Chapter 17: Day and Night Reflection

Haotian and Jingxing had already come in from the outside.

Shizi said, "Hey, you two, you didn't bring the one person Zhan Ze least wants to see, did you?"

Jingxing said, "How could that be?"

"Has Yu Qing arrived?"

"Hehe, if she hadn't arrived would we have come back here?" Shizi said.

Seeing Qing'er, Haotian called out from far away: "Hey, my long-awaited sister Qing'er, finally arrived." This teasing was obviously intended for Zhan Ze.

Hearing this, Yu Qing replied, "Hehe, how much exactly have you missed me? I'm all ears."

"Hehe, so much. When I heard that you were coming, my heart couldn't stay calm. Nervous, thumping like crazy. I wished I could go straight to the Demon Palace to pick you up. You caused me anxiety and insomnia for three days," Haotian, of course, was saying this for the benefit of Young Master Ze, whose face had already turned red.

"Well then, come here, why don't you?" Qing'er was no fool; of course, she knew what Haotian meant.