23. The Eve (4)_1

Great battleships and gargantuan guns, raging seafront conflicts—this was the classic naval battle mode revered by numerous navy enthusiasts, and for some, it had transcended hobbies and reverence to become a kind of faith.

Humans felt this way, orcs did too, and so did the elves.

In the current golden age of the seas, every nation's navy was figuring out how to stuff larger, thicker, and longer tubes into their massive warships to eradicate their foes more efficiently and glamorously. In this regard, naval architects from different countries largely shared the same vision. The only difference being that human and orc designers, constrained by technical limits and narrow thinking, could only manage to cut more windows into wooden hulls. Elf designers, benefiting from advanced technological levels and industrial systems, had the privilege of mounting the sacred turrets onto steel battleships.