20. Mask (Part 4)_1

The timing, location, and method of the attack were impeccably chosen.

With only a day's journey left to the destination, the train was theoretically within the controlled territory of friendly forces. Plus, they had successfully repelled a massive attack before, so aside from the combat vehicle team strapped in and on standby, the whole train was in a relatively relaxed state. It started with an earthquake-like severe vibration, followed by the train suddenly stopping, causing a huge inertial shock that almost knocked everyone to the ground. The lights inside switched to the emergency red, and armored panels popped up on both sides of the carriages.

"Stoker? What's happened? Report at once!"

In the midst of a chorus of wailing and complaints, Roland immediately pressed the communication button and shouted into the direct line to the locomotive, but only "shsh" static noises came back through the speaker.

(...What's going on?)