Chapter 9: Crane Elder_2

He was chubby and had an air of importance around him, like Xue Pan from "Dream of the Red Mansion". At this moment, inside, Qiao Haoyu was the one talking the loudest. His voice could be heard from a few blocks away, as if he was afraid that others wouldn't be able to hear what they were saying.

"I really want to punch him, but I never get the chance."

Ye Chen responded with a chuckle.

"Hey, just remember to stay away from him."

Ye Chen nodded.

"Let's stop talking about him and discuss what's next. The words Shi Zi said yesterday kept me up all night."

"What's happening next?" It must be about Guo Yuqing again.

"Let's go outside and talk." Zhan Ze called Ren Haotian and Yuan Jingxing.

They hadn't been in there for more than two hours before Zhan Ze pulled them out.

"We haven't finished the lesson yet."

"No point, it's all gibberish. What's the use?" Zhan Ze shouted, then asked, "Haven't you ever studied it before?"

"A little bit, but it's nothing as extravagant as in Immortal City."

"Sword control, beast control, lightness skills, and walking on water are real extravagance."

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen chuckled.

"Let's talk about serious stuff." They moved towards the Peach Grove. They ran into a food delivery person, and Zhan Ze stopped them, took some food, and then let them go.

"You didn't sleep well again last night, did you?" Ren Haotian asked with a smile.

"About yesterday, I haven't settled the score with you guys yet. How did Shi Zi know about my dream of Yuqing?"

Hearing this, the two dared not laugh further.

"Let's not talk about that right now. I need you guys to think of a way for me. Yu Qing is about to arrive, we need a plan on how to welcome her."

"Her tastes aren't high-maintenance, a grand banquet of ten or eight tables should suffice." Ren Haotian said seriously,

"No, that's too conventional." Zhan Ze disagreed.

"How about a barbecue party with a welcome ceremony? Ye Chen is a great cook, we won't have to hire a chef."

Yuan Jingxing asked, "Do you think Qiao Haoyu knows Yu Qing is coming?"

"He probably does, I heard people around him talking about it." Ren Haotian said.

"Really? Then we should be very careful. We can't let him steal our thunder."

"You guys need to come up with a good welcoming ceremony," Young Master Ze said.

"A kowtow to the ancestors, a kowtow to heaven and earth... "

"I swear I'll kick you."

"A big gathering then, in your yard. Make it lively, invite more people over." Ren Haotian suggested.

Ye Chen was listening to the side and couldn't interject. He really didn't understand their games.

Zhan Ze asked, "Ye Chen, which ceremony do you think is the best?"

Ye Chen said, "Why ask me? I'm from the countryside, I don't know anything about this. Moreover, I have no idea whether the Yu Qing you guys are talking about prefers a lively or quiet atmosphere."

Zhan Ze thought for a moment and said, "Of course she likes it lively."

"Really? Don't you think that if it's too lively it might not be good?"

"What do you mean?" Zhan Ze asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"With a crowd of people, there are few in whom she can really have a good conversation. What's most important is that she and Yu Qing get along well; everyone else is just there for show. When there are too many people, it'll be tiring and there won't be a chance for you guys to chat. Why not keep it simple and create an opportunity for just you and Guo Yuqing to sit and talk."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Jingxing said, "It sounds like Ye Chen has a point!"

Ye Chen looked surprised and said, "I was just rambling, don't take me seriously."

"No, you make a good point. While it seems lively with many people, in actuality, few sit for a proper chat, especially Young Master Ze and Yu Qing." Jingxing continued.

Zhan Ze thought carefully and said, "Let's keep it simple then." He looked at Ye Chen.

"The most important thing is to make her happy, right?" Ye Chen added.

"Exactly, to make her happy and welcome her!" Zhan Ze asked again, "So how do we welcome her?"

"In our village, we welcome people by setting off fireworks or firecrackers!"

"Firecrackers? Are you getting married?" Ren Haotian asked.

Jingxing laughed, then said, "Firecrackers, I think we'll pass on that. Fireworks, now that's an excellent idea."

Zhan Ze stroked his chin, nodded, and said, "Right, fireworks, good. We should prepare some. Definitely fireworks."

Ye Chen also sat down on the lawn.

Zhan Ze continued, "Your barbecuing skills are quite good. You'll be in charge of the barbecue when the time comes."

"Really? I can only grill a couple of fish, my barbecue skills aren't that great." Ye Chen argued.

"Hey, no need to be modest. I think you're quite good. You'll take charge."

"As long as you won't blame me if the food isn't good."

Zhan Ze chuckled and said, "Don't worry, we won't blame you."

Haotian warned, "Don't celebrate too soon. Haoyu already knows, by the time we've prepared everything, he might take her away from us, making all our preparations go down the drain."

This has happened before. Upon hearing this, Zhan Ze immediately was on guard, asking, "Does he know when Yu Qing is coming?"

"He probably knows as much as we do, just that she's coming, but not when." Haotian said.

After hearing this, Jingxing said, "Don't we also not know the exact time?"

Zhan Ze heard and said, "I'll figure out a way to find out when she's arriving."

"Then we must be careful not to let Qiao Haoyu interfere. We've prepared everything, but the guests don't arrive, that would be quite a disappointment." Jingxing stated.

"We need Shi Zi to make a move." Haotian said, "When Yu Qing arrives, she will definitely stay in Shi Zi's yard. So only she can help stop Qiao Haoyu."

"It's a small world." Zhan Ze murmured.

Jingxing asked, "What are you planning to give her?"

Zhan Ze shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Hey, you still don't know? How can that be?"

"I really don't know! I have no idea what she likes. Maybe she doesn't like anything."

"Then give her something cute."

"I'm the worst at that, and you guys know that."

Jingxing chuckled upon hearing this.

Haotian said, "Don't become mute at that time."

"You're making fun of me again." Zhan Ze shouted.

"Hey, I'm not making fun of you, just reminding you. Be prepared, relax a little, don't overthink. Why give yourself such a heavy burden?"

"I wish I could! But when I see her, I just freeze, forget everything I wanted to say, and then I don't know what to say. I admit that every time I see her, my heart starts racing and I lose control!" Zhan Ze turned his head and asked Ye Chen, "Ye Chen, do you have a way to stay relaxed and not get nervous?"

Ye Chen was eating something. After the physical exertion in the morning, he was indeed a little hungry. He thought for a while and said, "Pretend that she is a piece of wood. Imagine her as a piece of wood. Can you still get nervous talking to a piece of wood?"

Jingxing and Haotian both laughed. Jingxing said, "Treat Yu Qing as a piece of wood, I think only Ye Chen could come up with that."

"Then I don't have any suggestions, I don't have any experience in this."

"You've never liked anyone?" Zhan Ze asked.

"What does it feel like to like someone?" Ye Chen only knew about playing with Little Hua, he truly didn't know what it felt like to like someone.