20. Mask (Part 4)_2

The man in black was muttering to himself as if two people were discussing a problem, clearly a severe case of schizophrenia in need of confinement and treatment.

"Please, think before you ask such questions, will you?"

A flippant voice rang out, seemingly exasperated as it spoke:

"A 'steam explosion' is still an explosion. Don't assume that because steam is a form of water, it can't affect flammable materials. I used fog to increase the humidity in the air, disabling some of the firearms. But powder kegs come with strict moisture-proof measures, you know. An instant burst of high-temperature, high-pressure steam can definitely trigger a chain explosion of the powder kegs and send the fool singing 'Fly.me.to.the.moon' to the moon—That's an utterly unromantic thing I'd rather not try."

"It's not a matter of romance!"

"Yes, it's a matter of efficiency."

The serious retort was met with a cheerful response, as satisfied eyes swept over the carriage floor.