A series of raps jolt from sleep. I sit up only to realise I was in the same position I had sprawled in once Nyx left.
Nyx... shit.
Was he back?
I look around as the persistent knocks sound again.
Before I can get to the door, it swings open and my jaw drops.
She was gorgeous! I had a feeling I was going to be saying that about everyone here.
“You look like kelpie shit warmed up. Figures they’ll give me the worst one.”
I didn’t need to know what kelpie shit looked like, especially warmed up to recognize the well-cultivated insult. She suddenly didn’t look so gorgeous.
“Nice to meet you too, everyone in this place has such a sunny disposition, must be the clean air.”
She brushes past, ignoring me, dragging a covered cart behind her, and the scent of jasmine smacks me following her inside.
“I am Eislyn of Atlari and I am supposed to prepare you for the mate trials, I am going to be your... lady-in-waiting for lack of a better word.”