Chapter 279: Falling into Someone Else's Plan

"Enough with the chatter," the Zen Master said, "the New City Sect will attempt to cross here. At that time, Shen Li and Elder Xi Feng, you will lead a team of three hundred and fifty to hold this position. If they realize something has happened in Wasteland City, they will surely wish to return. Your job is to intercept them and prevent them from doing so." He kept pointing on the map as he spoke.

"Can three hundred and fifty people hold them back?" Shen Li asked.

"It will be challenging but if we move too many of our forces now, it becomes obvious. For now, we have to make do with three hundred and fifty. In the meantime, we will be following closely and support you when necessary. With our combined efforts, we should be able to hold them off for a while," said the Zen Master.

"What if Yuan Menhai learns of the New City Sect's predicament, would he offer to help them? Would they join forces against us?"