Chapter 461: Estrangement

The next day at noon, the weather was somewhat hot.

Ling'er and Mu Wanlan were sitting in a horse carriage, they did not enter the Unnamed City.

Ling'er asked, "There were no tails following us, right?"

Ming Qi replied, "None."

"I'm warning you, don't contact him." That's what Wei Yiling said, but she was actually conflicted at heart.

Ming Qi nodded and then asked, "Where are we headed?"

"There's a small town ahead. If everything goes smoothly, we should be able to rest there tonight. We can then take time to plan where to go next." Ling'er herself did not have a clear plan when they set out.

Mu Wanlan was constantly glimpsing back, as if she was afraid that monkey really didn't follow and just stayed in Demon Palace City. She muttered, "That damn monkey, he might have taken the easy way out and stayed in Demon Palace City, and given up the chase."

Ling'er caught some of it and exclaimed, "What are you muttering to yourself?"