Chapter 11: Country Bumpkin

Ye Chen listened, laughing.

Zhan Ze said, "Starting tomorrow, prepare with me. Food, fireworks, any good ideas or strategies should be put forward."

Hao Tian responded, "In that case, you should draft a comprehensive plan."

"No need for a plan, we'll just head down the mountain to purchase supplies tomorrow," said Zhan Ze.

"Won't that interfere with our martial arts practice?" Ye Chen asked as he wondered about his mother's reaction to this plan.

"Aren't you coming with us down the mountain?" Hao Tian asked.

"I fear my mother finding out."

"Would your mother scold you?"

Ye Chen nodded. "My mother said if I come here and act as I did back in the village, I might as well return home."

"Well, you better not go then. The two of us can handle it." Hao Tian glanced at Jing Xing.

"Wouldn't it cause trouble if your families found out?" Ye Chen asked.

"We have ways to handle it."

"Alright, then. You guys go ahead and buy the supplies. I won't join, but if you need something else, I'll be glad to help."

They began their preparations to welcome Yu Qing's arrival.

Accompanied by her maid and Hu Nanyue, along with a group of other people, Guo Yuqing left the Demon Palace. This wasn't her first time leaving the Immortal City.

In the Demon Palace, her father was busy all the time. There was no one to oversee her outside, nor was there the old hag badmouthing her.

The maid by her side was Luo Rui. Luo Rui asked, "Qing'er, how long are you planning to stay away from Immortal City before returning?"

"That would depend on the circumstances. If I am having a good time, I might stay a bit longer," Yu Qing responded. She didn't like staying at the Demon Palace, where the old hag picked on her relentlessly. It was her father's wife, who only found pleasure in messing with her. Perhaps it was because her father was fond of Qing'er and not her sister. Yet the old hag held onto her grudge. It was a relief for Yu Qing to leave.

"But what will you do about Zhan Ze's feelings for you?"

"What about it? It is what it is!"

"Well, I don't like the old hag either. Leaving is rather nice, but once you get to Immortal City, you'll have to face Zhan Ze. You can't string him along forever, maybe you should simply agree."

"String him along? I've never thought in that way. I honestly don't have those feelings for him."

"Not even a little?"

"Not even a little. I see him as nothing more than a brother," Yu Qing affirmed.

"But he doesn't see you as a sister."

From ahead, Hu Nanyue shouted, "Alright, let's rest here."

Guo Yuqing was the first to jump off her horse. "Let's go shopping."


She rushed into the crowd as Hu Nanyue shouted behind her, "Remember to come back, don't get lost!"

They had disappeared into the crowd.

While they prepared, Zhan Ze unknowingly passed three days, and Ye Chen had also spent a few days in Immortal City. That night Su Hong arrived at the courtyard. He saw Ye Xue but not Ye Chen. He asked, "Where's Chen'er?"

"Why are you asking me? I have no idea where he ran off to. He only comes back to sleep." Ye Xue answered.

"He's just like Ze'er."

"Yes, he seems to have gotten quite close with him and his gang." Ye Xue continued, "If this continues, he'll soon forget about his family, including me."

"Boys tend to be mischievous when they're young. It's understandable. Weren't we the same?" Su Hong said.

"Why did you come over so late? I hear there's a martial arts contest in the works."

"Yes, Ren Shi Di is preparing for it."

"How have these few days been for you?"

"Still getting used to not having anything to do. I'm not used to doing nothing."

Su Hong chuckled.

"I'm serious. I can't just live off you in Immortal City. I'm not the kind of person to sit around all day, it's uncomfortable. Plus, I'm not a little rich girl."

"Why are you talking like this, Junior Sister?"

"What I'm saying is true. You've arranged everything very well for me, but I still want to find something to do. Ideally, I would like to be of some help to you. However, I don't think Immortal City will miss the help of one person."

Su Hong knew Ye Xue's character. She didn't like to be looked after by others. She had always been self-reliant. He smiled and said, "Why don't you just join us at Immortal City?"

"Join Immortal City at this age?"

"What do you mean by 'at this age'? To me, you're forever young."

Ye Xue gently smiled, "I noticed that the kitchen over there seems to be quite busy. Can I help out?"

"The kitchen? No, why would you do that?"

"The kitchen is what I know."

"Junior Sister."

"I really can't stand being idle. It makes me uncomfortable. I need to find something to do, otherwise I'll feel uneasy. I understand you want to take care of me, but I can't idly stay in this courtyard forever. I really can't handle it."

Hearing Ye Xue's words, Su Hong finally said, "Alright then, if that's what you want, you can go."

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother."

"If you feel tired, just come back."

"No, do you still see me as the little junior sister from thirteen years ago?"

Listening to her, Su Hong chuckled. Memories of their past echoed in his mind. With some self-recrimination, he said, "I should have found you sooner. You wouldn't have had to suffer so much."

"Senior Brother, don't think like that. I don't feel like I've suffered much over these years."

"There has been a lot happening over the years."

"Of course, you are the Sect Leader of the Immortal City, not just any sect. I understand that there are many responsibilities you need to handle." Ye Xue continued, "Junior sister, you're doing well."

"I can't believe that thirteen years have passed in the blink of an eye."

"Yes, time never waits. If it wasn't for the kids growing up so fast, I wouldn't have realized that an entire thirteen years have flown by."

At this, Su Hong cracked a small smile and replied, "Stay awhile in the Immortal City. Let me know if there's anything you require."

"Don't get too accustomed to doting on me, elder senior brother. I'm no longer the little girl I used to be." Pausing, she added, "I heard recent rumors of demons from the Evil Domain reappearing in the human realm. Is that true?"

"It's just a minor issue."

"You do have a lot of responsibilities. Do take care of yourself."

At that moment, footsteps approached, and in came Ye Chen, who was startled to see Su Hong in the yard. He immediately stepped forward to greet his senior uncle.

Ye Xue chastised him, "What's the rush? Did I teach you to carry yourself in such a flurry?"

Ye Chen lowered his head in response.

Smiling, Su Hong asked, "How are you finding your training with He Weng? Is it tough?"

Ye Chen raised his head, wincing, "It is very tough. Every day, he makes me practice the Horse Stance. There's also a ten-foot-tall training pole that makes my legs go weak."

"Practicing the Horse Stance is fundamental. If you can't learn it, you wouldn't be able to withstand an opponent's attack."

"He said the same thing, but it's really difficult."

"You've already found this difficult?" Ye Xue commented from the opposite side.

"Are you getting along with Zhan Ze?"

Ye Chen nodded in confirmation.

"He's pretty neglected nobody seems to look after him. He's out and about all day, and I have no idea where. Keep an eye on him and notify me of any problems."

"You asked him to keep an eye on someone else, and now they've got him wrapped around their finger too," commented Ye Xue.

Ye Chen grinned at this.

"I see them becoming close friends soon, covering for each other," said Ye Xue.

"No way. Chen is obedient. He's much more well-behaved than Zhan Ze," Su Hong declared.

"Obedient? That's just when he's being watched. The moment eyes are off him, he's back to his old ways."

Su Hong questioned, "What has Zhan Ze been busy with these past few days?"

Ye Chen replied, "He said some disciples from Demon Palace are coming, and they are preparing to greet them."

"Hehe. It's a rare thing to see him so enthusiastic when we order him to practice martial arts."

At this, Ye Chen chuckled.

Su Hong continued, "Alright, it's getting late, and I should go. Junior sister, if there's anything you need, you can come to me directly. If I'm not around, you can look for my disciple, Yin Feng."

Ye Xue walked Su Hong out of the residence.

Before long, Ye Xue returned.

Ye Chen was in his room.

"Have you been skipping training again?" Ye Chen asked.

"No, I haven't been skipping training," retorted Ye Chen.

"I heard Zhan Ze and others skipped classes quite often."

"He does usually, but I haven't."

"I don't suppose you have."

"Really, mother, if you don't believe me, you can ask He Weng," Ye Chen replied.

"Even if I ask others, they would surely cover for you."

"Ah, I could deceive others, but never you, mother," Ye Chen murmured.

At this, Ye Xue smiled lightly.

"Apart from practicing the Horse Stance and pole training, what else have you learned?"

"I was given two books to read. I was instructed to peruse them thoroughly and then report back."

"So aside from the Horse Stance and pole training, you aren't learning anything else?"

"Yes. I said we should learn other stuff, but that old man insisted we practice the Horse Stance and pole training for one month first. He said that if we can't even master the Horse Stance, we won't be steady on our feet; forget about knocking someone down," explained Ye Chen.

"Get some sleep soon."

"Understood. I'll sleep on time."

The next day, Shi Zi found Ye Chen immersed in a book. Startled, she asked, "Where are the rest of the guys?"

Turning to look at her, Ye Chen retorted, "How could you possibly not know?"

"How should I know?"

Ye Chen turned back and flung out, "Didn't Yu Qing say she was coming? Weren't they supposed to prepare for her arrival?"

Shi Zi only then remembered and responded, "So they're all busy preparing, huh?"


"So why aren't you with them?"

"Well, they don't exactly need my help."

With a cold smile, Shi Zi queried, "So what does necessitate your assistance?"

"Of course, only significant moments and essential matters are worth my intervention," Ye Chen answered, resuming his reading.

"What book are you reading?" In the middle of cracking melon seeds, Shi Zi rudely snatched the book over. After a quick flip-through, she accused, "You must've stolen this from the Book Collection Pavilion, didn't you?"

"Hey, you lass, stop making assumptions. Spreading false rumors can lead to punishment," he tried to caution her.

"It's not some indecent book you're trying to keep a secret, is it?" Shi Zi asked as she failed to make out the contents clearly.

"You harpy, what did I ever do to annoy you?" he protested.

She landed a slap with a smack.

Ye Chen covered the area on his arm that turned an immediate shade of red. Huffing, he retorted, "You vicious cat, if you weren't always reading those unmentionable books, you wouldn't even think of such things."

"You country bumpkin, dare to talk back!"