Chapter 462: Closed-Door Meditation

After dinner, he sent Ling'er back to her room. The place was finally quiet, and Ye Chen could finally let out a sigh of relief. He saw Mu Wanlan coming out with a wooden tray to draw water.

Ye Chen stopped her immediately, calling out, "Mu Wanlan, come here."

Mu Wanlan replied, "Don't reproach me anymore, I know I was wrong."

"You realize you were wrong? What on earth were you thinking?" Ye Chen asked.

"What could I have thought?"

"Are you unaware of how distressed Ling'er is? Do you not want her and I to be together?"

Wanlan lifted her head and said, "I certainly hope for you two to be together."

"Then why, if you hope for us to be together, would you do something like this?" Ye Chen said.

"I have already admitted that I was wrong."

"Ling'er is troubled and you should have accompanied her instead of causing trouble for me. You should have helped me to intervene, do you understand?"

"I understand."

"Don't get upset later, accusing me of abandoning your master."