Chapter 372: Life and Death in the Immortal City

Ye Chen sent a message by carrier pigeon to Ren Xiongbei, informing him that the Zen Master had already departed for Immortal City and expressing his concerns.

Ren Xiongbei quickly summoned Zhan Ze and others for a discussion.

Ren Haotian said, "This guy must be paranoid. We just learned that everything is fine in Immortal City. I think the Dragon Slaying Clan is exploiting his paranoia and purposely setting this up to lure us back to Immortal City, to trap Elder Qiao and the others."

Ren Xiongbei glanced at Zhan Ze and asked, "Zhan Ze, what do you think?"

Zhan Ze said, "What Haotian said makes some sense. It might be intentional. Whether the Zen Master really went to Immortal City or not, they like to play such deceptive games - panic us into returning to Immortal City, thereby scattering our forces, it's possible.