Well, the hits keep on coming but granted, being labelled a demon was loads better than being hound chow.

I try sitting up, which is a feat considering how tightly tied up I was. Once I’m as upright as I’d get, I scan the figures standing around me, squinting in the dimly lit room, to identify them.

The Bright assholes. Great, what did I do now?

“I should have killed you when I first wanted to,” a voice growls; Cain? Figures, the man has been on me like a yeast infection since we met, what surprises me is the equally agreeing faces on his brothers when I turn to scan them one by one.

I didn’t know Jain could look scary, or Dain, for that matter. They looked like they were holding on by a thread not tear me limb from limb.

The thought brings back the words from the man in my dream, causing a shudder to dance its way down my spine.