Chapter 33: Fate Begins with the Enemy_2

"What a fantasy, I'm not so crazy to fantasize about a wife."

"I heard your mother is very strict and you have a tendency towards violence. Did she beat you too often? Do you often use this method to numb yourself?" She heard from Young Master Ze that his mother often beat him with a ruler.

"It's not as bad as you say, my mom doesn't have a tendency towards violence."

"You don't even know who your father is, yet you still take your mother's last name. Did your father run off with someone?" Yu Qing asked curiously.

Ye Chen felt a bit cold, threw a handful of firewood into the fire, and sneered, "You seem very interested in my business." He hadn't expected her to know even this in just a few days. It must be true that there are no secrets in Immortal City.

"I just wanted to ask."

"Are you looking down on a country bumpkin who's scared of his mother? Do you think I'm totally useless?"