After signalling to Ax that I was fine for the third time, Aarya finally cracks.

“Just get over there woman, he’s clearly asking you to join him.”

“No, he isn’t. He’s asking if I’m ok since my initial plan was to watch his performance and be on my way.”

“Not a fan of crowds?” Damon asks.

“You could say that,” I say, looking down at my outfit, I was literally allergic to them. Having to wear a bodysuit didn’t leave a girl with many options for a party outfit, not that I would have won any of them. I had paired the suit with heeled combats and an oversize denim jacket, and Ax had given the stamp of approval.

“Ooh! he’s coming over, and he’s bringing the guys too,” Aarya exclaims jolting me back to the present.

“Drac, I thought you were eager to leave,” Ax says scooping me from my stool to sit then had me lean on him.

“I was, but this stuff is addictive,” I say, indicating my third glass of whatever this was, “Besides I made friends.”

“Hi, nice to meet you,” he starts looking at Damon and Aarya, “I’m Axel,” he finishes, pointing at himself.

Rolling her eyes, Aarya extends her hand to accept his then Damon does the same, “We know who you are your highness.”

Ax cringes turning to me, but I hold up a hand.

“Don’t even bother dude, they told me already.”

“Well, don’t hold it against me, I prefer meeting people incognito, you know to get the real ones, besides If I had told you, you’d have never let me in your bed.”

Damon spits out his drink towards Aarya who ducks but hits Roan in the process who then leans heavily on Rain since none of them was prepared, Rain knocks over his drink and Axel jumps out of the way, forcing me away from him and just in time too, he then knocks two girls who were sniffing close to our group on their asses. Meanwhile, Andrei is just chilling on the side lines unaffected by everything, while Aziz is rolling around guffawing.

It all happens in a second and I want to rewind it, there was something fascinating about watching the disaster unfold.

“Care to elaborate on that?” Damon asks after he recovers from hacking up his lungs.

“What idiot here meant was on my bed, the literal part not whatever you idiots were thinking, exceptional reflexes by the way,” I say, turning to Aarya.

“She should have awesome reflexes if she’s training to become a knight,” Roan mutters.

“Anytime now Rathe,” rumbles Rain.

“Oh right, I came over to tell you we have something to take care of with the guys but I’ll be back, you seem fine anyway so hold on for half an hour then we can leave, cool?”

“I don’t see why you have to do this. We could have just left, she isn’t a child,” this comes from Andrei, earning a glare from both Ax and me.

“It’s cool, I’ll hang around with Aarya and Damon for a while,” I say waving them off.

I order a bottle of water this time since everyone knows it’s dumb to get drunk in unfamiliar environments then turn back to find Damon and Aarya waiting with anticipation on their faces.


“What do you mean what?” Damon asks frustrated.

“Spill woman, is there something between you and Ax? There’s no way we are letting that bed statement go,” Aarya continues.

“Sorry to disappoint you folks but there isn’t, I mean Ax is hot and all but at the moment I prefer my males fictional, besides he’s sort of becoming like a brother to me, or a best friend,” I quickly add noting the naughty look flash in Aarya’s eyes.

I realise my mistake the moment the word is out of my mouth.

Before they have time to nit-pick my choice of words, I gulp my water and turn back to the stage, doing a spectacular job of acting interested in what was happening there.

Minutes into the performance, I realise the unhinged couple behind me was right, the rest of the dances seemed washed up compared to Aloadae’s performance.

Thankfully, they do drop the subject, venturing into stories that have me clutching my stomach, I thought I had seen all the crazy shit.

“I swear, sometimes I wonder why I’m still with you.” Aarya huffs after another regaling tale of their escapades.

“It was fate baby, sweet old fate,” replies Damon, planting a kiss on her mouth, which leaves me stunned.

“Oh, my fates! You should see your face Mahina,” Aarya says snorting “I guess we forgot to mention that we were mates, freshly mated too.”

“Wow, uh... what do I say? Congratulations?”

“More like good riddance,” a sneering voice comes from behind us.