“You act like you have a choice in the matter,” the big man who was slowly becoming unattractive says.

“Of course, I have a choice. This isn’t the Middle Ages,” I answer incredulously, looking around.

“They won’t help you, technically they sold you to me,” Hulk supplies.

“They don’t own me,” I retort.

“Says who,” He counters sounding amused.

“Says me, My word! Are we really having this argument?”

Taking a deep breath, I continue,” Look here mage man, no offence, but you are not exactly my type.”

“It’s King Darian and as I said, it doesn’t matter,” practically dismissing me the man turns to the boys behind me.

“Escort her to her new chambers and you get your prize.”

“The deal was to bring her here old man, so, where is she?” Cain pipes up angrily.


“Get my future mate to her new home and you get your sister.”

Ah! They sold me out for their sister, understandable, but still not right.