Chapter 58: Who is the bumpkin's father?

Why is it like this? He had handed his entire heart over to her. Why would she say such things about him, accusing him of being impulsive, acting without considering the consequences, being a child who doesn't understand anything?

The more he thought about it, the more unfair it seemed, how could she treat him this way?

Shi Zi had arrived at the Yingyun Pavilion earlier, with some others in tow. They didn't find Zhan Ze, but they did encounter Jingxing and Haotian. So, Shi Zi had no choice but to tell them what had happened, "Last night, Ye Chen was attacked. This morning, Yu Qing sent some anti-bruise medicine to Ye Chen and this mistake led me to misunderstand Zhan Ze's intentions. Later on, Yu Qing admitted to Zhan Ze that she likes Ye Chen."

"Did Yu Qing really tell Zhan Ze that she likes Ye Chen?" Haotian asked.

"Yes, that's what happened." Shi Zi started to get anxious, saying, "Ah, let's not worry about this right now, we should try to find Zhan Ze first."