Chapter 59: The Mystery of One's Origin

In that moment, Su Zhanze gave a shudder, as if he was stuck in a nightmare.

The plump little girl then said: "It could be true, otherwise why would he be so obsessed, searching for thirteen years, insisting on finding him, and when he found him, he cared for him exceptionally well, sending Ye Chen over to practice martial arts with his own son."

"It could be that way, otherwise why wouldn't Ye Xue admit who the real father of her son is, letting her son carry her surname. It's highly possible he is Su Hong's second son." The tall girl spoke.

"No wonder this country bumpkin fears nothing, he probably knew all along, just kept it to himself. Thirteen years ago, when the two were in love, this kid, then thirteen, could well be Su Hong's seed. Otherwise why would he be so torn back then."

"If that's the case, then Feng Nianmei and her son are in the dark."

"It must be, if Feng Nianmei were to find out, there would be hell to pay."