Chapter 280: Ye Chen's Doubt

A nightmare jolted Ye Chen awake, proving the saying that what men think during the day, they dream of at night.

Ye Chen had been puzzling over something all last night and could not figure it out. He just felt that something was off.

He woke up to a foggy morning in the valley. The darkness had made visibility difficult the previous night, but he could finally observe his surroundings somewhat clearly now, even through the dense fog.

Some disciples were already up, preparing their morning meals. The otherwise silent mountain started bustling when some animals started to emerge from the woods.

Jiang Zhuge walked up to him and asked, "Ye Chen, did you sleep well?"

"I had a nightmare where someone was attacking Wasteland City," Ye Chen replied.

Kong Sha chuckled lightly and responded, "That's unlikely. You're probably just too anxious. I'm sure Wasteland City is the safest place right now."

Ye Chen feigned a smile and said, "Perhaps." He then stood up and got ready.