Chapter 16: Because You Like It

Jiang Shizi and Yu Qing were the ones leading the way.

Yu Qing said, "Our Young Master Ze is very calm, I imagine there are so many girls in Immortal City who like him."

Zhan Ze responded with a faint smile.

Shizi said, "He is indeed very calm in front of us, but it's different when you're around. There are indeed many girls who like him, but in his heart, there is only you."

"If you say so, that puts a lot of pressure on me. I might become the target of everyone in Immortal City."

"So, you should hurry up and agree."

"Where are you planning to take me to? To your library to take a look, or..."

Shizi replied after hearing this, "You'll have to ask our Young Master Ze about that, he's in charge of your itinerary today."

Yu Qing chuckled, "Is it that mysterious?"

"It took several days of preparation, did you think I was lying to you?"

Zhan Ze said, "Let's go to my courtyard."

"What about my things?" Yu Qing asked.

"Ye Chen, can you help Luo Rui take all the stuff to my place, then head to Zhan Ze's courtyard." Shizi shouted.

"Alright, sure." Ye Chen responded.

"How have you been recently?" Shizi asked Yu Qing.

Yu Qing said, "Nothing has really changed, it's the same as usual."

"Well, we can't let you leave so soon on this trip."

"Are you really planning on keeping me in Immortal City?"

"We're considering it." Jiang Shizi glanced at Young Master Ze.

"Where are Haotian and Jinghang?"

Jiang Shizi explained, "They said they were afraid Qiao Haoyu would show up and take you away, so they're keeping an eye on him."

"Is that really necessary? Seems a bit exaggerated."

"That just shows how much Zhan Ze values your visit, he's been waiting for so long."

"Zhan Ze, how have you been lately? Made much progress in your martial arts?"

"Martial arts, don't make fun of me."

Listening to this, Yu Qing gave a small smile.

Shizi asked, "What do you usually do at home?"

"There's nothing really for me to do, just eating and sleeping." Yu Qing answered.

"Not so different from me, I was drunk just last night."

"Who got you drunk? It wouldn't be Zhan Ze, right?"

"He would only want to get you drunk."

"By the way, who was that boy earlier? I've never seen him before."

Jiang Shizi explained, "He just arrived, came here with his mother. His name is Ye Chen, and his mother is Young Master Ze's junior sister."

"No wonder I don't have any recollection of him. They say he's a servant, but it doesn't seem like it."

"He's from the countryside."

"Zhan Ze must be quite busy these days, preparing for the big martial arts competition?"

Zhan Ze said, "Stop using me as a joke, I'm lazier than you."

"You're just being modest."

"It's not modesty, it's the truth." Zhan Ze said.

Shizi asked, "Have things improved with your mother?"

Yu Qing made a sad face, shook her head, and seemed to not want to talk about it.

"Oh well, take it slow."

"It's not something time will fix, I came here to escape."

"You really have a way with words." Shizi then asked, "What about your relationship with your sister?"

"It's not bad."

"Great." Shizi said, "You are always welcomed here, stay as long as you want. If you're willing, you can even live in Young Master Ze's court."

"That's all you saying, look at Zhan Ze laughing." Yu Qing said.

"Nonsense, Zhan Ze is overwhelmed when he sees you."

"Zhan Ze, he is very calm."

"Well, he's calm when he's around us, but when you're there, that's another case. He even forgets how to speak. Haotian said he seems to be struck by lightning." Shizi continued, "If you hadn't come, he might have gone to the Demon Palace to find you."

"Alright, he's welcome to come."

"Did you hear that?" Shizi looked at Zhan Ze and asked, "Didn't you say you would arrive a couple of days ago?"

"A couple of days ago, my master had some business so we were delayed. We took a detour."

"This time you've come, you should enjoy yourself."

"I definitely won't be shy."

Around a corner and they arrived at Young Master Ze's residence, Yingyun Pavilion, where a servant was already waiting by the door.

"Looks like you all prepared quite grandly, you're not going to force me to marry tonight, are you?" Yu Qing jokingly remarked.

After hearing this, Shizi laughed and asked, "Would you agree to that?" As she spoke, she glanced at Zhan Ze who was laughing foolishly.

"I don't have such good fortune."

"You didn't answer me! If you dare to say yes, Young Master Ze would immediately take action."

Qing'er gave a slight smile.

Zhan Ze hurried to the front.

He led Yu Qing into the courtyard. The courtyard was the same as before, but it had been transformed after being dressed up.

Red doors and windows were decorated as if it were New Year. Flowers bloomed everywhere in a brilliant revamp. Large lanterns hung on the corners. The strong fragrance of various flowers wafted from the courtyard, forming a unique blend.

The stream flowed slowly.

"How is it? Not bad for a wedding yard, right?" Shizi said. Zhan Ze's face turned red.

"Hehe, this girl, always joking with me."

"Come in and have a cup of tea first." Zhan Ze took her to the pavilion; its windows were also brightly colored.

"We wanted to welcome you. Let's have a good time tonight. Are you moved?"

"Hmm, very beautiful with style."

"Then would you like to stay in this courtyard?" Shizi asked.

"Hehe, if so, I would really become a marked man. I'm sure Zhan Ze wouldn't treat me so cruelly."

"What do you mean marked man!"

"Stealing such a talented and desirable man, wouldn't that shatter many hearts?"

"Unfortunately, Zhan Ze doesn't like any of them, he only likes you."

"It's all you saying this. Look, Zhan Ze hasn't said anything."

"Zhan Ze, did you hear? Speak up and confess your love."

Young Master Ze's face turned even redder.

Yu Qing stood up and asked, "Can I walk around?"

The courtyard was quite large and couldn't be seen at one glance. There were rockeries, pavilions, and several trees. It was like a small garden.

"Hmm, you can take a look around." Zhan Ze continued, "I'll have someone prepare the food."

Unconsciously, it was dusk.

Soon, Ye chen came back with Luo Rui. Zhan Ze was busy while Shizi couldn't stand it and said, "Won't you go and keep her company? You're the main character. Leave these trivial matters to me and this monkey."

With Shizi's words, it dawned on Zhan Ze that there was indeed some truth in it.

"Quickly go! You always want to see her. Now that she's here, you're busy with trivial matters. You can't tell what's important."

Zhan Ze walked over, feeling a bit shy.

The setting sun dyed the western sky red and made the courtyard a rich purple color.

At this time, someone brought in something.

Luo Rui went to help while Ye Chen prepared tonight's barbecue in the courtyard. There were various delicious fruits and snacks on the table.

"Are you captivated?" Shizi, who had nothing to do, strolled over to Ye Chen, who was kindling fire nearby.

"It's okay, normal." Ye Chen replied calmly.

"Hehe, you sound so reluctant. Can't you say she's beautiful?"

"Whether I say she's beautiful or not, what's the use? The important one is Zhan Ze."

"I'm worried that you won't be calm."

"What's wrong with me? Do you honestly think I've never seen a woman before!"

"Right, Little Hua..." Shizi coldly guffawed and found a place to sit. Finally, she could catch her breath. That grilled sesame seed cake was long digested.

Shizi's words rendered Ye Chen speechless.

Zhan Ze walked around with Yu Qing, introducing her to the flowers that had been arranged. He knew Yu Qing loved flowers, so he bought many flowers with names he couldn't remember. He specially studied those flowers and their meanings with an old teacher for two days.

"I didn't expect that you would know so much." Yu Qing said.

Zhan Ze gave a silly smile and said, "In front of you, I must be showing off my skills."

"No, I'm telling the truth, there are many I have not seen." While saying this, she pointed out, "These three pots, I've never seen."

Upon hearing this, Zhan Ze became even more interested and continued the introduction.

Yu Qing was also willing to listen, her laughter rang out constantly.

Zhan Ze suddenly said, "Last time, you said your sister Guo Yuyun wanted to come to Immortal City. Why didn't you bring her?"

On hearing this, Yu Qing replied, "I think it's better not to bring her. You wouldn't be able to handle her antics."

"How is that possible?"

"She is not as obedient as me, who calmly stays put. She enjoys wandering and playing. No matter how fascinating the place is, she'll only be excited for a few days." Yu Qing explained her younger half-sister Yu Yun. Raised under the doting supervision of their grandmother, Yu Yun was famously wild.

Zhan Ze gave a slight smile.

"Everything I said is true. Many people wish they could stay far away from her, because normal people are often victims of her mischief. Not many people dare to approach her. I, as her sister, have no such choice."

"She's such a handful? Even you can't control her?"

"Hehe, she managing me sounds more like it."

"So she really is quite naughty." Zhan Ze then asked, "Doesn't your father manage her?"

"He can't. Nobody can control her."

"It sounds quite troublesome then."

"Yes, especially troublesome." Yu Qing continued, "So it's good she didn't come here. If she did, she would have surely made a mess of your place."

"Someday, I'd really like to meet her."

"Have you been especially interested in studying flowers and plants recently?"

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

"Of course, I want to hear the truth."

"Not really, but because you like them, I like them too."

"Hehe. You should do what you really like. Don't change your true self because of me."