Mind still running about the mystery man, I follow Damon and Aarya as we stagger out of the colosseum where the party was still going strong.

Ax never turned up again. Not that I had been expecting him to.

They stop at a blue building that also looked like quartz, though in the dark it appeared black. Apparently, the blue building housed mated couples across all species, the ones who didn’t mind living in groups since living outside the school compound was not allowed.

“Sidestep right left to my beat, high like the moon rock with me baby... whoa shit!” I right myself before I fall on my face.

“That’s what you get for trying to pull off a BTS choreography in this state,” I mumble to myself.

Finally steady, I continue to my building which is now a few feet away, singing this time because even my drunken self knew anymore dancing would have me break my limbs when something moves from between the buildings.

I stop and stare curiously not in the least bit spooked, a dark silhouette emerges from the shadows, and he twists his head to the side surveying me like I was prey which I so wasn’t.

“Are you sure this is the one, she doesn’t seem suitable, her mind is unguarded and she’s practically projecting her thoughts out loud,” Shadow man asks clear derision in his voice.

Before I could voice my opinion of him, a scuff sounds behind me and I turn realizing that while I was fascinated with Shadow man, he had a friend creep up behind me.

“What was in that drink, she doesn’t look Okay,” Second shadow asks sounding concerned.

Now this one I liked, I conclude beaming at him, which earns me a chuckle.

“She is not supposed to be, idiot, as a matter of fact, she’s supposed to be out cold by now.”

I huff a laugh, pointing at the two almost equal-looking silhouettes. Where were their bodies? There was plenty of light where they were standing.

“You can’t knock me out that easy.”

“You sure about that?” Shadow A murmurs moving closer.

“Very sure, see I can make a perfect hop... step and... jump.”

“Little one you just made three not very normal steps in all directions,” Favourite shadow says.

“Huh! Where did you go?” I ask looking around.

“Behind you,”

I turn to find the Shadows with the same gestures of frustration; hands on their hips.

“Maybe we should hit her, that would surely knock her out.” Shadow A for Asshat suggests.

“Hey! Mean! --*hic*-- Don’t hit me! --*hic*-- That’s going to --*hic*-- Hurt so bad when I ---*hic*-- Wake up.”

Later I would question how the hell I wasn’t panicking at that moment because the shadows were clearly there to kidnap me or even kill me.

“Be still!” I huff in frustration. “You keep moving and blinking in and out! Oh God is your power running out? We could plug you in. I have plenty of outlets in my room.”

“I know I’m going to regret asking, but how would you plug as in?” asks Shadow B.

“Simple, the outlet has holes and you have... things that can go into those holes, though I don’t think you would fit…I hope you don’t fit because that would be just sad for you… we would have to use your fingers. Yes! That is an awesome idea let’s go.”

“Sleepover with the shadows!” I yell raising my arms in the air which causes me to stumble.

“Oh, for fate’s sake! Knock her out damn it, those heir boys will be back any minute, that distraction won’t last long,” One of the shadows grumbles, I’d bet it was the asshat who didn’t like me.

“Your medicine isn’t working. I still feel perfectly fi...”

A sharp pain explodes in my head, and someone yells “What the fuck dude!” as I fall and the last thing, I remember is thinking of how funny it would be getting into heaven yelling that.

I can’t believe that bastard really whacked me in the head, Mama Mia! Does he hit hard!

“Oh! I’m going to fuck them up so bad when I get my hands on them,” I mutter, cursing in a manner that would make my mama wash out my mouth with her special dish soap.

“Wow, you were right. She has quite a mouth on her.” A voice says nearby, I can tell it’s neither of the shadows.

“Don’t speak like I’m not even here, she has a name and you are damn right she’s got a mouth on her,” I counter.

I turn in the voice’s direction to make sure my words have the required impact, but I can’t see anything.

“Oh my Fates! You hit me so hard my eyes fell out! Why the fuck can’t I see, you bastards!”

I was trying to act brave but inside my heart was breaking, why couldn’t I see, I’m going to miss all the beautiful things in life, I wouldn’t get to see Blue!

The last thoughts have my anger returning full force, “You better give me back my eyes or I’m going to let you have it.”

“OK, you were right this is entertaining.”

“I knew I picked right, she’s quite a handful.”

Those two were different voices which has me stilling, just how many people were there?

“We are going to have to work on her mental shield...”

At that I slam them up so fast, berating myself for not thinking about it earlier, Nona Ellie would have had my ass.

“Well, well, well, guess our little thing has got secrets.”

Little! I will show you a little thing, the force of my ire finally pries my lids apart and I blink rapidly, trying to adjust, “Oh!”

“Yeah, Oh! Maybe I did hit her a little hard, she couldn’t even tell her eyes weren’t open.”

Now that was a voice a recognize, I turn towards shadow A’s voice.

“You!” I growl or attempted to, I’m pretty sure it came off like I was trying to get phlegm out.

“Hi,” he answers with a smirk.

“Let me apologize on behalf of my idiot half,” I turn to shadow B’s voice and my jaw hangs.

“You! You... You are...Holy hotness... there are two of you... how...?”

“Actually, there’s three of us.”

That’s when my eyes latch onto the guy standing next to SB and I’m surprised I didn’t see him sooner.

“You know what, I’m too hungover for this shit,” I mumble, lying back in some sort of bed, “I’ll deal with that and everything else later.”

Laying my head back, I close my eyes and promptly pass out; I know, it’s a talent.