Chapter 12: Innocent Young Man

The slap from Shi Zi was coming again.

Ye Chen was so scared that he almost jumped up like a startled rabbit.

Shi Zi was laughing in amusement.

"Still laughing." Ye Chen said.

"Can you understand it?" Shi Zi asked with a smirk.

"What, I can't see it!"

"Stop pretending to be cultured, little shepherd, by that time you'd have driven yourself into madness, failing to differentiate between men and women, as if both sexes were one."

"You look down on shepherd kids?"

"I am not saying I'm looking down on shepherds."

Ye Chen said, "I know, compared to you natural-born nobles, I'm indeed very ordinary. It's normal to look down on me, but I don't care."

"Oh, you don't care? Then what do you care about?"

"I just want to learn martial arts wholeheartedly. Once I've learned it, I will return to the countryside and find my Little Hua." He regretted saying it as soon as the words left his mouth.

"Little Hua, who is Little Hua?"

"I won't tell you."

"The girl in your village, right? I know it. You, this young shepherd, are not pure. At such a young age, you are becoming mischievous and thinking about marrying.

"You're the one who's not pure, we're just good friends."

"Hehe, stop pretending. I understand."

"You understand nothing."

"When you go back, she will probably already be someone else's wife."

"That won't happen."

"Why not, you think you can learn martial arts in just one or two days? Without ten or eight years, how is it possible!" Shi Zi continued, "In those ten or eight years, people will get married. They wouldn't be waiting for a kid like you."

"You are the kid here," Ye Chen said.

"In the future, I'll just call you innocent young man."

"You crazy girl, came specifically to mock me." He regretted even more now. Why did he mention Little Hua?

Shi Zi laughed out loud and said, "Let's not talk about this. Are they preparing some kind of event to welcome Yu Qing?"

"A grand fireworks gathering."

"A grand fireworks gathering? Sounds like it'll be a huge event."

"I don't know." Ye Chen didn't go to see Young Master Ze and the others in the past few days.

"Have you ever been to school before?"

"Just because I'm a shepherd, I can't go to school, right?"

"You misunderstood my meaning."

"I know, no matter whether I've been to school or not, you still look down on me."

Shi Zi found a place to sit down and said, "It seems you don't like to be called a shepherd."

"A lioness, do you like it?"

Shi Zi slapped him again, complaining, "Look at you, still thinking about when I called you a shepherd."

"I'm not."

"Hah, saying you're not, it's already written all over your face."

Ye Chen chuckled, asking, "Is this Yu Qing really that beautiful that she makes people mouth-watering?"

"What's wrong?"

"Well, it seems that Zhan Ze is getting a bit dizzy already. I'm kind of curious."

"Hehe, don't even think about it. If you get hooked and fall in love, and get poisoned, you'll have to commit suicide for love."

Ye Chen laughed and said, "How is that possible?"

"Hehe, Zhan Ze was just as indifferent before he saw her. Only after seeing her did he realize how vulnerable he was." Shi Zi said.

"No, you're overthinking it."

"Where are you living?"

"Pear Blossom Garden."

"It's not very far from where I am."

Ye Chen continued reading his book.

"Where did you used to live before?"

"Didn't I tell you I lived in a remote little mountain village?"

"Making a living by herding cattle."

"Hehe, is it a must to raise cattle to make a living!"

"Why did you choose to live in a remote little mountain village."

"You'd have to ask my mother that question, only she would know." Ye Chen replied.

Shi Zi said, "Such a good elder brother and he refuses to come out, we'd have to go and find him."

Ye Chen said, "I'd like to take a good look at him, see what an oddball he looks like."

"You probably are the one who looks odd." Shi Zi said.

"Whether I look odd or she does, it doesn't matter." Ye Chen replied.

"You've been here for a few days, are you adapting?"

"Hm, it's better than herding cows in the countryside. At least I don't have to worry about food, and I have a very nice yard. I don't have to worry about starving the next day."

"Then rest assured, you will definitely not starve here." Shi Zi said, "I heard you were alongside Zhan Ze, learning martial arts under the tutelage of He Weng. He is a very strict old man. He never told you to dig latrines, did he? Can you endure it?"

"Hmm, it's all right, tolerable, not really anything."

"Looks like you are quite adapted here."

"My vitality is very strong, and I can survive smoothly in any place."

"Do you like martial arts?"

"Can't really say I like it. Just want to learn something. If I don't learn something, my mother might just take me back to the countryside."

"What do you mean?"

"She rarely asks for help. This time she did because she had no other choice."

"Ask for help, you mean asking you to stay in Immortal City?"

"Hmm, I guess so."

"Aren't your mother and the Sect Leader martial siblings? Didn't you know that before?"

"Well, if we're being polite, he's my martial uncle, if we're not, he's nothing. I haven't known for very long, actually. I didn't know much about her past, I didn't even know who my father was."

"How is that possible?"

"I'm telling the truth, I didn't know what my father's name was."

"How can things like that happen?"

"It's true. She always said she would tell me when I grew up. The only thing I knew was that this Jade Ring was left to me by my father. Other than that, I knew nothing." Ye Chen took off the Jade Ring around his neck, and there seemed to be a faint dragon pattern on it.

Shi Zi said, "It doesn't seem that strange. But your mother does seem to be a bit peculiar."

"I thought so too." Ye Chen put the jade back around his neck, stood up, and continued, "You wanted to know what Zhan Ze has been up to, didn't you!"

"Where should we go?"

"Of course, to his courtyard to have a look." He led the way.

Shi Zi also stood up.

They headed for Yingyun Pavilion, where Zhan Ze resided. At the entrance, they could hear three people talking inside.

They were indeed there, things had been rearranged inside and it looked brand new. Red lanterns everywhere, with red papers stuck all over.

As soon as Shi Zi walked in, she asked, "Are you preparing a wedding room or what?"

Zhan Ze looked back and Hao Tian and Jing Xing were laughing.

"Going for a big show?"

Hao Tian said, "You're only coming now, should have come earlier to help."

Shi Zi replied, "You didn't ask for my help, why would I come?"

"Hehe, you still need others to ask you."

"How many people are you planning to invite?"

"Not planning on inviting many." Hao Tian replied, "Ye Chen said, the more people, the less chance to talk."

After hearing this, Shi Zi said, "Makes sense. Do you know when Yu Qing will arrive?"

They had cleared a space in the middle of the courtyard, moving everything to the sides.

Hao Tian said, "According to Young Master Ze's information, she should arrive tomorrow afternoon."

"Are you so sure?"

"Of course, our information is on point."

"I wonder if Hao Yu knows."

At her words, Zhan Ze choked, glanced at Hao Tian and Jing Xing, and said, "Tomorrow, you two keep an eye on that guy for me. After the afternoon, keep him busy, don't let him go to the city gate."

Upon hearing this, Hao Tian nodded.

"Oh, it seems like you've planned it quite well!" Shi Zi said.

Zhan Ze said, "At that time, the three of us will pick her up." He pointed at Ye Chen.

Shi Zi smiled and said, "When Hao Yu finds out and comes to see Yu Qing, you won't let him in, will you?"

"Yeah, we're not letting him in." Zhan Ze said.

At this, Shi Zi chuckled.

"I'll have someone to keep an eye on him."

"But Yu Qing certainly won't be staying here, right! How would she face others later?"

"We'll talk about that later." Zhan Ze said.

"What sort of activities do you have planned?"

"Barbecue, fireworks. If you have any good suggestions, feel free to speak up. And call Bi Chun over when the time comes." Zhan Ze asked, "How do I look?"

He shook his head.

"Not bad, like a groom who is getting married tomorrow." Shi Zi answered.

Upon hearing this, the rest of them laughed.

"What's so funny?" Zhan Ze once again glanced around and said, "Well, we're all hungry now, right? Let's have dinner. We'll all eat here tonight."

"We might as well have a barbecue." Shi Zi suggested.

"No, that's for tomorrow."

Shi Zi smirked at this.

Not long after, someone brought food in.

"With everything set up like this, it looks like a confession is happening tomorrow night. Yu Qing might even feel pressured when she walks in." Shi Zi remarked.

"It can't be as serious as you say." Zhan Ze replied.

"It's okay, you've put a lot of effort into this. I believe she'll be moved and might even agree to marry you right away."

Upon hearing this, Zhan Ze smiled faintly, seemingly pleased with this expectation.

Ye Chen was busy eating.

Zhan Ze seemed to let out a sigh of relief. The sky had unknowingly turned dark.

"It would be perfect if it rained tomorrow." Shi Zi joked.

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Zhan Ze retorted.

Hao Tian chuckled.

"Even the heavens couldn't bear to, after spending so many days preparing. If it rained, it'd indeed be devastating." Shi Zi continued.

"What kind of gift have you prepared?"

"Why should I tell you now?"

"Just be confident and bold tomorrow. Don't be shy." Shi Zi advised.

Not until it was completely dark, did Ye Chen say, "I should go back, or else my mother is going to come looking for me."

"She would actually come out to look for you?" Shi Zi asked.

"She might think I've forgotten to come back home." Ye Chen replied.

"Well, I should also go back." Shi Zi announced.

Hao Tian and Jing Xing also stood up one after another. Jing Xing said, "It's finally done. I'm tired. I need to go home, take a bath, and have a good rest."

Zhan Ze glanced at them and said, "Ye Chen, your place is closer to Shi Zi's. Can you take Shi Zi home on your way?"

Ye Chen nodded and said, "As long as you're not worried that I'll drag her into the woods." He winked at Jing Xing, indicating it was a joke.

Shi Zi, tipsy from the alcohol, snorted and giggled.