23. The Eve (4)_2

The Major taught all the sailors to speak Laplandic, instructing them to remain calm in the event and to fight bravely. As this attack ship needed to be disguised as a Laplandic sail cargo ship, to make her more authentic, a Laplandic maritime bell, barometer, thermometer, and other metal instruments were installed on board. Also, through Stasi, nautical logs were stolen from an actual Laplandic cargo ship. The sailors wore wooden clogs, woolen shirts, blue sailor hats, and had Laplandic tobacco in their pockets—Skrill brand chewing tobacco and other forms of identification. For instance, a few love letters and pendant photos were prepared so that each sailor had a "Laplandic fiancée who is pining and writes often". Lastly, one sailor was chosen to put on the Bracelet, dress in women's clothing, and play the role of the Captain's lady, "Josephine"...