Chapter 15: First Encounter with Guo Yuqing

The three of them walked towards the gate.

"You should drink less," Zhan Ze mentioned.

"I haven't drunk for a long time. I used to have a great tolerance," Shi Zi stated.

Ye Chen retorted, "It sounds to me like you're a complete alcoholic."

"You're the drunkard."

"Such a small person, talking as if they're a real tough guy."

"You've also had your fair share of drinks."

Hearing that, Zhan Ze added, "And got beaten up too."

"Beaten up, beaten up by whom?" Shi Zi asked, sounding puzzled.

"His mother."

"His mother hit him because he was drinking?"


"The family discipline of the innocent youth is really strict." Shi Zi continued munching on her grilled sesame seed cake.

Ye Chen defended himself, "If it weren't for you drenching me in alcohol, my mother wouldn't have noticed."

"So, it's my fault now."

"If not you, then who?" Ye Chen retorted.

"Hey, can you guys just stop arguing? Today is about picking someone up."

Ye Chen glanced at Shi Zi, her mouth slick with oil, and joked, "You say I'm the rube, but look at you. You have no table manners."

"That's none of your business." Shi Zi continued munching on her food.

"Better drink some water and wipe your mouth," Zhan Ze handed her a white handkerchief.

"Yu Qing would never guess we would come to greet her."

Before they realized, they had reached the city gate. Climbing up the gate tower, they could see far into the distance. The view from the tower was nice, offering a good spot for sightseeing.

The vast square was filled with grass sprouting out collectively. Ye Chen had heard about how the demons were defeated here and couldn't help but imagine the battle scene, asking, "Is it here where the people of the Demon Domain defeated the Dragon Slaying Clan thirteen years ago?"

Zhan Ze seemed surprised, "You know about the Dragon Slaying Clan?"

"Of course, I've heard some. It's such a huge matter. Who hasn't heard of it?"

"Yes, they indeed defeated Mutant Winged Dragon here."

"I heard that the reason they could defeat him was because there was a problem with the Dragon Slayer Sword."

"You heard, did you?"

"Was that what happened?" Ye Chen suddenly became intrigued.

Zhan Ze explained, "Yes, indeed. He brought the Dragon Slayer Sword, but it didn't exert its full power."

"What? What exactly happened?"

"An important component of the Dragon Slayer Sword was missing; hence, it didn't show its power."

"I understand that your father led the charge in defeating the Dragon Slaying Clan."

"It seems you are rather interested in what happened."

"Of course, who isn't? Everyone wants to know if things really happened that way." Ye Chen also asked, "By the way, are the Dragon Slaying Clan now all eliminated?"

Zhan Ze replied, "My father defeated them, and they fled out to sea."

"So some of them are still alive?"

"Um, yes, there are indeed some alive, but they are hiding now and dare not come out anymore."

Shi Zi was sitting on the city wall, seeming like she hadn't fully woken up yet.

Zhan Ze mentioned, "Miss, be careful. Don't doze off and get blown off by the wind."

Shi Zi smiled lightly, swinging her legs, "You're joking. How could the wind blow me off? Impossible."

The wind here was indeed rather strong.

Ye Chen laughed, "She's too heavy; the wind can't lift her."

A sudden kick came his way.

Ye Chen dodged it and moved to the other side.

Zhan Ze chuckled and said, "You two really pair well together."

"Pair up with him? I'm leaving now," Shi Zi shouted.

"Don't. I'll stop joking now."

Ye Chen also climbed up the city wall.

There were remains of past battles on the square, the city wall was more obvious.

"I told you we came too early but you didn't believe me," Shi Zi complained impatiently.

Zhan Ze replied, "No one can be precisely punctual. It's always better to be early."

"I'd say not just early, but much too early."

"Why don't you return and get more sleep?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen chuckled. There were some people guarding the city wall. Being here offered a panoramic view of most saw of the city's architecture - it made one understand that Immortal City was really quite large.

There were constantly people moving on the city wall; those were the city guard.

The weather was quite nice today.

Ye Chen was also feeling curious and started looking around.

"Have you prepared yourself mentally?" Shi Zi asked.

"What kind of mental preparation is necessary?" Zhan Ze asked back.


"You underestimate me."

"Let's hope it's as you say. If you can be as shameless as Hao Tian, it should be better."

"I'm not nervous." Zhan Ze waved his hands.

Ye Chen moved to the other side, scrutinizing the preparation above and below the gate tower.

"I think we should just place Yu Qing directly in your courtyard."

"How could that be possible." Zhan Ze countered.

Shi Zi smiled lightly and said, "Really want to, don't you?"

Zhan Ze smiled knowingly, aware that this girl loved to tease him.

Shi Zi continued, "I'll help you figure something out!"

"Immortal City is not lacking places to stay," Zhan Ze replied.

"Exactly. You can't force people to live in your courtyard. That's not justified," Shi Zi agreed.

"You could just help me take care of her then," Zhan Ze offered.

"I can't do that for you, you should take care of her yourself," Shi Zi replied.

Ye Chen suddenly shouted, "Isn't that the carriage we're waiting for?"

This distracted Shi Zi and Zhan Ze, and they both looked in that direction.

Zhan Ze was instantly on alert. The horseman in front was clearly Hu Nanyue. "Hurry, let's go," he said.

There were about forty people and a carriage, most of them on horseback.

They descended from the city wall, with Zhan Ze running the fastest.

It seemed Jiang Ouyang also knew Hu Nanyue and his team were coming. They hadn't got off the city wall when another group of people, led by Jiang Ouyang, came out from inside the city.

Upon seeing this, Shi Zi contemplated hiding.

Jiang Ouyang spotted her immediately, hollering, "Little girl, are you trying to hide?"

"Father," Shi Zi lowered her head.

"Why aren't you in the reading hall? What are you doing here?" he questioned.

"I came to welcome the disciples from the Demon Palace," she replied.

"And you think you need to do that?" he probed further.

"Of course, I am not here to welcome Uncle Hu, I am here to welcome Yu Qing and the others," she clarified.

Zhan Ze quickly interjected, "It was me who invited her out. We came together to welcome Yu Qing."

Jiang Ouyang eyed Shi Zi and said, "I heard you were drinking last night."

"Who said that? Isn't true! I should tear the mouth of the rumor spreader," she retorted.

Jiang Ouyang gave her a once-over. Seeing that Shi Zi was acting lively, he advised, "Don't pick up the bad habits, only the good."

"Don't worry. I'm daddy's good girl. How could I possibly pick up bad habits?" she replied.

Ye Chen on the side chuckled coldly under his breath.

Shi Zi gently kicked Ye Chen, prompting him to immediately quiet down.

A call came from the other side, "Uncle Hu and his entourage have arrived!"

Jiang Ouyang quickly greeted them at the city gate upon hearing this, "Brother Hu, it's been a while."

"Brother Jiang, you've been waiting here for me?" Hu Nanyue dismounted from his horse.

"Hmm, was your journey smooth?"

"Can't complain, we didn't encounter any obstacles. It was a smooth ride," Hu Nanyue confirmed.

"It's been a while," Jiang Ouyang noted.

"Should be about six months," Hu Nanyue estimated, then called out, "Okay, everyone, dismount."

The disciples promptly got down from their horses.

Zhan Ze and Shi Zi ran towards the only carriage in sight. Luo Rui called out, "We've arrived!"

The carriage had already stopped, and a girl was the first to get off. She pulled aside the curtain.

Shi Zi shouted out, "Not willing to get off yet?"

Ye Chen followed behind them.

From inside emerged a girl dressed in purple and white, with big eyes, long eyelashes, a small nose, and skin as flawless and smooth as jade. She carefully stepped out of the carriage, took a jump and landed below. Zhan Ze rushed up to her, worried that she might fall.

"The carriage ride was so bumpy, I thought I was going to throw up. I even started doubting if I'm pregnant!" The speaker was none other than Guo Yuqing. Her enchanting smile could bewitch anyone. A true fairy, impossible to forget for a lifetime.

Her bewitching aura made her the center of attention in any crowd. It was indeed drool-worthy.

"Haha, mountain roads are always like this, you must have not been out in a long while," Shi Zi noted.

"I should've ridden a horse, that would have made the trip less uncomfortable," Yu Qing mused.

Zhan Ze, standing before her, blushed. He was undoubtedly thunderstruck.

Yu Qing quickly greeted Zhan Ze, looked around, and said, "Finally, we're here."

"This time, I won't let you leave easily," Shi Zi warned playfully.

"Haha, what? Are you planning to kidnap me to Immortal City and not allow me to return?" Yu Qing joked.

"That would depends on what Zhan Ze thinks," Shi Zi countered.

"Zhan Ze wouldn't impose like that. When has Immortal City forced anyone?" Yu Qing's eyes met Zhan Ze's as she asked, "Aren't you supposed to go study in the reading hall?"

"What could be more important than welcoming you right now?" Shi Zi looked at Zhan Ze and added, "We have been anxiously waiting for your arrival, like looking forward to the stars and the moon."

"Isn't that a bit exaggerated?" Yu Qing laughed.

"Not at all. Isn't that right, Zhan Ze?"

Zhan Ze, blushing awkwardly, said, "Let's go in, shall we?"

Yu Qing called over Luo Rui to bring their belongings.

Zhan Ze quickly asked Ye Chen to help.

On the other side, Jiang Ouyang was urging, "Everyone must be tired. Let's go inside," intending to lead Hu Nanyue into the main hall.

Yu Qing called out, "Uncle Hu, I won't be joining you in the main hall."

Hu Nanyue glanced at Qing'er and nodded in understanding, "Alright then."

Shi Zi added, "I'll arrange for the two of them to stay in my courtyard."

With a nod from Hu Nanyue, he led his group into the main hall under Jiang Ouyang's guidance.

Ye Chen helped Luo Rui unload their belongings from the carriage, and the carriage was left with the people at the city gate.

A delightful laughter spread out into the air, making it seem as if something sweet had been tasted.

"Before you even arrived, our Young Master Ze was unable to sleep for several nights," Shi Zi divulged.

"Haha, you're exaggerating," Yu Qing laughed.

"Not at all. He has been preparing for your arrival for several days," Shi Zi insisted.

"You always enjoy teasing me with such jokes," Yu Qing remarked.