Chapter 33: Fate Begins with the Enemy

Night had fallen.

Ren Haotian brought the news of Yuqing's disappearance back to Immortal City and informed Su Hong, who immediately took fifty to sixty people up the mountain to search.

Haotian found Zhan Ze, who was searching for Yuqing at the back of the mountain.

"You guys are here." Zhan Ze looked very anxious.

Haotian asked, "Any news?"

Zhan Ze shook his head, "Does my father know about this too?"

"Yes, he brought fifty to sixty people. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

How could Zhan Ze possibly not worry? He asked, "Did you run into Ye Chen up on the mountain peak?"

"Ye Chen? Was Ye Chen up there?"

"Didn't you see Ye Chen when you came? I had him wait up there, in case Qing'er came back and couldn't find us, so I left him there."

"I didn't see him." Haotian became puzzled.

"How could that be? That's impossible." Su Zhanze was also confused.

"We indeed did not see Ye Chen."

Zhan Ze's eyes widened with shock, his mind raced, unwilling to believe this.