Chapter 641: Did the Fiance Go and Kiss Someone Else?

Upon hearing the words of the childish Red Demonic Spirit, Guo Yuyun couldn't help but to laugh, saying, "No one but you has more experience with being on the brink of disaster!"

"I don't have any experience, absolutely none up my sleeve," the Red Demonic Spirit grumbled childishly.

"Hey, don't say that. In this regard, no one has as much experience as you. You've been through the explosion of the Demon God without being blown to bits. You're invincible!"

Red Demonic Spirit pursed his lips and said, "Don't try to butter me up. I'm not that naive. Do you think I'm always lucky enough to escape? Living on the edge like this, one day it will surely backfire. You should hurry up and equip your husband-to-be with an armor to protect his vitals, so he can pass on the lineage in the future."

Guo Yuyun couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the Red Demonic Spirit lounging on a tree.