she was consumed by the idea that Jophiel held the key to sealing Hell for all eternity. It was a notion few took seriously, considering Jophiel was once an ordinary angel. Yet, Lilith's fervor was relentless. She pleaded with me to send an army after Jophiel during her visit to Noah after the great flood. When I refused, she unleashed chaos in Hell, her power unstoppable. Satan and I had no choice but to imprison her in a cell, a creation of us Arch Demons. But even in captivity, Lilith found a way to create a clone, a replica driven solely by the desire to torment Jophiel, a torment that has spanned over a millennium."

Amenadiel couldn't help but connect the dots. "So, that clone you mentioned, Lucifer, was Diane?" he inquired, seeking confirmation.

Lucifer met his gaze with a knowing nod. "Indeed, you've got it right."

Meanwhile, Michael's silence didn't go unnoticed by Gabriel. Concern etched across his face, Gabriel pressed for an explanation. "Michael, is there something on your mind?" he asked, noting the distant look in his brother's eyes.

Michael sighed, his thoughts a swirling tempest. "There's something there," he began, "a fragment of memory that's eluding me. I can't quite grasp it, but it feels important."

Lucifer's keen eyes remained locked onto Michael, his curiosity piqued by this revelation.

Uriel struggled to rise to her feet but found herself faltering with every attempt. Camael, ever the caring sister, urged caution. "Easy, Uriel," she cautioned gently. "Don't push yourself too hard now."

Despite her weakness, Uriel's determination remained undiminished. She gasped out her resolve. "I have to get up. Jophiel is waiting for us. We can't just lie here and do nothing."

Camael understood Uriel's urgency but knew that rushing could be counterproductive. She spoke with empathy. "I understand, Light of God, but we must regroup and formulate a new plan. Our attempts to find Jophiel in each circle have come up empty."

Lucifer, always the strategist, interjected with a revelation. "I have a suspicion. Did Lilith switch the passages?"

Amenadiel recounted his own experience in the midst of their discussion. "I was separated from the group, and I found myself in a circle filled with tormented souls engaged in never-ending battles," he shared.

Camael, with her knowledge of Hell's geography, recognized the description. "Oh, that's the fifth circle," she noted.

Uriel, her determination unwavering despite her weakened state, questioned Lucifer's unease. "Why do you seem so perturbed now, Lucifer?" she inquired.

Lucifer's expression darkened as a troubling realization crossed his mind. He voiced his suspicion, "If none of you encountered an altar while searching for Jophiel, then I fear that Lilith has placed her on my throne." The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on them all.

The archangels turned their attention to Lucifer, whose face betrayed a mix of disbelief and concern. Raphael approached Uriel and gently placed his hand on her chest, promising to heal her. A radiant light enveloped his hand as he began the process.

"Heal of God: Omni Heal," Raphael chanted, his hand radiating a brilliant glow that almost seemed to fill the entire passage. Slowly but surely, Uriel felt the warmth of healing energy surge through her. Her strength returned, and her spirit reignited.

Uriel rose to her feet, her hands emitting a gentle flame as she expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Raphael," she said with a smile.

Raphael, ever humble, replied, "No worries. That's my job."

Lucifer, now confident in their readiness, reminded them of the impending challenges. "Now that we're all in full gear, we can expect to face all my underlings," he warned.

Michael clenched his fists, his determination unwavering. "Bring it on," he declared, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As Lucifer and the archangels emerged from the passage, they were greeted by a cacophony of cheering and yelling. The dark shadows of devils filled the chamber, their sinister energy palpable in the air. The atmosphere was charged with tension and anticipation.

With each step they took, the archangels drew closer to the sight that awaited them. At the center of it all, high above on Lucifer's throne, was Jophiel, suspended in a crucifix-like position. Her body hung in a vulnerable and defenseless state, a stark contrast to her usual strength and grace.

The Mad Dragons, high-ranking devils, and arch demons surrounded her, their eyes fixed on the approaching group. At the center of this malevolent congregation stood Lilith, the orchestrator of this sinister tableau.

Jophiel, from her elevated position, caught sight of Lucifer and the archangels. Her eyes, filled with tears, met theirs, and her silent plea for help echoed through the chamber, a poignant reminder of the dire circumstances they faced. 

The confrontation they had all been dreading had finally come to pass, and the stage was set for a battle that would determine the fate of Jophiel and the very fabric of Hell itself.

Seeing you suffering

Makes my heart aching.

Next Chapter: Fearless and Confess