Chapter 10: One in a Million

As soon as Ye Chen's words came out, Haotian chuckled and said, "Then you might as well not ask Ye Chen."

"I'm serious," Ye Chen continued, "I also want to know what it feels like to love someone."

"When you meet a girl and become like our Young Master Ze, your heart races when you see her, you are at a loss, and you often dream about her at night, wanting to see her every day, that's when you have fallen for someone," said the other.

"It seems I've never experienced such feelings," Ye Chen continued to eat his grilled sesame seed cake, even if he had, he wouldn't admit it. These three guys would certainly laugh at him.

"How's that possible." Zhan Ze mumbled.

Jinghang laughed again, saying: "You really wanted to hear Ye Chen's opinion."

"Any mental preparation for such a moment is a joke," Zhan Ze said.

Ye Chen took out a book from his bosom, a secret martial arts manual he got from He Weng and played with it.

Haotian was pondering on how to take the next step with Little Xiang; Zhan Ze was being too indecisive!

Jinghang said, "First, you have to overcome your helpless feeling when facing Yu Qing, otherwise it will be hard to move forward."

"You think I don't want to! But I just can't do it."

Jinghang said, "Consider thinking about what gift to give."

Upon hearing this, Zhan Ze fell silent.

Ye Chen continued to gesture and asked Jinghang next to him, "I heard those people say that we will hold a martial arts exchange, is that right?"

Jinghang nodded and said, "Yes, every April, we have an exchange."

"Does everyone have to participate?"

"Almost everyone participates, but I think you can be an exception. You just started learning martial arts, you can go and watch, but there is no need for a fight. Going onto the martial arts stage, you would have a tough time," Jinghang laughed, "Are you scared?"

"Not scared. I just don't feel prepared and haven't really learned much."

"Ah, don't worry about it, we won't push you to participate."

"So what can be expected at the gathering?"

"There are lots of interesting things, Sword Control, Beast Manipulation, walking on water. Yet, the most exciting part is always the finale fights."

"The finale fights?"

"Our seniors, such as our Sect Leader, this time Hu Nanyue came for the fights as well. Only when you see those masters duel, you will know what a real fight is. Anyhow, it is extremely exciting, not to be missed."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "From what you're saying, it seems quite interesting."

"What do you mean 'quite interesting'? It only happens once a year, not everyone gets to see it."

"Well, I really want to see it."

"In Immortal City, there is much to learn. You have to take it slow. It's not until after several years of studying that you can say you have truly experienced Immortal City." Jinghang continued, "To learn well, besides being diligent, it also depends on your talent."

"So, do I look like I've got talent?"

Jinhang glanced at him and laughed: "Nope! You look like a country bumpkin."

"Isn't that too damning?"

Haotian laughed: "Don't listen to him rambling. If he could tell whether someone has talent, he wouldn't be sitting here."

Ye Chen just laughed.

Jinghang argued, "My judgment is quite good, okay?"

"You should first see if you have any talent yourself." Haotian said.

"I know I've got no talent." Jinghang responded.

"Ye Chen, don't be fooled by him. Talent is bullshit. As long as you're not an idiot, hard work is basically all that matters. Sure, there are the one-in-ten-thousand geniuses, but they are rare occurrences. We are all ordinary people."

After hearing this, Jinghang was discontented and said: "What you say is too absolute. Talent is indeed very important. Those who have achieved success are all talented."

"Stop focusing on discussing talent." Zhan Ze yelled.

"As I said, once the rice is cooked, everything will be easier," Haotian said.

"Please stop with your vulgarity, always talking about cooked rice." Jinghang said.

"What's vulgar about it? Young Master Ze loves her so much, once the rice is cooked, she will become future Sect Leader lady. This is a great honor. There are many people who would wish to be in her place, but they don't get the chance."

"You have to ask if she's willing to."

"What's there not to like? Her background is not great. Being with Young Master Ze is already a good match for her, there is nothing more to say."

Ye Chen listened to their quarrel, curious, he asked: "What do you mean her background is not good? Isn't she the daughter of the Demon Palace Master? Isn't that a good enough background?"

Haotian explained, "Yes, she is indeed the daughter of the Demon Palace Master; however, her biological mother was not of good standing. The Demon Palace Master, Guo Mingyu, already had a wife at that time. Guo Yuqing's mother was a woman from a brothel. Guo Mingyu rescued her and subsequently, she gave birth to Guo Yuqing, but she died shortly after her birth.

Because of her mother's background, it sparked public discussions. However, Guo Yuqing is indeed Guo Mingyu's daughter, so Guo Mingyu took her back to Demon Palace. But we don't know how much of an impact her mother's identity had on her. Surely it was substantial, a mother from the brothel, who wouldn't gossip about it."

Ye Chen listened carefully.

Haotian said, "However, Guo Yuqing is really beautiful, universally recognized as the most beautiful in the Demon Palace. That's why the first time she came to Immortal City, our Young Master Ze couldn't sleep well for several days."

Zhan Ze seemed not to like hearing people talk about Guo Yuqing's birth mother, and he said, "Haotian, can you please stop being so annoying?"

Haotian was quick to apologize, "Alright, alright, I won't mention her birth mother anymore."

Ye Chen glanced at Zhan Ze.

Zhan Ze was also lying on the ground.

Ye Chen said, "There's nothing to fret about. I think Haotian is right, drop the heavy burden and just be as you like."

Haotian patted Ye Chen, seemingly agreeing with his point.

Zhan Ze asked, "What does 'heavy burden' mean?"

"It means when you meet her, don't always be afraid of making mistakes. Perhaps she doesn't care if you say something wrong; it's just that you're demanding too much of yourself. Carrying such a heavy burden, you're bound to be unnatural. Just behave as you would with us, just be your true self."

"How can that be? How can I just act casually?"

"This is the real you, whether it's good or bad, she wants to see the real you."

"I can't. I must show her my best side."

"The more you demand from yourself, the harder it will be to fulfill it. You'll just make yourself more and more nervous." Ye Chen put down the book in his hand.

Zhan Ze pondered for a while. It seemed to make some sense, but it didn't entirely make sense either.

"You say it's easy, but when you face the girl who truly makes your heart flutter, it won't be like this." Zhan Ze said.

Jingxing chuckled when he heard this. Ye Chen, of course, knew he was implying that he had no experience.

Ye Chen said, "That's just my personal opinion. Whether it's right or wrong, I don't know. It's just for your reference."

Haotian stood up and said, "I need to get some food."

Ye Chen glanced at him, asking, "Is there something to eat?"

"Of course there is. You guys just wait here."

Jingxing said, "Young Master Ze, you must find a way to get Shizi's attention. Once you have Shizi, you will have Yu Qing. Then you can think of the next move."

"Hehe, that little girl is very naughty, always trying to blackmail me." Young Master Ze said.

"Since you like Yu Qing so much, just accept it when she blackmails you. Yu Qing is the most important." Jingxing said.

"It seems like there's not much fun in the Immortal City." Ye Chen said.

Jingxing laughed, "Are you kidding? You've only been here for two days and haven't been to many places. Yet, you dare say that. Tomorrow we'll take you for a spin on the mountain."

"What's so fun about the mountain?"

"You can hunt. This mountain has just awakened from the winter, the hibernating animals are coming out."

"Hunting, we have that in the countryside too."

"Have you seen such a big mountain in your village?"

"Well, I haven't seen one this high."

"This mountain is not the average mountain."

"What's the difference?"

"You need to have a sense of adventure to dare to go up."

"Are there any demons?"

"Not really, but there are various legends."

"Legends may not necessarily be true. I want to go and see." Ye Chen said, "If possible, I want to visit the Book Collection Pavilion."

"You want to enter the Book Collection Pavilion so soon. It's pointless; even if I take you in, you may not understand those books."


"Why not? Next time, I'll bring a few books for you to read, you'll see. They're like Secret Talismans."

"You have books from the Book Collection Pavilion."

"Stolen ones."

"I heard the security is very strict! How could you steal them?"

Jingxing said, "Of course, we have our methods."

"Do you have a way to get me in to take a look?" Ye Chen asked.

"So eager to get in."

"I just want to see. After all, I've already come to the Immortal City."

Jingxing said, "Hmm, sure, you just follow us. Are you afraid there won't be such an opportunity?"

At this time, Zhan Ze fell silent and began to fantasize again.

Just then, Haotian came back carrying a roasted chicken.

From far away, Ye Chen could already smell the odor of the roasted chicken.

He immediately woke up.

"Where did you get the roasted chicken?" Ye Chen asked.

"Of course it's from the main kitchen." Haotian came over cheerfully.

"It seems that following you guys, I don't have to worry about starving."

"Hurry up and eat."