I keep my gaze on Aarya which is why I see the flash of an emotion I couldn’t name in her eyes. Hurt maybe? Before she shuts it down, a sneer settling on her beautiful face.
Damon, on the other hand, looks torn between rage and concern as his eyes shift from his mate to whatever was behind me.
“You’d think after all this time you guys would come up with better insults. If you are going to start a fight, at least come with significant ammo.”
Despite these words, I could tell Aarya had some issues stemming from whatever this was and that had me turning to the subject in question.
“Oh great,” I grumble, rolling my eyes.
“Oh, lookie here girls, the slut is out, and without her master too, this party is turning out to be better and better,”
“Oh my Fates! are you freaking serious, this is the most cliché shit ever,” I exclaim at the head bully.
“What do you want Niamh?” Aarya asks taking a threatening step forward but Damon intercepts.
“Should have been named Vanessa or Stephanie,” I mumble under my breath.
“Relax mutt, we are here for the earthling,” Niamh continues smug at seeing that she was getting to Aarya.
“Oh my God, are they for real?” I ask no one in particular.
“Sadly, I can’t believe we share DNA,” replies Aarya who’s finally calm.
“That’s because that slut you call a mother couldn’t keep her pants on doesn’t matter if it was with a taken male,” Niamh answers angrily, I could swear she almost stomped her foot.
Silence reigns and I look around expecting to see the usual glee found in the crowds when someone is being put down but instead, everyone looked nervous.
“Funny how you get the guts to say all this when she’s not around isn’t it? Your balls shrivel up with the idea of saying it to her face,” Aarya answers buffing her nails. She’s the picture of nonchalance and it makes Stephanie bristle.
Judging from the surprised looks around, that’s not her usual response, even Damon looks surprised and kind of relieved, I look on fascinated like the rest of the crowd.
Stephanie, looks around at the different response no doubt and I could see nerves begin to set in. I was so calling her that, Niamh was too beautiful a name, not that she didn’t fit the name, bitch looked like a goddess.
With her shots towards Aarya missing the mark, she turns her energy to me, her bitch squad in sync.
“I’m doing you the courtesy of delivering a warning, since you are new and all.” She pauses for dramatic effect, “Those boys,” she indicates in the general direction Ax and his group had left in, “Are all taken, and we, don’t share... at all.”
“Oh really? I ask moving closer, “First off, insulting, those are men, beautiful ones at that, second who are you to deliver an order on their behalf, huh?” I retort irritation rising in me.
Damn it! Damn stupid social hierarchies and the equally stupid need in some vile beings to establish them on unconcerned souls like me. I was finally having fun; I know miracle right, then these idiots had to come to spit all over it with their pissing around the territory drama.
“Oh, please Nia,” Aarya starts sounding sympathetic…not. “Are we still at this? you folks have been yapping since fates knew when about owning them and mating them in future but has any of them shown any interest in you?” She concludes with a questioning look at the entire deluded squad.
“Casual fucking doesn’t count Ashley, don’t be stupid,” Damon interrupts when Ashley moves as if to defend her case.
“It doesn’t matter anyway,” Stephanie continues undeterred, “I’ve got my eyes on a new prize, doesn’t mean you can have the prince of Faery though.”
“I don’t even get why we came to warn you, it’s not like they would look at you twice if not for you clinging onto Ax.”
Well there goes my happy buzz.
“Oh, you fucking bitch! What? Intimidation didn’t work so we resort to petty measures like that, they won’t work on me either, I’ve dealt with people who would make you cry, so run along now, have a group discussion on better ways to attack me.” I snarl in her face.
“I’m curious about something before you scurry back to wherever it is you reside. Who is this new catch, I doubt anyone could match the pri... Oh no... Please no,” Aarya breaks off with a snort, eyes widening, “Nia, even you aren’t that stupid.”
“Or that brave,” adds Damon, even the students scattered around snicker while some look at Nia like she’d grown two heads.
Now I was intrigued, “Well don’t have fun alone, tell a girl who this mystery catch is.”
“How did you know?” Stephanie asks, looking at Aarya, “Are you stalking me?”
“It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, Ax cannot be ‘defeated’ as you put it, by a mere student, he’s the top dog, whoever it is must either be in the faculty or a non-student. We all know who rules those sides and bearing in mind Killian turned you down so bad last year and the dean is well... him,” her tone takes on an amusing tone, “Only one person is left and you dear sister are stupid.”
“We’ll see,” Stephanie huffs leaving.
If she had on a dress, it would have twirled around her, I don’t know what to call what she had on, we should be grateful she hadn’t danced yet because her tatas would be swinging in the wind.
“I can’t believe she would think about going after him, they say even Mor is afraid of the man.”
“Seriously though, who is he?” I ask again.
“Someone we should stop talking about real quick before it gets too hot in here,” Damon says with a shudder.
Well, the man just waved a red flag in front of this tipsy bull.