A knock on the door precedes Ryder’s hasty entrance.
“Where is the fire Mr?... what if she was naked?” Chastises Eislyn, adjusting the hem of my dress.
“Sorry babe, but the ceremony is about to start and I didn’t see you guys there.”
“Babe? Ceremony?”
“That was supposed to be a secret, idiot, before your daddy ships me off to parts unknown for corrupting his son,” Eislyn grumbles.
“Why do you have to be so bloody short? Maybe we should go with the six-inch,” She continues yanking at my dress.
“Sure, if you want her to face plant the moment she stands up, the girl can’t handle heels if they paid her to,” Ryder jumps in before I could defend myself.
My head is reeling from following the conversation back and forth not to mention wrapping my head around the competing for a mate part.
“How do you know Mahina?” Eislyn asks while still kneeling as she battles it out with the hem of my gown.
“The bar,” Ryder answers distracted as he continues studying me.