The noise is the first thing that assaults me, as we walk out, then the sunlight and heat which comes in a wave and for a moment it is very welcome. Trying to hold it together in there once my bodysuit was off wasn’t easy but it sure as hell surpassed having to explain why I was shivering with the weather around this place.

We walk through what appears to be a hallway, with walls on either side but no roof.

Blue would have loved this place, the weather, playing...

No! Mahina, we are not doing this now. You were holding it together just fine. Your baby is safe and in a better place than you are right now if Nyx is to be believed.

I had been trying to keep Knox out of my head one, for fear one of these people was a mind reader and could pick up on it. It didn’t seem like a good idea to let them know, and two, I wasn’t sure I could keep it together, thank fates for Nyx and his entertaining monologue.