Chapter 373: Tonight Is Farewell

Speaking now, Ren Xiongbei would be pointless. The only option was to rush back to Immortal City. However, night had already fallen, and distress signals from the city were constantly pouring in. Even if they possessed wings, it would be impossible to fly back that quickly.

Haotian could only pray, "I believe that with Zhan Ze's father there, they must be able to hold out. Surely they can hold out for two or three days."

He could only deceive himself like this.

In order to gain as much time as possible, apart from eating and resting, Ye Chen and the others used most of their time on the road. They knew Immortal City was in dire straits.

Li Mo chuckled coldly, "They should learn their lesson. Otherwise, these people will always believe that we are overreacting. They think we are only trying to scare them and that it will harm them."