
Currently, Aradia was standing outside her dad, the Duke Valentino's offices, he had told her to come meet him today but undoubtedly the redhead was a little scared of going in

She had come back from her little 'trip' yesterday at roughly two in the morning and coming in was no easy task and with what happened last night her whole body was throbbing with pain especially her back and legs

But if she wanted the money she had to go in and with a sigh the redhead knocked on the door to which her dad from the other side told her come in

Upon entering Aradia saw the simple yet cosy office design, in front of her was the Duke seated at his desk with papers scattered throughout the warm brown wood desk and behind him was a large window letting in a lot of light, on the left side was a three person cream colour couch and on the right was a book shelf filed with books and some statement pieces and beside it in the corner was a flower vase with green plant that looked as though it got taken  good care of

She walked on the carpet and went to sit down on the couch as her father was talking to someone at the moment, she leaned back against the back rest of the couch and decided to relax for a little bit but that was not possible with the back pain, Aradia felt as though she was an old lady right now-

The red head got pulled out from her thoughts when the person Valentino was talking to left and closed the door with a slight noise and she looked at her father


Aradia started, she wanted to get to the point immediately but decided against it

"How was lunch?"

She decided to make some small talk first, truthfully Yeon Haa was not good with small talk but it was necessary

"I- it was wonderful"

Valentino replied clearly not expecting a proper conversation

"How was your day, father?"

The red head continued asking some more questions

"It was alright nothing out of the ordinary"

He paused after finishing the sentence and asked a question back

"How was your day, Aradia?"

The red head didn't like how it was just her question copy-pasted but she answered nonetheless

"It was quite nice"

Indeed today was going good for Aradia, she didn't really have anything troublesome to do today so it was nice and peaceful

Unfortunately Aradia's patience had run out and she just wanted to get this over with

"Is there anything you wanted to talk about, father?"

It was annoying having to put "father" after each sentence but it is what it is

"Ah- that, you wished for more money as your parting gift, correct?"

Valentino spoke as he took something out from the drawer of his desk

"Well here you go"

And with that he handed Aradia a cheque of five million galleons which was five million in Korean won; that was a lot of money, with one silver coin here you can buy a whole bakerys goods and possibly more, so five million yeah this was a lot

The red head was glad her jaw didn't drop she looked back her father but he didn't have any emotions on his face if anything he looked as though wondering if this was enough

"Thank you, father"

Aradia got herself together and showed her gratitude

Valentino got up and put his hand on Aradia's shoulder before speaking his thoughts as a caring father

"Ah- hm take care of yourself, even if we can't see each other for awhile, we will always be there for you..."

*These simple words hit Yeon Haa hard, how long has she wanted to hear this? She doesn't remember anymore but now finally hearing these words Yeon Haa felt like crying but no she can't do that, at least not now

Holding back her tears and taking a breath the now red head nodded her head lightly

Valentino took back his hand, Aradia was frozen in her spot, she wanted to leave but at the same time she couldn't it was as if someone or something was not letting her go

Either spoke, just then a knock came from Valentino's office door

"Come in... Take care of yourself"

He said as his soft expression turned into a rather stern one, this was no longer father Valentino no, this was the Duke

"You too, father"

Aradia commented before leaving the office and heading to her own room with Benjamin







Four days later, it was finally time for the three to leave for the academy

It was really early in the morning but despite that everyone was there to see them off even Ceil was there though he was really sleepy

Both Benjamin and Rae were going with Aradia, Clara and Issac's personal servants were also going

The children would share a carriage with their servants so there should only be three-four carriages right? Wrong there were approximately twelve carriages and what did they have in the carriages? Just the triple of everything needed and a lot of other servants


Aradia thought, looking at the over preparing but couldn't help but feel a little warm and fuzzy inside

"Take care"

That was all Valentino said but the Duchess, Bellen on the other hand...

"Don't cause trouble, study hard, take care of yourselves, don't get sick, write to us every week and-"

"Honey, I think that is enough, they got the idea, right?"

Valentino stopped the Duchess, Bellen's rambling and looked at the three children to which they nodded

"Haaa alright but stay safe"

All of them finally said their fair well and got on the carriages to leave and start a new chapter of their lives, filled with a lot of surprises to come

The Duke stayed at the entrance of the estate until all twelve carriages were no longer in view before going inside as well

But he didn't go back to bed, instead he sat in his office chair in the new found silence

'it will be very quiet from now on...'

He thought and looked out the large window, silently praying all for his children to reach their destination safely...

*Modern universe*

*The siblings shopping*

Aradia: I won't buy anything with velcro

Ceil: huh? Why?

Aradia: cause it's a total rip-off

Ceil*not getting the joke*: huh-

Clara: seriously

Valentino: that's my girl!


                                           To be continued...

Hi it is I, how are you all? So as you can see we will finally start the main events yay!

I honestly wasn't planning this chapter to be around Valentino but here we are also I finally revealed the Duchess's name

I took some inspiration from "trash of the count's family" for this chapter as you can see by the whole currency thingy but don't get the wrong idea this story, characters, plot and everything is made up by me so yeah

I only mentioned this to find more tcf fans like me lol, anyway have a good day, afternoon, evening or night

Once again please forgive this lowly author for any grammatical mistakes and I will see you all in the next chapter


Words: 1,243