I resign myself to my situation, at least for the time being letting them drag me out. However, after they bypass the door to the cafeteria my fight instincts kick in and I start kicking and screaming.

“Where are you taking me? I want a trial, you bastards! Let me go.”

“Someone shut her up before I do... permanently.” Comes from someone in the group.

“You can’t shut me up, I’m being wrongly accused and I demand an investigation and a fair trial, you can’t just take me to the woods and chop off my head!”

“Oh, you are getting your trial, and boy am I glad you are. We would have shown you mercy, the public? Not bloody likely.” Gloats Cain and that has a shiver wracking my entire self. Anything that makes the sad sod excited is definitely not good for me, or anyone else, if we were being totally honest.